English 5 Class PPT January 24

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Dita Elementary School

January 24, 2023
Welcome to our CLASS!

• Distinguish text-types according to
classify oror describerecallrecall
series ofof eventsexplain,
events, explain
• Identify text-types according to purpose:
classify oror
classify describe,
eventsexplain, and persuade.
explain persuade
Dita Elementary School

January 24, 2023
2. e_plain - clarify; describe
3. c_assify - categorize; organize
4. pe_suade - convince; encourage; influence

1. re_all - remember



2. e_plain - clarify; describe
3. c_assify - categorize; organize
4. pe_suade - convince; encourage; influence

1. re_all - remember
Vocabulary Development

Fill in the blanks with the missing letters to identify the words based from the
synonyms given.
1. e_plain - clarify; describe _______________
2. pe_suade - convince; encourage; influence _______________
3. c_assify - categorize; organize _______________
4. re_all - remember _______________
A t_xt is a piece of writing that you
read or create. Texts are written for a
variety of purposes, using different
forms and standards of composition.
These forms of writing are known as
t_xt ty_es.
A t_xttextis a piece of writing that you
read or create. Texts are written for a
variety of purposes, using different
forms and standards of composition.
These forms of writing are known as
t_xt types.
text types
Dita Elementary School

January 24, 2023
Text-types according
to purpose
classify or describe
recall series of events
Text-types according
to purpose
classify or describe
recall series of events
January 24, 2023

Dita Elementary School

Weather is the continuous changing
conditions of air around us. These
changes can take many different forms,
including wind, rain, and snow. They
influence how people live every day.
When it rains or snows, many people are
often forced to stay indoors. Weather
also affects one’s choice of clothes. One
wears light clothes when the weather is
hot and thick close-fitting clothes when
it is cold.
Source: Joy in Learning 5 pg. 133
Weather is the continuous changing
conditions of air around us. These changes

Purpose of the text:

can take many different forms, including
wind, rain, and snow. They influence how
people live every day. When it rains or
classify or describe
snows, many people are often forced to stay
indoors. Weather also affects one’s choice of
clothes. One wears light clothes when the
weather is hot and thick close-fitting clothes
when it is cold. Source: Joy in Learning 5 pg. 133
Purpose of the text:
classify or describe
It gives factual information about people,
animals, things, or phenomenon. It begins
with a general classification or definition,
then a list a sequence of related information
about the topic and ends with a concluding
Purpose of the text:
classify or describe
It gives factual information about people, animals, things,
or phenomenon. It begins with a general classification or
definition, then a list a sequence of related information
about the topic and ends with a concluding comment.

Sample topic:
The COVID 19 Vaccine
A text which tells a recount is used
for the purpose of recalling a
series of events. It usually
precedes explanation sequence –
a series of events explaining
how/why something occurs.
Sample topic:
The Spread of COVID 19
in the Philippines
A factual text type that explains how
or why something happens is an
explanation. Its purpose is to
explain to the readers how or why
something happens. It begins with
the topic, describes items related to
the topic in the right order, and
Sample topic: explains how these items are
Why do people related to each other. It may have a
need to wear face
shield and conclusion. This text type is written
masks? in the present tense.
To present a point of view and seek to
persuade a reader is a persuasive text.
The author wants you to buy or believe
something. These are usually used to
convince people to agree on certain issues
or to go with the side of the author or
writer. Readers sometimes change their
views about someone or something after
reading some powerful persuasive texts.
Sample topic: Government leaders must be the
first to be vaccinated.
Text-types according
to purpose
classify or describe
recall series of events
January 24, 2023

Dita Elementary School

Practice Task 1:

Identifying Text-
Types According
to Purpose
Directions: Read the Thunder is caused by the sudden heating
paragraph and
identify its text-type.
and expanding of the air, followed by a
Write classify or rapid cooling and contraction when
describe, recall lightning flashes. This causes the air to
series of events, vibrate. The rumbling sound comes from
explain, or persuade echoes rebounding from the Earth’s surface
on your paper. or from clouds. A long roll of thunder occurs

because the sound from different parts of
the electrical discharge reaches the
observer at different times.

Text-type purpose:

Directions: Read the When you blow out the candles on a
paragraph and birthday cake you are following a custom
identify its text-type. created by the ancient Greeks. On the sixth
Write classify or day of each month, the birthday of Artemis
describe, recall
(goddess of the hunt), the ancient Greeks made
series of events,
explain, or persuade a honey cake topped with burning candles in
on the blank her honor. As each candle was extinguished,

provided. the people prayed to the goddess for a present.
In the same way a person who blows out all the
candles on a birthday cake, it is believed he/she
will have a wish granted.

Text-type purpose:
Directions: Read the The color of a person’s skin depends
paragraph and
identify its text-type.
upon the amount of melanin it
Write classify or contains. This is a brown substance
describe, recall present in everyone’s skin. Ultra-violet
series of events,
rays in the sunlight cause the skin to
explain, or persuade
on the blank produce more melanin, and this is why

provided. people in hot climates have a darker
skin, than those who live in cooler
areas of the world.

Text-type purpose:
Directions: Read the First, she gathered the flowers. Next,
paragraph and
identify its text-type.
she instructed a boy to empty the
Write classify or trash can. Others were asked the
describe, recall favor of a janitor to cut a good branch
series of events, of a tree behind the building and let
explain, or persuade
on the blank him clean it. After everything was

provided. ready, she covered the branches with
green crepe paper and let it stand
supported by the pebbles in the can.

Text-type purpose:
Directions: Read the Have you ever planted a tree? Well, if not,
paragraph and you must plant one right now. And, if you
identify its text-type. have already planted one, you should start
Write classify or planting more. Trees give us fresh air, food,
describe, recall
and shelter. They also prevent floods and
series of events,
explain, or persuade landslides. They also serve as habitats for
on the blank some animals in the wild. There are

provided. countless benefits that we get from trees.
So, what are you waiting for? Let’s keep
our surroundings beautiful and bountiful.
Plant some trees now!

Text-type purpose:

January 24, 2023

Dita Elementary School

Practice Task 2:

Distinguishing Text-
Types According to
Directions: Read the short story below and distinguish its text-type. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

The grade 5 pupils of Miss Lee went on a picnic in the

park. Mathew brought a box of banana fritters. Rina
had a loaf of tuna sandwich. Gavin and Nilo bought
several packs of buko juice. Magi’s mother cooked
pancit for the class. Everybody was excited. The
Class had fun together. They had games and prizes.

a. recall a series of events
b. describe
c. explain
d. persuade
Directions: Read the short story below and distinguish its text-type. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

An old farmer once lived with his wife in a hut near the
farm in a small village. The villagers loved them
because they were kind and helpful. They were always
willing and ready to extend help for those in need. The
villagers were happy and grateful for having such
lovely neighbors.

a. recall a series of events
b. describe
c. explain
d. persuade
Directions: Read the short story below and distinguish its text-type. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

There are many tourist spots in Albay namely, the

Majestic Mayon Volcano, Cagsawa Ruins, Mayon
Skyline, Lignon Hill, Misibis Bay Resort, Japanese
Tunnel located at Camalig, and Kawa-kawa Hill. Come
visit Albay where you can have fun, relax, and enjoy
the beautiful sceneries of the place!

a. recall a series of events
b. describe
c. explain
d. persuade
Directions: Read the short story below and distinguish its text-type. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

People often say that Health is Wealth. Well, it truly is.

So, here’s how you can achieve a healthier mind and
body for a better life: First, choose the right kinds of
food. Eat more fruits and vegetables instead of
processed ones. Second, exercise daily. A five-minute
walk or even a couple of household chores will surely
help. And third, be more stress-free by developing

a. recall a series of events
b. describe
c. explain
d. persuade
Directions: Read the short story below and distinguish its text-type. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Dogs are man’s best buddies. They are known to be

loyal companions. They tend to keep us protected
from strange things around us. Because of their
cuddly nature, dog lovers consider them their stress
relievers. Surely, dogs bring happiness to mankind.

a. recall a series of events
b. describe
c. explain
d. persuade
January 24, 2023

Dita Elementary School

Analyzing Text-Types
Directions: Read and understand the texts. Answer the question that follow:

It was Saturday morning. Mel and Mia helped their

mother sell fruits and vegetables at the market. Mel 1
arranged the fruits. Mia cleaned the store. Their
parents picked up the vegetables in the truck and
placed them in the fruits and vegetables stand. The
children went home happy for what they did.

Make a list of the things Mel and Mia did to help their

What text type is shown in this activity?

Directions: Read and understand the texts. Answer the question that follow:

Martina woke up early. She is too 2

excited for her birthday. She went to
the market to buy things for her
birthday. She makes a wish and
blows her candle. She enjoys
playing with her invited friends.
Martina had fun at her birthday
celebration and thanked her parents.

What text type is shown in this paragraph?

Directions: Read and understand the texts. Answer the question that follow:

The coconut tree is a fruit- 3

bearing tree. It gives us food,
refreshing juice, cooking oil,
lumber, charcoal, and crafts.
Coconut is considered the tree of
life because of its importance
and uses.
What text type is shown in this paragraph?
Directions: Read and understand the texts. Answer the question that follow:

Legazpi City is one of the most visited places

in the province of Albay. It is hailed as “The
City of fun and adventure”. It is considered
the most livable city in the Bicol Region
because of its tourist spots and business
establishments. Because of these
achievements, the city received a lot of
National awards. The Local Government
worked hard for the continuous improvement
of the place to maintain the achievements.
Come and enjoy the beauty of the City.
What text type is shown in this paragraph?
Directions: Read and understand the texts. Answer the question that follow:

Whole-year round typhoons occur. It is always good

to prepare for the coming of any typhoon as 5
predicted. First and foremost, inspect your house, if
necessary, repair or fixing is needed. With this,
cleaning up the house drainage system is a must to
avoid clogging up. Next, store an adequate supply of
food and water good for a few days. Everything in
the house should be put in an elevated position,
especially those items that generate electricity.
Water should not penetrate into them in case
floodwater rushes into your house. Lastly, always
keep flashlights, candles, batteries, and first aid
What text type is shown in this paragraph?
January 24, 2023

Dita Elementary School

What You Have Learned

Texts are written for various purposes:

• to cl_s_ify
• to r_call
e se_ies
r of ev_nts
• to ex_lain
• to per_uade

Read each short text. Identify
its purpose as to describe,
recall series of events,
explain, and persuade.
Directions: Read each short text. Identify its purpose as to describe, recall series of
events, explain, and persuade.

1. Sleeping is a form of relaxation. It recharges our tired bodies. Getting enough sleep is
good for our mental and physical health.
Text type: EXPLAIN
2. Sampaguita is a small and white fragrant flower. It is a seedless flower and
symbolizes purity and it is our national flower.
Text type: DESCRIBE
3. Modular Distance Learning is one platform provided by the Department of Education
to continuously cater the learner's needs in education despite the pandemic. Self-
Learning Modules (SLMs) provides avenue for learning in lieu of the teachers.
Text type: EXPLAIN
4. Cagsawa Ruins is a historical place located in the province of Albay and is one of the
most popular tourist destinations. It is believed that the remains were from the church
which had been damaged by the eruption of Mt. Mayon. Tourists enjoy this scenic
beauty as they take ATV rides, and picnics with their family. You surely wouldn’t want
to miss such a beautiful disaster!
Text type: PERSUADE
5. Trees hold the soil with their roots. Without trees, soil would be washed away by the
rain. The trees play an important role in the conservation of the soil. Decayed leaves,
twigs and branches make the soil rich. Rich soil helps farmers produce more.
Text type: EXPLAIN
January 24, 2023

Dita Elementary School

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