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A. Modern Art
B. Art Style from the Various Art
C. Principles of Art
D. Process
E. Modern Arts And Artist of the
Philippines and Other Countrie
Modern Art
 existin the 20th and 21st
century, practically every
industry, businesses, schools
in the world require the skills
and imagination of an artist.
Modern technologies have helped the artists improve
their techniques

Many modern equipment that have been

 Overhead projector
 Duplicating machine
 Laser scanners
 Computer lasers
 Thermal and electrostatic photocopiers
 Digital cameras
1. Impressionism - style of representational art
that did not necessarily rely o realistic
-“ not finished painting”

Edouard Manet, Camille

Pissaro, Edgar Degas, Alfred Sisley,
Claude Monet, Berthe Morisot and
Pierre Auguste Renoir
 Pointillism - involved the used of many small
dots of color to give a painting a greater
sense of vibrancy when seen from a distance
the theory for these called Divisionism.
( Seurat)
 Fauvism – movement of rebellion against the

rigid realism of academic art ( Paul Gauguin )

 Cubism – introduce 1906 and 1914 mean as

new art movement utilized geometrical forms

arrangement, to represent what seen.( Paul
 Dadaism – is meaningless and this was given to an
international “anti-art” movement that flourished
from 1915-1922 their center of activity is at
Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich

 Surrealism- was an art movement that sought to

link the world of dreams with real life.(Salvador

 Social Realism- means allied with social

consciousness characterized the artist’s works also
dealt with social problem such as urbanism etc..
(Clemente Orosco)
 Abstract Art- is an art that does not
have a definable focus.
 Realistic Art- is an art that aims to

replicate nature
 Abstract Realism- is a form of art that

sits between realistic depiction of the

world and nonrepresentational
Leaders: Jackson Pollock, Franz Kline and
William de Kooning
 Pop Art –art of popular culture and it was a
visual art movement that characterized a
sense of optimism during the post war
consumer boom of 1950’s and 1960’s
personified by Elvis and Beatles

 Op Art(also known as optical art) – is a style

of visual art that make use of optical illusion.
(Josef Albers and Victor Vasarely)
 Performance Art- is a performance presented to an
audience, traditionally interdisciplinary.
Performance may either scripted or unscripted;
random or carefully orchestrated; spontaneous or
otherwise carefully planned with or without
audience presentation

 Happening – is a from of avant-grade art, a type of

creative expression, closely associated with
perfromace art (Allan Kaprow 1950’s)

 Flash Mob – is a group of peaople who assemble

suddenly in a public place and perform an unsual
and seemingly pointless act for a short time, before
quickly dispersing.
 Rhythm
 Movement
 Balance
 Emphasis
 Harmony
 Variety
 Unity
 Proportion
Modern Arts and Artists of the
Philippines and Other Countries
 Victorio Edades
 Vicente Manansala
 Hernando Ocampo
 Cezar Legaspi
 Carlos “Botong” Francisco
 Galo Ocampo
 Romeo Tabuena
Modern Art in Philippines
 Father of Modern Art – Victorio C. Edades
 Ocampo and Fernando Amorsolo (Triumvirate

of Modern Art Philippines)

 Illuminated landscape by Amorsolo

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