Lec 2 BBA1 Sunday

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Lecture 2

Business Mathematics and


Dr. Muhammad Arif Hussain

Today’s Topics

• Rectangular Coordinates System

• Solving first-degree equations in more than
one variable
Rectangular Coordinates System
A Relation can be represented by a set of ordered
pairs of the form (x,y)

Quadrant II Quadrant I
X<0, y>0 X>0, y>0

Origin (0,0)

Quadrant III Quadrant IV

X<0, y<0 X>0, y<0
Graphing Points
• Given the ordered pairs: (-
3,3), (1,-2), (1,1), (4,4)
• Plot the points



distance: the length of a segment between two


Use the number line to find QR.

Answer: 3

Find the distance between points A and B.

12 B(7, 8)
AB= 13 u
A(-5, 3)

Find the distance between points A and B.

R(-5, 8)

RS = 19.2 u

15 S(10, -4)
Distance Formula
If P(x1, y1) and Q(x2, y2) are any two points, then the
distance between them can be found with the formula:

2 2
d = (x 2 - x 1 ) + (y 2 - y 1 )

Find the distance between points A and B.

AB= 15
(-3, 7)

(9, -2) B

Find the distance between A(–3, 4) and M(1, 2).

1. 4

2. 3.5

3. 4.5

4. 2.4

Use the number line to find the midpoint of AX.


Midpoint Formula
• The midpoint of the line segment from
A(x1, y1) to B(x2, y2) is:

 x1  x2 y1  y 2 
 2 , 2 
 
Finding the Midpoint
• The midpoint of the line segment that joins
the points (–2, 5) and (4, 9) is

 2  4 5  9 
 2 , 2   1, 7 
 
Evaluating Functions

• An ordered pair is a solution if the equation is

true when the values of x & y are substituted
into the equation.

• Ex: (2,-3) is a solution of y=2x-7 because:

• -3 = 2(2) – 7
• -3 = 4 – 7
• -3 = -3
Graph using x and y intercepts
2x – 3y = -12
2x = -12 6

x = -6 B: ( 0 , 4 )

(-6, 0)

y-intercept A: ( -6 , 0 )
-3y = -12 -10 A -5

y=4 -2

(0, 4)
Graph: y = x + 1
Step 1 Step2:
Table of values
P. 36
Example:2 (Production Possibilities) A company manufactures two different products. For the
coming week 120 hours of labor are available for manufacturing the two products. Work hours
can be allocated for production of either product. In addition, since both products generate a
good profit, management is interested in using all 120 hours during the week. Each unit
produced of product A requires 3 hours of labor and each unit of product B requires 2.5 hours.

(a) Define an equation which states that total work hours used for purchasing x units of
product A and y units of product B equal 120.
(b) How many units of product A can be purchased if 30 units of product B are produced?
(c) If management decides to purchase one product only, what is the maximum quantity
which can be produced of product A? The maximum of product B?

(a) Define: x = # of units of product A

y = # of units of product B

Required equation: 3x + 2.5y = 120

Sol. (contd.)
(b) If 30 units of product B are produced, then y = 30. Therefore,

3x + 2.5 (30) = 120

x = 15

(c) For maximum units of product A, put y = 0. Therefore,

3x + 2.5 (0) = 120

x = 40

For maximum units of product B, put x = 0. Therefore,

3(0) + 2.5 (y) = 120

y= 48
Ex. 2.1 (P. 40)
Q. 20

Rework Example:2 if product A requires 2 hours per unit, and product B requires 4 hours
per unit.

(a) Define an equation which states that total work hours used for purchasing x units of
product A and y units of product B equal 120.
(b) How many units of product A can be purchased if 30 units of product B are produced?
(c) If management decides to purchase one product only, what is the maximum quantity
which can be produced of product A? The maximum of product B?

(a) New equation will be ax + by = 120


Ex. 2.1 (P. 40)
Q. 24
• (Product Mix) A company manufactures two products A and B.
Each unit of A requires 3 labor hours and each unit of B requires
5 labor hours. Daily manufacturing capacity is 150 labor hours.
• (a) If x units of product A and y units of product B are
manufactured each day and all labor hours are to be used,
determine the linear equation that requires the use of 150 labor
hours per day.
• (b) How many units of A can be made each day if 25 units of B are
manufactured each day?
• (c) How many units of A can be made each week if 12 units of B
are manufactured each day? (Assume a 5-day work week)


Ex. 2.1 (P. 40)
Q. 25
(Nutrition Planning) A dietitian is considering three food types to be served at a meal.
She is particularly concerned with the amount of one vitamin provided at this meal.
One ounce of food 1 provides 8 milligrams of the vitamin; an ounce of food 2 provides
24 milligrams; and an ounce of food 3 provides 16 milligrams, the minimum daily
requirement (MDR) for the vitamin is 120 milligrams.
(a) If xj equals the number of ounces of food type j served at the meal, determine the
equation which ensures that the meal satisfies the MDR exactly.
(b) If only one of the three food types is to be included in the meal, how much would
have to be served (in each of the three possible cases) to satisfy the MDR?

(a) 8 x1 + 24 x2 + 16 x3 = 120

Linear equation with n variables

A linear equation involving n variables x1, x2, . . . , xn has
the general form
a1 x1 + a2 x2+ . . . + an xn = b
a1 , a2 , an. b are constatnts.
Ex. 2.1 (P. 40)
Q. 28
(Personnel Hiring) A software consulting firm has received a large contract to develop a
new airline reservation system for major airline. In order to fulfill the contract, new
hiring of programmer analysts, senior programmer analysts, and software engineers will
be required. Each programmer analyst position will cost $40,000 in salary and benefits.
Each senior programmer analyst position will cost $50,000 and each software engineer
position $60,000. The airline has budgeted $1.2 million per year for the new hirings. If
xj equals the number of persons hired for job category j:
(a) Determine the equation which ensures that total new hires will exactly consume the
(b) If it were desired to spend the entire budget on one type of position, how many
persons of each type could be hired?
Q Suppose that a company has determined that the cost of producing x items is
500 + 140x and that the price it should charge for one item is P = 200 – x
a. Find the cost function.
b. Find the revenue function.
c. Find the profit function.
d. Find the break-even point
Graphical Representation of Part (d)
• Slope represents the inclination of a line or
equivalently it shows the rate at which the line
raises and fall or how steep the line is.
Find the slope of a line through
points (3, 4) and (-1, 6).

64 2 1
m  
1 3 4 2
Linear equation with n variables

A linear equation involving n variables x1, x2, . . . , xn has
the general form
a1 x1 + a2 x2+ . . . + an xn = b
a1 , a2 , an. b are constatnts.

• Graph the linear equation 4x + 8y = 16

Determining the equation of a straight line

Given a non-vertical straight line with slope m

and containing the point (x1, y1), the slope of
the line connecting (x1, y1) with any other
point (x, y) is given by

Rearranging gives: y-y1 = m(x-x1)

Find the equation of line having slope m = −2 and
passing through the point (2, 8).
Practice problems:

• Solve problems given in

Section 2.1, Section 2.2, and Section 2.3.

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