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TASK: Calculate the total surface area for A , B and C What is the
surface area
and size of



1m x 1m x 6 = 6m2
(0.5m x 0.5m x 6) x 8 = 12m2 (0.25m x 0.25m x 6) x 64 = 24 m2
B1.10 Exchanging Materials
Learning objective: Describe how the SA:V varies depending on size of
Key words
Learning outcomes • Ventilated
Grade 4-5 Describe how the SA:V varies • Alveoli
depending on size of organism • Stomata
Grade 6-7 Explain why large multicellular
organisms need special system for
exchanging materials.
Grade 8-9 calculate surface area to volume
How to calculate SA:V?
Task 1 – Complete the Table

Extension: Name 2 substances animals need from

the environment and 2 substances they need to
release into the environment
Task 1 – Complete the Table

8 24 3:1

Extension: Name 2 substances animals need from

the environment and 2 substances they need to
release into the environment
Task 1 – Complete the Table

8 24 3:1

3375 1350 0.4 : 1

0.125 1.5 12 : 1

421.875 337.5 0.8 : 1

125 150 1.2 : 1

Extension: Name 2 substances animals need from

the environment and 2 substances they need to
release into the environment
How exchange surfaces are adapted to their function
1. How do simple single celled organisms easily
exchange substances with their environment?
2. Do single celled organisms have a small or large
surface area to volume ratio?
3. What happens to the SA:V ratio and rate of diffusion
as organisms get larger?
4. What do larger organisms need since they can’t rely
on diffusion for all the substances they need?
5. What are 4 examples of specialised exchange
6. What are the 4 common features of the specialised
exchange systems?
How exchange surfaces are adapted to their function
1. How do simple single celled organisms easily exchange
substances with their environment? Through cell membranes
2. Do single celled organisms have a small or large surface
area to volume ratio? Large
3. What happens to the SA:V ratio and rate of diffusion as
organisms get larger? SA:V decreases and ease of diffusion
4. What do larger organisms need since they can’t rely on
diffusion for all the substances they need? Specialised
exchange systems
5. What are 4 examples of specialised exchange systems?
Alveoli (lungs), villi (small intestines), leaves and root hair
cells (plants), gills on fish
6. What are the 4 common features of the specialised
exchange systems? Large SA:V , thin membranes to decrease
diffusion distance, permeable membranes, diffusion gradient
(high to low concentration).
Learning objective: Describe how the SA:V varies depending on size of organism

TASK: Mini plenary – match up statements

Learning outcomes
Grade 4-5 Describe how the SA:V varies depending on size of organism
Grade 6-7 Explain why large multicellular organisms need special system for exchanging materials.
Grade 8-9 calculate surface area to volume ratio
Learning objective: Describe how the SA:V varies depending on size of organism

TASK: Mini plenary – match up statements

Learning outcomes
Grade 4-5 Describe how the SA:V varies depending on size of organism
Grade 6-7 Explain why large multicellular organisms need special system for exchanging materials.
Grade 8-9 calculate surface area to volume ratio
So how do large organisms with small SA:V get their
materials from the environment?

Villi in small intestines

Alveoli in lungs
Task – Answer the following questions
• Why can large active organisms not rely on simple diffusion for
material exchange with environment? (2 marks)

• Write 4 adaptations of special exchange surfaces in large organisms?

(3 marks)
Task 2 – answer the following questions
• Why can large active organisms not rely on simple diffusion for
material exchange with environment? (2 marks)
• Small SA:V, high metabolic activity and cant get all the substances they need

• Write 4 adaptations of special exchange surfaces in large organisms?

(3 marks)
• Large surface area
• Short diffusion pathways (thin walls)
• Permeable membranes
• Maintain high concentration gradient (Good blood supply and well ventilated)
Examples of Adaptations
Task: Complete
the table
Task: Complete Large ratio of membrane surface area to volume

the table Contain millions of tiny air sacs called alveoli

Many villi with large SA and extensive blood network

Flat shape to increase SA and enable more diffusion

Contain many root hair cells to increase SA and allow diffusion of

water and dissolved minerals

Stomata to allow diffusion of CO2 and water

Gills have a flap to pump water over the gills which have stacks of
filaments for taking in oxygen and removing carbon dioxide

• Complete Exam question

Learning outcomes
Grade 4-5 Describe how the SA:V varies depending on size of organism
Grade 6-7 Explain why large multicellular organisms need special system for exchanging materials.
Grade 8-9 calculate surface area to volume ratio
Learning objective: Describe how the SA:V varies depending
on size of organism

Exampro Link – Please click on the link below

1.10 Exchanging materials - Questions Mark Scheme and Examiners Report

• Learning outcomes
• Grade 4-5 Describe how the SA:V varies depending on size of organism
• Grade 6-7 Explain why large multicellular organisms need special system for exchanging materials.
• Grade 8-9 calculate surface area to volume ratio

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