Present Simple

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Present Simple
How and when do we use it
We use present simple when we talk
Repeated actions and habits
- He usually wakes up at 7am.
- I always have a cup of coffee.
Permanent states
- He lives in Rome.
General truths and scientific facts
- The sun rises in the east.
- Water boils at 100°C.
The verb have is irregular
I have a toy
You have a toy
He/She/It has a toy
We have a toy
They have a toy
The verb to be is irregular
I am an actor
You are an actor
He/She/It is an actor
We are actors
They are actors
Form of the verbs
We add –s for the third person singular form:
I play football
You play football
He/She/It plays football
We play football
They play football
Some verbs change spelling when you add –s for
the third person singular form
Verbs ending in s, ss, sh, ch, o, x + es
I kiss  He/She/It kisses
You relax  He/She/It relaxes
We finish  He/She/It finishes
You go  He/She/It goes
They watch  He/She/It watches
Verbs ending in consonant + y

y  ies
- I study  He/She/It studies
- We cry  He/She/It cries

If the verb ends in vowel + y we just add –s

- She plays football
Negative form
We form the present simple negative with
don’t(do not) and doesn’t (does not) (for
he/she/it) and the infinitive of the verb
without to
- I don’t play basketball.
- She doesn’t play basketball.
- He doesn’t study every day.
- We don’t drink coffee.
Interrogative form
We form the present simple interrogative with
do and does (for he/she/it) and the infinitive
of the verb without to. We form short answers
with do/does/don’t/doesn’t
- Do you play the piano? – Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.
- Does she play the guitar? – Yes, she does/
No, she doesn’t
Adverbs of frequency
We use them to say how often something happens.
We put them before the verb, but after the verb to
Always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely,
hardly ever, never
- Millie usually does sports after school.
- Justin is never late for school
Time expressions
Which we put in the end of the sentence
Every day/week/month
- Tom hangs out with his friend every day.
- Harry buys new clothes every month.
Once a day/a week/a month; twice a day/a
week/a month
- Zayn goes shopping once a week.
- Jack visits his grandparents twice a week.
My cousin (work) in England. - permanent state
 My cousin works in England.
My dad (study) ancient languages. - Repeated
actions and habits
 My dad studies ancient languages.
Her friend (go) to school by bus. - Repeated
actions and habits
 Her friend goes to school by bus.
Complete the sentences with don’t
or doesn’t
My dad ______ drive to work.
- My dad doesn’t drive to work.
We ______ have lunch for school.
- We don’t have lunch for school.
My brother ______ like cats.
- My brother doesn’t like cats.
Write the words in the correct order
to make questions
often/ does / it / in Scotland? / rain
- Does it often rain in Scotland?
Italian?/ and Fred / do / speak / you
- Do you and Fred speak italian?
Ride / every day / does / a horse? / Vicky
- Does Vicky ride a horse every day?
Adverbs of frequency
• I ride my bike. (sometimes)
- I sometimes ride my bike.
• She is late. (never)
- She is never late.
• He is hungry. (always)
- He is always hungry.
• We use the computer. (often)
- We often use the computer.
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