Unit 3

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Unit III: Components of Public

Health Sociology and Public

Health Core Actions
Meena Kumari Shrestha
Unit III: Components of Public Health Sociology and Public Health
Core Actions 7 hours


•The need for consideration of component of public health

sociology in relation to the
•public health core actions (P3CE) in Nepalese context
•Meaning and consideration of (a) social stratification, (b)
ethnicity and caste system,
•(c) family and kinship, (d) peer groups, (e)community
dynamics, (f) social organizations, and (g) social control in
relation to positive and or negative aspects of
public health core actions (P3CE) (examples):
Unit III: Components of Public Health Sociology and Public Health
Core Actions7 hours


•public health core actions (P3CE) (examples):

•-Promoting health-
•Preventing health risk factors, injuries, and diseases-
•Protecting health-
•Controlling epidemics-
•Encouraging early detection, treatment and compliance
to treatment-
•Use of public health services
Meaning and consideration of (a) social stratification, (b)
ethnicity and caste system
• Social stratification : The process by which individuals and groups are
ranked in a more or less enduring hierarchy of status is known as
stratification –Oghurn and Ninkoff.
Forms of stratification
Caste system:
The term caste was derived from Spanish and Portuguese word Caste
meaning breed or Lineage. The Portuguese used the term caste first to
denote the divisions in Indian caste system.The word caste also signifies
race or kind. The Sanskrit word for caste is Varna which means color
Meaning and consideration of (a) social stratification, (b)
ethnicity and caste system
• Caste System:
• Caste is a collection of families, bearing a common name, claiming a
common descent, from a mythical ancestor, human and divine,
processing to follow the same hereditary calling and regarded by
those who are competent to give an opinion as forming a single
homogeneous community- Herbert Risely
• Family is the biological social unit composed of husband,wife and
children- Eliot and Merrill
• Family is a group defined by sex relationship sufficiently precise and
enduring to provide for the proceation and upbringing of children-
• Family is a more or less durable association of husband wife with or
without child – Obgurn and Nimkoff
Social control in relation to positive and or negative aspects of
public health core actions

• Social control refers to the system of devices whereby society brings its members
into conformity with the accepted standard of behavior. EA Rose
• Social control is the patterns of pressure which is socity exerts to maintain order
and established rules - Ogburt and Nimkoffose
• Social control is the sum of those methods by which a socity tries to influence
human behaviour to maintain a given order –Mannhein
• Social control
• Social control

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