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State and Nation

By Prof. Jet T. Castillo

State and Nation
• For laymen, these 2 terms are synonymous.
• But for Contemporary World students, there is a big difference.
The State
• Definition of State

• a community of persons more or less numerous, permanently

occupying a definite portion of territory, possessing an organized
government to which the great body of the inhabitants render
habitual obedience, and free or nearly so from external control.
4 Elements of a State
• People
• Territory
• Government
• Sovereignty
• Mass of population living within the state.
• No people, no state
• Take the case of Antarctica
• Smallest state in terms of population – Vatican (900)
• Largest state in terms of population – China (2 billion)
• Philippine population as of 2016 – 100 million
• The land that the people occupy.
• No land, no state…even if there are people.
• Take the case of the Jews one century ago. They were
scattered all over the world.
• It was only in 1948 when the UN assigned a piece of land in
the Middle East to be the homeland of the Jews.
• Smallest state in terms of territory – Vatican (0.44 sq
kms) – Luneta is bigger
• Largest state in terms of territory – Russia (17 million sq.
• Philippines – 300,000 sq kms.
• The agency through which the will of the state is
expressed, formulated or carried out; usually named
after the name of the country.
• Example:
• Philippine Government
• US Government
• The organization of leaders running the show.
• No government, no state….even if there are people and territory.
• Example: The Buko Boys, Sir Jet’s high school barkada.
• They are people, they have a territory (the school basketball court), but they
do not have a government.
• Synonymous to freedom.
• No sovereignty, no state…even if there are people, territory, or government.
• Examples of territories without sovereignty:
• Tibet
• Guam
2 Aspects of Sovereignty
Internal Sovereignty
External Sovereignty
• When people obey their • Freedom from external control
• Example: China is controlling Tibet;
therefore Tibet is not a state.
• Example: USA is controlling Guam;
therefore Guam is not a state.
Sovereignty also means independence
• When we were still a Spanish colony, we don’t have independence.
• Therefore, the Philippines was not yet a STATE at that time.
• Hong Kong isn’t independent. China governs it.
• Therefore, Hong Kong is not a STATE.
Review: The 4 Elements of the State
• People
• Territory
• Government
• Sovereignty
• Is California a state?
• Is Japan a state?
• Is Mamatid a state?
• Is MCL a state?
• Is Europe a state?

• A group of people bound together by common

characteristics (like physical attributes,
language, origin, traditions), and who believe
that they are one and distinct from others.
• Nation is different from State
• Nation is nation, even though they may not have territory, government
or sovereignty.
• Nation is synonymous to “people”
• The Filipino nation, the Filipino people
Examples of Nations
Japanese nation
• Common physical traits
• Common language
• Common traditions
• Belief that they are one (all Japanese are one)
• Belief that they are distinct from others (from the Chinese and
Think about this…
One state, one nation
• Thailand
• Japan
One state, many nations inside it
• The State of Israel
• Has the Jewish nation and the Palestinian nation inside its territory
One nation, many states
• The Korean nation
• 2 states- North Korea, South Korea
One nation, many states
• The Arab nation
• Several states – Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon,
How about the Philippines?
• As students of the Contemporary World, one goal is to understand
what our nation and state is all about, and to do our part to strengthen
our dear Philippine state and Filipino nation.

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