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Yogeshwar Newalkar
Executive Event Production & Activation 141 Sercon a WPP company

Theres no business like show business !! Emergence of events as a hot new corporate communication device Events are acknowledged as tremendous image-multiplieroption Greater brand development & enhanced brand equity Corporate India has adopted hitbetween-the-eyes communication tool

Industry Statistics
During the early part of the 1900s the industry had spent up to Rs. 20 Crores, per annum on events.

Year 2003 over 1000 events were managed out of which 20 were large scale international quality events.

Indian event management industry is poised to clock a 30% growth rate, increasing from Rs. 8 billion in 2007 to Rs. 24 billion in 2012.

What is Event Management?

Event management involves the effective coordination of various functional areas (FAs) in order to successfully plan and implement the event concept and drive the brand/objective.

What is Event Management?

Event Management involves studying the : intricacies of thebrand, identifying thetarget audience, devising theevent concept, planning the logistics, and coordinating the technical aspects before actually executing the modalities of the proposed event

W h o is a n E V E N T M A N A G E R ?
the person who plans and executes the event event managers and their teams are often behind-the-scenes running the event involved in the planning and execution of the event, brand building, marketing and communication strategy is an expert at the creative, technical and logistical elements that help an event succeed. includes event design, audio-visual production, scriptwriting, logistics, 6 budgeting, negotiation and, of course,

Role of Events
s n n E ve n t i a to o l i th e m a rke ti g a rm o ry E ve n ts a re fo cu se d o n w e l d e fi e d l n a u d i n ce s, e and R O I ca n be a ccu ra te l m e a su re d y d re E ve n ts p ro vi e a d i ct fa ce -to -fa ce i te ra cti n b e tw e e n m a n u fa ctu re r n o and co n su m e r and b u id l a re l ti n sh i b a se d o n exp e ri n ce a o p e n re l ti n sh i s a o p wi th C e m e n ti g cu sto m e rs, to p ro te ct p ro fi e a rn i g t n p o te n ti l a

The E xp e ri n ce . e

Broad Classification of Events

Corporate Events
Relationship building Hosting events within a company or for its clients and customers.

Enhancing employee relationships with in-house events for the staff These programmes motivate employees, help them bond, as well as help them upgrade their knowledge and skills. Through seminars, conferences and conventions employees are encouraged to keep abreast with the latest trends. To interact with people from the same industry and share knowledge An ideal platform for executives and managers.

Sports Event
Sports event management,whether at the interschool or inter-collegiate level, as well as those held on a larger scale require a lot of planning.

This is not just about the venue, but the entire event beginning with the pre-sports (qualifying rounds) leading up to the final day. E.g. The Football World Cup, Cricket World Cup involves preparations well in advance.


Entertainment Events
Fashion Based Events Film Based Events/Awards Musical Concerts Theatrical events


Special Events
Special Events is the term given to events with a difference
Charity shows Festivals Occasion Based events Childrens events, wedding, parties etc.


Categories of Events


Categories of Events


Categories of Events


Categories of Events


Event Industry Bodies


Roles in Event Management

Creative & Marketing
E ve n t C o n ce p tu a l ze r i G ra p h i A rti / c st D e si n e r g S e t D e si n e r g T h e m e & D co r sp e ci l st ai S h o w D i cto r re S cri t / S p e e ch p W ri n g ti W e d d i g P l n n e r n a S p o n so rsh i P l n n e r p a M a rke ti g & M e d i n a

oPromoter Production Executives oArtist management Operations & Logistics oTheme Park management Backstage Managers Cost & Budget Controllers oEntertainment supplier oChoreographer Incentive Managers Venue management Technical Risk Management vTechnical Director Safety & Security vSound Engineer Hospitality and Catering vLighting Designer Exhibition Contract vSFX Specialist

Production & Operations



Client / Event owner Various levels of governments (incd. CID, Economic department, Tourism, Municipality). Sponsors Media Print and Broadcast Performers / Artists Spectators Contractors: Caterer, Venue Owner, Sound and Light, Stage setup, security. Volunteers Host Community Lobby Groups Often overlooked and often difficult to handle.


Event Phases


Pre-event stage
Briefing Planning Presentation/Pitch Costing Budgeting, Invoicing Dateline plans, deadlines, roll-out planning Coordination and finalization of Artistes, Technical Team Creatives & Licensing Set up and Production


During event

Security & Crowd control Backstage Management Front stage Management On stage Management Console Management Manpower allocation and event rollout control


Post event

Dismantling Payments Reports Client Follow ups


The key issues plaguing the industry

Entertainment tax Withholding tax on foreign artist remuneration (30.6%) Regulatory clearances for events Service Tax Lack of infrastructure


Creative Perspective Considerable Planning Conscientious Budgeting Customized & quality driven execution Alternatives & Back-up(s)


The 4Cs of Success..



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