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Project 1: Protinex

Market Opportunity Analysis

Segmenting, Positioning and Branding
Q1. Based on the details shared in the video, come up with various criteria
based on which Protinex could do segmentation, targeting and
positioning. Additionally, provide your rationale for it. Mention at least
three criteria for segmentation. 

(Word Limit: 200 words for your entire answer)

(Note: Only the segmentation part of slide 1 will be graded in this question.)
Answer 1
Segmentation • Geographic: Protinex mainly focuses on tier 1 and 2 categories and also includes
suburban cities as well, It should focus on health problems of specific regions.
• Demographic: 
i. Age-Protinex junior for ages 2-18 years kids, and other variants for young and old
people between 18-60
ii. Gender-male and female.
iii. Income: focuses on middle and high income consumers.
• Psychographic: motivating people by showcasing fitness, healthy lifestyle, muscle gain
• Behavioural: prescribed by doctors worldwide builds trust , Including protein intake on a
daily basis

Targeting • Illness: People with protein deficiency or other health issues who are looking for products
to make them better
• Wellness: People who wants to stay fit and active thoughout their life.
• Fitness: People who exercise daily and maintain a particular diet

It is a protein rich drink which is positioned in nutrition market which helps customers their
diet and nutrition lifestyle.
Q2. Based on the information given in the video, how would you plot Protinex on
the perceptual map? Have you seen any shifts in the last few years?

(Word Limit: 120 words)

You can follow these steps:
What parameters can you differentiate on? Mention the 2 most important factors with regards to
HFDs.  These will act as the axes for your perceptual map.
Create a perceptual map for the HFD players in India (You will have to show Protinex
+ competitors in the HFD sector). Add the image of your map in the solution ppt.
Answer 2
Enter your response. You may also draw the perceptual map with pen and paper and add an image of the same. Add the positions of
Protinex and its competitors. WIDE PRODUCT


Q3. Drawing insights from what you saw in the video, devise a positioning
statement for Protinex.

(Word Limit: 120 words) 

As a recap, the  framework of a positioning statement is given below:
‘For [target market], Protinex is [frame of reference/competitive set] that [key benefits, unique value
claim] because [reasons to believe, evidence]’.
Answer 3

Enter your response

• Protinex, a top nutrition brand in India, has unveiled its brand-new integrated marketing campaign,
entitled #SomethingMissing. The goal iis to burst the myth that "Regular daily diet is enough for daily
demands of Protein" and raise awareness of the inadequate protein in Indian diets.

• It faces competition from brands like Ensure, Bournvita, Horlicks etc

• Proteinex is a nutritious health drink that boosts energy levels while being 100% vegan, low in fat, and
without any added sugar. In addition to the 50% more protein compared to other health beverages,
fortified with the proper levels of carbs, vitamins (D, B12, C, B6, E, and A), folic acid, copper, and iron.
Q4. Build your marketing mix to help Protinex shift from a prescription-based
brand, to an everyday nutrition brand. You will have to mention the rationale
behind each of these.

As a recap, the 4Ps of marketing — Product, Price, Place, and Promotion — are distinct factors that
marketers can influence in order to create a meaningful product or service and market it to a
defined audience. 
Note: Please draft at least 30 -70 words for each of 4Ps.
Answer 4
• Protinex Original (chocolate and vanilla) is typically used by adults between the ages of 18 and 55.
• Protinex Mama Care, a product for nursing mothers
• Protinex Grow - for young kids 8 to 15 years old
• Protinex Junior: for kids aged 2 to 8
• Protinex Lite — for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who are concerned about their weight.
• Protinex bytes: for the working class on the go.

•  Protinex is an expensive product that competes with well-known brands like Ensure, Horlicks Plus, Pro
360, etc.
• Protinex can use smaller packaging with an affordable above-average pricing structure with its top 3
flavours to break into the market and establish brand value.
• Protinex may reduce the price of its popular flavours, such as original, vanilla, and chocolate, in order to
draw in and convert more customers
Online platforms- Through website and social medial virtual markets.
Physical stores - Tie ups with virtual kirana stores such as Swiggy instamart, Groffers, etc
The aim is to make it easily available to customers via most forms of communication.

• Social media challenges and campaigns to raise awareness of the issue of a protein deficient diet on sites
like Facebook and Instagram.
• To inspire people to get out of their exhausted state, inspire them to exercise, and help them live a better
• Offering free Protinex samples with the purchase of certain Danone brands.
Q5. Now that you have finalised the marketing mix for Protinex, you have to create
a digital marketing go-to strategy. You can use the digital marketing framework you
learnt in DM Channels and Metrics module. You will have to identify the digital
content, digital devices, digital channels, and digital metrics to track for Protinex,
with the rationale behind each.
Answer 5

Digital Content:

• Organic and sponsored Google & Facebook advertisements.

• Instagram: Using influencers in similar industries to run ads and posts.
• Exchanging testimonies from protinex users who have benefited on website.
• Digital advertising's communication goal is to position Protinex as the top pick among its rivals. The
goal of content should be to win over new users and unsatisfied users.

Digital Devices:

The majority of consumers in all the target demographics use mobile devices as their primary ones, thus we
need to put the greatest effort into supplying mobile content while also dedicating a portion to laptop and
computer content as well.
Digital Channels:

• Awareness: SEM and SEO will promote social media's contents, causing it to spread quickly.
• Consideration: social media activities such as following a brand's Instagram account, watching its
influencers use it, and viewing reviews on YouTube.
• Purchase: social media and email services that offer greater discounts and deals with coupon codes
from their influencers
• Delight: Offering simple return and exchange procedures, suggesting new product discounts based on
their preferences.

Digital Metrics:

• Open rates of email / newsletters

Podcast listeners of the episodes that talk about the protein deficeincy
• Like, comments, shares, on posts, blogs, videos, reels, etc
Followers / subscribers / listeners of the Proteinex social media handles, website, etc
• Google analytics
Click through rate

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