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Jerónimo saa Learn english

Final proyect
The history of soccer is considered from 1863, the year the english football
association was founded , although its origins like the order codes of football, go
back several centruries, particularly in the british isles during the middle ages
Is considered the most sport in the world with some 270 million peoples a day
What consist

Soccer is a team sport played between two sets of eleven players each while referres
Esure that the rules are followed correctly. It is also know as soccer 11 due to the number
of players in a team or association soccer , a name derived from the football
Association the first oficial federation in the world
1 Football matches are divided in to two halves aech lasting 45 minutes and 15
minutes of break

2 The referee flips a cionto decide which side of the court they will play

3 The ball is in play as a long asthere is not foul,the ballis out of bounds ir it
crosses the goalor touch the line

4 A goal will be scored when the ball crosses the goal line is goal

5 the fre throw restarts the game after afoul there are two types direct free kick
and indirect free kick
My favorite player of soccer is Lionel Messi
Because is so fast , good player and is the best in
the history
you for
the atention

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