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What is face-to-face communication?

Face-to-face communication is the

distinction of being able to see the other party
or parties in a conversation. It allows for a
better exchange of information since both
speaker and listener are able to see and
interpret body language and facial expressions.
Communication between one
sender and one recipient at
one time.

Example: a nurse providing

information to a patient
If you want to move up the ranks of
masterful communication, you have to watch
what you say to others. Not Just in the
showpieces of communication such as
presentation or a meeting, but in everyday
1.Be Kind
2.Your effect on others
3.Speak with Good Purpose
4.Be responsible
5.Know when to stop
6.Don’t interrupt
7.Don’t Gossip.
Team meetings are a key component of
any business. It’s important that the
employees know and understand what’s
going on with the company and what
expectations they need to meet in order for
the company to be successful. Face-to-face
meetings allow for clearer communication.
A meeting is a group
communication in action around a
defined agenda, at a set time, for
an established duration.
Meetings can occur face-to-face, but
increasingly business and industry are turning
to teleconferencing and videoconferencing
options as the technology improves, the cost to
participate is reduced, and the cost of travel
including time is considered.
Five tips for running effective team meetings:

1.Get input from your team.

A team meeting is just that — a meeting with
and for the team. It’s not always up to one person to run
the show. A successful team meeting encourages
everyone to participate in the process and come up with
directives and solutions that will move your business
objectives forward.
2. Talk about topics that impact the entire team.
Time is money and no one likes a meeting
just for the sake of a meeting.
3. Manage the types of agenda
In your staff meeting, you can have
lots of different items that need to be
4. Prepare for the meeting.
A successful team meeting will have a leader
who can facilitate the conversation, but that leader
doesn’t have to run the entire meeting. Once you’ve
determined your agenda topics and meeting
schedule, communicate with your team if they need
to prepare anything in advance.
5. Get better each weekly meeting.
Seek feedback from your team on your
meeting agenda. What worked well and
what didn’t? Use that information to tweak
your agenda to what works best for the team
and their needs.
What is Focus Group Discussion
A focus group discussion
involves gathering people from similar
backgrounds or experiences together to
discuss a specific topic of interest.
• Participants are free to talk with other group
• FGD generally involves group interviewing in
which a small group of usually 8 to 12 people
are involved.
• It is led by a moderator (interviewer) in a
loosely structured discussion of various topics
of interest and includes a note taker.
Key Features of FGDs
 Involves organized discussion with a selected group of
individuals to gain information about their views and
experiences of a topic.
 Particularly suited for obtaining several perspectives about
the same topic
 Helps in gaining insights into people’s shared understanding
of everyday life and the ways in which individuals are
influenced by others in a group situation
 The role of the moderator is very significant, as good levels of
group leadership and interpersonal skill are required to
moderate a group successfully.
Dynamics of effective face to face communication are.

1. In face to face communication at least two individuals (receiver and sender)

should be physically and mentally present at the place of communication.

2. In face to face communication there should be proper encoding with most

appropriate and pleasing words by sender.

3. In face to face communication there should be proper decoding by the receiver

after receiving the message.

4. In face to face communication there should be some (Partial / full) response or

feedback. Since it is direct, great care should be taken in the selection of the words
which should be appropriate and polite.

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