The Blended Family

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Parliament Local The Family Citizenship

S1 EP1 : The Blended Family

A reconstituted family is formed

when one or both spouses may
have had an earlier relationship.
One spouse or both spouses may
bring into the new family a child or
children from former relationships.
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Two sources of income can 1. Children may not accept the

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improve financial situations new partner
2. Can improve the quality of 2. The new partner may treat
life of people your children poorly
3. Reconstituted families can 3. Different parenting styles
give children more caring may lead to problems
and responsible adults in 4. Emotional problems for
their life children
4. Children may get a broader 5. Step-families can be difficult
perspective on life in terms of financial issues
5. Children may learn tolerance 6. Conflicts between children
towards others in blended family
6. Children will learn to adopt 7. Partners may feel neglected
to new circumstances in the relationship
The Roles of a Blended Family
• To show affection and warmth to each other
• Listen to others points, views and opinions
• Spend time together to become more
comfortable with one another
• Respect each other and each others ways of
approaching different situations
• Give each other space to become accustomed to
the situation and give room for growth
(especially for the growth of the family)
Challenges of a Blended Family Explained Supporting details of a Blended Family Explained

Age differences - In blended families, there may be children with birthdays closer Parental Guidance - Kids living without one of their parents is a huge deal and
to one another than possible with natural siblings, or the new step-parent may be can have a pretty bad psychological effect on them. However, in a blended
only a few years older than the eldest child. family, they get to have both a father figure as well as a mother figure

Parental inexperience - One step-parent may have never been a parent before, Financial Support - In a blended family, two people have jobs which mean they
and therefore may have no experience of the different stages children go through. earn more money. More money means less burden and more mental peace for
the partners, while a better environment and future for the children.
Changes in family relationships - If both parents remarry partners with existing
families, it can mean children suddenly find themselves with different roles in two Friendly and Caring Attitude - Kids living with a single parent don’t really care
blended families. For example, one child may be the eldest in one stepfamily, but about anyone because they themselves feel neglected but in a blended family,
the youngest in the other. kids have more than one parent caring for them as well as a lot of other
relatives. This may develop a healthy relationship as people will be genuinely
Difficulty in accepting a new parent - If children have spent a long time in a one- concerned about them and would want to help
parent family, or still nurture hopes of reconciling their parents, they may have
difficulty accepting a new person. Broader Thinking - Living with a single parent really limits the vision of children
and they are restrained to one school of thought. However, living with new
Coping with demands of others - In blended families, planning family events can people allows them to see a whole new perspective, hence broadening their
get complicated, especially when there are custody considerations to take into mindset.

Changes in family traditions - Most families have very different ideas about how
annual events such as holidays, birthdays, and family vacations should be spent.
Kids may feel resentful if they’re forced to go along with someone else’s routine

Parental insecurities - A step-parent may feel anxious about how they compare to
a child’s natural parent, or may grow resentful if the stepchildren compare them
unfavorably to the natural parent.
1. Acknowledge the challenge. How to solve issues in a Blended Family
● Of course it will take work to
figure out how your new family. It 4. Have discussions with your spouse
can be an uphill climb at first, but outside of an argument.
it’s doable once you have a plan. ● Don’t make it worse. When you
argue in front of children, you change
2. Come up with a plan. who they are. For you, the fight is over
●The role each parent will play when it's over. For your children, it
in parenting and facilitating the doesn't end. They don't see you make

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development of any children. up, and they don't participate in the
●The division of labor healing. They go to bed at night
concerning the kids. thinking that their parents are fighting
●Expectations in terms of how because of them. . Agree to make time
much space there will be for the to talk calmly and rationally
couple to do things without
children. 5. . Agree on discipline strategies for
●What kind of access kids
grandparents and other extended ● Don't assume that your style of
family members will have. disciplining will be appropriate for
●Long-term goals and financial your stepchildren. It's important that
planning you talk to your partner about the rules
and punishment that existed before you
3. Try stepping in your kids’ shoes joined the family. It's unfair to change
– the rules on a child overnight.
● Whether you’re the step-
parent or it’s your spouse who’s in
that role, talk frequently with the
An example
of a blended
family using
which will be
Thank you for listening!
• Group 4
• Members : Anushka Sankar
Giada Ramsubhag
Jaishree Bhagwandeen
Avisha Dwaraka
Aruna Harry
Adhika Mahabir

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