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What do we call that place where

What the people
benefit can pictureand environment
arein propagating
grown trees?
for transplanting?
Propagating Trees and
Fruit Trees
Planting and Caring
for the Plants
1. Choose seeds
2. Sow seeds in seedbeds with good soil
3. Plants seeds horizontally about 3 centimeters
4. Water the sown seeds thoroughly
5. Grow the seedlings preferably in a propagating
6. Apply fungicides to avoid infestation.
7. When three or four leaves have sprouted and
the height of 10 centimeters or more has been
attained, potting may start.
8. Place pots or bags in partially shaded area.
Methods of
Propagating Trees
1. Seed- this is a sexual type of propagation. This means that
some seeds may not have the quality characteristics of their
parents and hence, are inferior in yield and product.
2. Sucker- this is an asexual type of propagation. It refer to
stems or shoots emerging from portions of plants or trees.
3. Runners- these are the slim branches that grow from bases
of stems running along the ground.
4. Rhizomes- the roots emerge at the surface from which new
plants develop from buds.
5. Cutting- is a type of propagation which refers to a part of
the plant that is cut and propagated.
6. Grafting- is a process in which the stem of one plant( stock)
is inserted into another plant(scion).
7. Layering- is a process wherein an uncut branch or a shoot
touches the ground or soil and develops roots and becomes
independent plant.
8. Marcotting- is a proces where a ring of bark on a large
branch is removed, the inner surface scraped lightly then
wrapped with moist soil.
9. Budding- is a form of grafting using a single bud as the
10. Inarching- is a process where the scion is united with its
Ways of Preventing and
Controlling Pests and Diseases
Fungicides and Pesticides must be used regularly for the
proper control of diseases.

Fungal Attack- on plants are shown by the brown spots

formed on leaves.

Pruning (cutting) of infected parts in the early stages of

infection is recommended.
Activity 2
• Instructions: Underline the word/s that make the sentence incorrect.
• 1. Fruit trees cannot be planted easily.
• 2. In Provinces, spaces are limited for planting and propagating trees.
• 3. Unlike flowers and ornamental plants, trees are very difficult to grow and propagate.
• 4. In urban places, there is an unlimited space for planting and growing trees.
• 5. For some families, planting trees are just for pleasure and could never be a source of
• income for their daily needs.
• 6. A school is a place where young trees propagated and taken care of before they are planted in the field.
• 7. Methods of propagating plants include seeds, vegetables, runners, rhizomes, cuttings, grafting, layering,
marcotting, budding and inarching.
• 8. Use the right plant for the right purpose.
• 9. Use good tools for healthy, strong plants.
• 10. Destroy the trees where the pests and insects live.

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