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March 2021

From the Mission

Health Matters
To be able to provide healing and hop to others

Name Our Newsletter

Meet the
Covid 19
Prayers, Bible Study and much more
A word from the Editor

2The idea to have a Women’s Fellowship Newsletter has

been on the agenda of the DWF for approximately 5

A newsletter is quite a challenging task and it does take

commitment. It should not be taken lightly.
One of the most challenging things about a newsletter is
the content. A Women’s Fellowship newsletter more so,
because it seems the women are shy to showcase what
they do for their communities. This is a double edged
sword because, this stems from their humility and their
commitment to God and to the community. Which is
mind blowing and humbling because I hear what they
have done and we see what they have done but it is not
easily published. As scripture says, don’t let your left
hand know what your right hand is doing. As well as the
Lord sees what is done in secret and you will be reward.
Having said this. I would however like to present the
merits of our Women’s Fellowship and showcase their
efforts, so that the world can see how the spirit of God is
I hope that this newsletter will bring much joy to all who
will be reading it and to those who provided content.
From the Chair
Meet the 2019 – 2021 Leadership

Nolene Classen

Lisa Ballot

Ruth Michael
From the Mission Council
Covid 19
The Synods




South Africa

Bible Study

8 Bible Study 1
Genesis: Chapter 17 – Chapter 23

Find a solitary place, choose a quiet time.
Start you bible study time with a prayer.
Read the text. Re-read the test
Answer the following Questions?

Questions to guide your study
1. Who was this woman, Sarah
2. What are the key things that this woman did?
3. Where did she live?
4. What were the rights of women during the time
that she lived?
5. What makes her a Strong woman?
6. How does she impact women’s lives today?
Prayer Corner
James 5:16 "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for
each other so that you may be healed
7 day Prayer Challenge
Take a moment to pray before each meal, to
thank God for the food.
As you consider your
children, be it rocking a
#3 baby to sleep or putting
As you are driving and pass an ambulance or your child to bed or saying
a wreck, take a moment to pray for those good night, pray a quiet
involved in the emergency. Ask God to prayer over them. Ask the
protect them, heal them and give the Lord to protect your child
emergency worker strength and wisdom (children)

Pray together as a family by inviting each family member to thank God
for 2 -3 thing. It can be as simple as, “Thank you Lord for our family, for
our home, for this day, for sunshine, ……

As you are finishing up your dinner, pray together
before you clear the dishes. Pray for 3-4 family
members or friends who are in need Praise God using the
ABC game. Praise God
for His attributes starting
with the letter “A”,
Praise God for being
#7 “Awesome, Amazing,
Make a “Prayer Request Jar. Give out slips of Able
paper to each family member. Have them write
down a prayer request to put in the jar. Pull out
the requests to pray over them as least once a Source:

Health Matters

1. Work out

If you don’t work out, you need to start. Allow

2. Eat better
me to recommend GAIN Fitness – a free
iPhone app and digital personal trainer. Women diet, not bros; so, you don’t have to,
According to the experts (google) GAIN just eat healthier. Reduce: grease, fat and gas
Fitness will get your body summertime-ready cold drinks. Increase: Energade, Powerade
faster than any other fitness app on the market. and water.

3. Drink differently 4. Get some sun

Just like not eating healthier, just better; drink less,

Winter makes everyone pale and
Drink differently. Try lite beers, less sweet drinks and
vitamin D from the sun is good for you
Sugar free Red Bull. This will keep you refreshed and
in small quantities. Giving you a
fit, and ensure that ladies have preferred low-cal
healthy glow
alcoholic options to enjoy with you as well.

5. Gear up at the mall

6. Gear up at the sports / outdoor store
Be sure you’re wearing the right clothing.
Beanies in summer is a definite No-No. Pick Be prepared for any adventure that
up some bro tanks, snap back caps, boat
may come your way. Make sure you
shoes, and cargo shorts. Buy one pair of have your bag packed for the
spendy stunnas, and a few pairs of cheapos. eventuality of getting tickets to any
sports event.

7. Move out of your parents’ house

8. Save your money
Free rent? Or, freedom? You decide.
Girls are expensive. Gas is expensive.
Put your change in a jar and set aside a
portion of every salary, so that you don’t
have to make payments on your summer
9. Save your vacation time expenses.

If you have money, you have a job, you don’t have

free time. If you have free time, you don’t have a
job, you don’t have money. Save up your vacation
time, starting now. Stop “getting sick,” starting 10. To be single or not to be
now. And with this list, begin planning your
summer vacation and request vacation time off… That is the ????? Only you can Answer.
now. Some say dump the girl/guy and find a new
one other’s say a bird in the hand is better
than 2 in the bush.
Name our Newsletter
find some samples of Christian newsletters to aid us in
coming up with a name for our newsletter.
Some initial thought:

Women Matters
RaNdOm StUfF
1.) Which woman of the Bible gave birth to Jesus?
12 Margaret

2.) Which woman of the Bible was the world's first mother?

3.) Which woman tried to kill Elijah after he put the prophets of Baal to

4.) Which woman had her name changed by God to Sarah?


5.) Who became the queen of King Ahasuerus and defended her Jewish
people from being destroyed?
Mary Magdalene

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