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Problem statement

1. Low MgO in dome sample , but high MgO in raw mill sample –
sampling inconsistent and sometimes biased .
2. Too optimistic MgO consumption from quarry
3. 4 days high MgO in dome will last for more than 7 days if we used
traditional dilution method, time consuming and extra cost for
machineries rental.
4. CBA is still in planning stage
Suggestion solution – a) Dilution in
Dome in daily operation
1. Stacking infront of reclaimer during raw mill high stock

• Instant result for today blending after reclaimer run back ,

chances of high MgO can be reduce where only 1 day
production of high MgO and action can be done immediately to
change loading point tomorrow morning without have to wait
for another 1 week before the actual result coming out.
• Dome result still can be used as indication
• Only 1 dome is enough to do this method
Suggestion solution – b) Tonnage
1. Target dilution <4 Hrs
• Production as usual from quarry with target reported in quarry
group everyday with factor
• If result show High MgO >2% , max tonnage is 4000mt of high
MgO in dome = 8 hrs of raw mill production
• If result show Low MgO <2% , Max tonnage is 4000mt , quarry
is allow to add tonnage of high MgO in blending
Suggestion solution – c) Restriction
1. Only if dome stock is range in between 25k – 30k this is to allow
space for reclaimer and stacker to reverse
2. Only if raw mill stop with no major job in reclaimer
3. Maximum stacking is 4 hrs only
Suggestion solution – d)
Cross check between dome result and reclaiming side
2. Prevention to prolong MgO issue
3. Active prevention can be address to contractor and immediate
action can be done.
4. Reduce cost for machineries rental.
5. More confidence in using Limestone resources at various MgO
6. Optimisation of Limestone resources usage and to reduce double
handling cost that Hume’s have to bare.
7. One of the manual control before we install CBA , since it was
delay for few years

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