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Metallurgical Thermodynamics

9MET304.1 1

On completion of this topic you would be able to

• What is Thermodynamics ?

• What are the applications of thermodynamics in

Metallurgy ?
• What is an Ideal Gas?

• How to derive the Ideal Gas Equation ?

• How to solve Numerical Problems ?

9MET304.1 2

• “Thermos” means heat.

• “Dynamos” means movement or mechanical action.

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Thus Thermodynamics is

• The Study of flow of heat into or out of a system as the

system undergoes a physical or chemical transformation.

9MET304.1 4
Introduction cont.,

• It deals with the energy interactions in physical systems.

• Thermodynamics can be stated in four laws called

• Zeroth, first, second, and third laws respectively.

9MET304.1 5

1) Whether a particular physical or chemical change

can occur Under a given set of conditions of
• Temperature,
• Pressure and
• concentration

9MET304.1 6
Applications (contd…)

2) How far a physical or chemical change can proceed until

equilibrium conditions are established.

3) A + B = C +D

9MET304.1 7
Applications in Metallurgy

• In the construction of phase diagrams

• To predict the correct reducing agent in ferrous and
non ferrous extractive metallurgy

9MET304.1 8
Applications in Metallurgy

• To understand phase transformations and diffusion

during heat treatment of an alloy
• To predict new phases in the development of newer

9MET304.1 9
Perfect Gas

• An ideal gas or perfect gas

• Is a hypothetical gas

• Consisting of identical particles

• Volume of particles = zero

• Intermolecular forces are = zero

9MET304.2 10
Perfect Gas cont.,

• Additionally,

• The Molecular collisions are perfectly Elastic.

• Obey the gas laws (Boyle’s Law and Charles’ Law ) at

all Temperatures and Pressures

9MET304.2 11
Ideal Gas Equation

• The statement:

Where P---pressure
n---no. of moles of ideal gas
R--- Universal gas constant
T--- Absolute Temperature of ideal gas.

9MET304.2 12
Derivation of Ideal Gas Equation

• According to Boyle’s Law

(At Constant T and m)

V α 1/P
• According to Charles’ Law


(At constant P and m)

9MET304.2 13
Derivation Of Ideal Gas Equation Cont.,

• Combining the above two laws we can write


• Where K is a constant.

9MET304.2 14
Derivation Of Ideal Gas Equation Con.,
• K value can be found as follows

Where P0 is 1 atm pressure

V0 is 22.4 lit
T0 is 2730K
If the above values are substituted in the
above equation we get
K =0 .0821 lit-atm
9MET304.2 15
Derivation Of Ideal Gas Equation Cont.,

• This value of ‘K’ i.e. 0.0821 lit-atm is constant and is

same for every gas

• Hence ‘K’ is replaced by a new constant called Universal

gas constant

• This is represented by ‘R’

9MET304.2 16
Derivation Of Ideal Gas Equation Cont.,

• Now the ideal gas equation takes the following form for
1-mole of gas
= R

• For n-moles of gas the equation is

= nR

9MET304.2 17
Real Gas

• In Real gases

• Volume is ≠0

• Attractive and repulsive forces exist

• Molecular collisions are plastic

9MET304.2 18
Real Gas cont.,

• There fore

• Real gases

• Do not exhibit the ideal gas properties,

• However at high temperatures and low pressure

• They behave as ideal gases.

9MET304.2 19
Numerical Problems

• Problem No.1

A sample of neon gas occupies a volume of 752 ml at 25

C. What volume will the gas occupy at 50 oC if the
pressure remains constant?

9MET304.2 20
Solution to Problem No.1

• Step 1: Convert to Kelvin

25 + 273 = 298 K and 50 + 273 = 323 K

• Step 2: Rearrange equation to solve for V2

• According to Charles’ Law

• V1/T1 = V2/T2

9MET304.2 21
Solution to Problem No.1 cont.,

V1T2 = V2T1
V2 =
(752 mL)(323 K)
V2 =
(298 K)
= 815 mL

9MET304.2 22
Numerical Problems

Problem No.2

• A sample of oxygen has a volume of 150 ml at a pressure

of 0.947 atm. If the volume of the gas is decreased to
144 ml, what will be the new pressure?

9MET304.2 23
Solution to Problem No.2

• According to Boyle’s Law

• P1v1 = p2v2

• P1 = 0.947 atm v1 = 150 ml

• P2 = ? V2 = 144 ml

9MET304.2 24
Solution to Problem No.2

P1 V1
There fore p2 =
0.947 150
There fore p2 =
= 0.986 atm

9MET304.2 25
Numerical Problems

Problem No.3

• A helium filled balloon has a volume of 50.0L at 25oC

and 1.08 atm. What volume will it have at 0.855 atm and

9MET304.2 26
Solution to Problem No.3

• According to combined gas law

P1V1 P2 V2
T1 T2

9MET304.2 27
Solution to Problem No.3 cont.,

• Given Data

• P1 = 1.08 atm P2 = 0.855 atm

• T1 = 25oC + 273 = 298 K T2 = 10oC + 273 = 283 K

• V1 = 50.0L V2 = ?

9MET304.2 28
Solution to Problem No.3 cont.,

• Writing for V2

V2 =

9MET304.2 29
Solution to Problem No.3 cont.,

Substituting the values

V2 =

= 60 L

9MET304.2 30
• We have discussed about

• What is Thermodynamics ?

• Applications of Thermodynamics.

• What is ideal gas

• The statement of Ideal Gas Equation.
• The Derivation of Ideal Gas equation.

• How to solve the Numerical Problems

9MET304.2 31

1) Thermodynamics is used to
a) Construct phase diagrams

b) To predict the possibility of a reaction

c) To predict the reducing agent

d) All the above

9MET304.1 32

2) By using laws of thermodynamics we can predict

a) The rate of a reaction

b) The equilibrium of a reaction

c) The rate and equilibrium

d) None

9MET304.1 33

3) In the equation P V = n R T ‘n’ represents

a) Pressure in atm.

b) Volume in lit.

c) Temperature in kelvin.

d) No. of moles.

9MET304.2 34

4) The numerical value of ‘R’ in lit-atm is

a) 1.98.

b) 8.314.

c) 0.0821.

d) None.

9MET304.2 35

5) Which of the following is a Real gas

a) CO2.

b) CO.

c) SO2.

d) All the above.

9MET304.2 36
Frequently Asked Questions

1) Define Ideal Gas 1 Mark

2) Write the Ideal gas equation and label the terms 1 Mark

3) Write any three applications of thermodynamics in metallurgy

3 Marks

4) Derive the Ideal gas equation for ‘n’ moles of ideal gas

5 Marks

9MET304.2 37

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