18MET503C MM L30 (1.15-1.18) 11-8-2020 U1 5

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On completion of this lesson you would be able to

• Define Critical Resolved Shear Stress (C.R.S.S).

• Derive C.R.S.S for a single crystal.

• Solve numerical problems on CRSS

• Explain the low angle grain boundaries


• Explain Slip with both Edge & Screw Dislocations.

• Explain Dislocation climb & Cross slip.

• Differentiate Edge & Screw Dislocations.

Resolved Shear stress (RSS)

• Plastic deformation takes place by slip

• What kind of stress is required for slip?

• A: Shear stress

• But plastic deformation also caused by uniaxial tension (I,e

tensile stress)
• Do an applied tensile stress generates shear stress

• A: Yes

MET702. 7 TO 8 3
Resolved Shear stress (RSS)

• Shear stress on a slip plane in a slip direction due to an

applied tensile stress is called ‘Resolved Shear stress’

• Represented by ‘τRSS’

MET702. 7 TO 8 4
Resolved Shear stress (RSS) due to an
applied tensile stress ‘σ’

MET702. 7 TO 8 5
Resolved Shear Stress
• Consider a single crystal under a tensile force F.
• The angle between the normal to the slip plane and the tensile axis be Ø.
• The angle between the slip direction and the tensile axis is λ

• If A0 is the cross sectional area of the specimen.

Resolved Shear Stress

• Then the area of the slip plane (As) inclined at an angle Ø is A0/COS Ø

• The component of the axial force F acting along the slip direction is Fr = F Cos λ

• Hence the resolved shear stress is given by

• TR = F Cos λ / A/Cos Ø =F/A Cos λ Cos Ø

• τR = σ Cos λ Cos Ø

Resolved Shear Stress
• When the slip plane is perpendicular to the applied stress σ,
the angle λ is 900 and no shear stress is resolved.

• τR = σ Cos λ Cos Ø = 0

• There fore The RSS (τR) on a slip plane which is perpendicular

to tensile axis Is zero

Resolved Shear Stress
• When the slip plane is parallel to the applied stress σ,
the angle Ø is 900 and no shear stress is resolved.

• τR = σ Cos λ Cos Ø = 0

• There fore The RSS (τR) on a slip plane which is parallel to

tensile axis Is zero

Resolved Shear Stress

• Slip will not occur for these extreme orientations since

there is no shear stress on the slip plane.
• Crystals close to these orientations tend to fracture
rather than slip.
• The shear stress is maximum when Ø= λ =450 , so that

TR = ½ σ.

Critical Resolved Shear Stress
• A polycrystalline metal deforms plastically when its yield stress
is attained.
• Slip in a single crystal begins only when the shearing stress on
the slip plane in the slip direction reaches a threshold value
called the critical resolved shear stress

• τR = σ Cos λ Cos Ø

Critical Resolved Shear Stress
• τR = σ Cos λ Cos Ø

• Draw a graph between τR vs σ

• We get a straight line graph since the equation

• τR = σ Cos λ Cos Ø = 0 is in the form y = mx

• Where y = τR

• m = Cos λ Cos Ø
• x=σ

• τCRR = σ Cos λ Cos Ø

• As σ reaches σy the TR reaches TCRSS

• The value of RSS at the point of yielding is called CRSS

Numerical problems on CRSS

Numerical problems on CRSS

• The normal to the slip plane (111) is [111]. Thus, the angle Ø between the
tensile stress direction [001] and normal to the slip plane (i.e., [111] is
given as follows)

• Thus, the resolved shear stress will be

• TR = σ Cos λ Cos Ø
• =

Numerical problems on CRSS

Numerical problems on CRSS

Numerical problems on CRSS
• 3)

• Solution

Numerical problems on CRSS
• 3)

• Solution

Grain boundary
• The microstructure of many engineered ceramic and metallic
materials consists of many grains.
• A grain is a crystalline portion of the material within which the
arrangement of the atoms is nearly identical.
• However, the orientation of the atom arrangement, or crystal
structure, is different for each adjoining grain.
• Three grains are shown schematically in Figure .

(a) The atoms near the

boundaries of the three grains
do not have an equilibrium
spacing or arrangement. (b)
Grains and grain boundaries
in a stainless steel sample

Grain boundary
• The arrangement of atoms in each grain is identical but the grains are
oriented differently.
• A grain boundary, the surface that separates the individual grains, is a
narrow zone in which the atoms are not properly spaced.
• That is to say, the atoms are so close together at some locations in the
grain boundary that they cause a region of compression, and in other
areas they are so far apart that they cause a region of tension.

(a) The atoms near the
boundaries of the three grains
do not have an equilibrium
spacing or arrangement. (b)
Grains and grain boundaries
in a stainless steel sample

Low angle grain boundary
• Small Angle Grain Boundaries A small angle grain boundary is
an array of dislocations that produces a small misorientation
of a few degrees between the adjoining crystals.
• Because the energy of the small-angle grain boundaries is
less than that of a regular grain boundary, the small angle
grain boundaries are not as effective in resisting slip
• In general a low angle grain boundary can be described by
suitable array of dislocation

Low grain boundary
• Low angle grain boundaries are of two types they are
– Tilt boundary
– Twist boundary
• A tilt boundary is composed of edge dislocations lying one
above the other in the boundary as shown in the figure below

Low grain boundary
• The angle of tilt will be ϴ = b/h
– Where “b” is the magnitude of the Burgers vector and “h” is
the average distance between dislocations

Low grain boundary
• A twist boundary can be descried in terms of at least two sets
of parallel screw dislocations lying in the boundary
• In this case the angle of twist is α = b/h
– Where “b” is the magnitude of the Burgers vector and “h” is
the average separation of screw dislocations


We have discussed about

• Critical Resolved Shear Stress (C.R.S.S).

• Derivation of equation of C.R.S.S for a single

• Solving numerical problems on CRSS

• Low angle grain boundaries

MET702. 7 TO 8 25

• 1) RSS on a slip plane parallel to tensile

axis is
• A) >0
• B) minimum
• C) maximum
• D) zero

MET702. 7 TO 8 26

• 2) RSS on a slip plane perpendicular to

tensile axis is
• A) <0
• B) minimum
• C) maximum
• D) zero

MET702. 7 TO 8 27

• 3) RSS becomes maximum when Cos Ø

Cos λ is equal to
• A) 1
• B) minimum
• C) maximum
• D) 0.5

MET702. 7 TO 8 28

• 4) The maximum value of RSS in terms of

applied tensile stress σ is
• A) σ
• B) σ /4
• C) 2 σ
• D) 0.5 σ

MET702. 7 TO 8 29
Frequently asked Questions


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