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Introduction to

What is philosophy?
Origin of the word „PHILOSOPHY“
The term philosophy is derived from the
Greek words 
phylos meaning "to love" and 
(philia meaning "love")
sophie meaning "wisdom".

Philosophy is, literally defined, “the love of

Philia and Sofia join by Pythagoras-600 B.C.
Love = strong desire for a particular
Wisdom = correct application of
In this content, philosophy - strong desire
of a person to possess knowledge and
apply it correctly
the oldest of all scientific disciplines
any branch of study was formerly called philosophy
men – in the lowest stage of their intellec­tual
development they could not differentiate the
different depart­ments of the universe and
consequently the different branches of knowledge.
But with the advance of knowledge they came to
distinguish different sciences from one another, and
philosophy from special sciences
They regarded philosophy as the knowledge of the
eternal and essential nature of things. 
The process of differentiation of sciences:
science is a form of social consciousness, which is characterized
by its ...
1. subject
2. research methods
3. system of knowledge
first to be separated from philosophy:
1. the elementary basic sciences - geometry and mathematics
2. Scientific empirical disciplines - e.g. ancient zoology and
botany, ancient astronomy
3. physics, chemistry, biology
4. social sciences (history)
5. sciences dealing with the human psyche, consciousness,
thinking - psychology, logic
Philosophy examines the world as a
whole, special sciences explore individual
areas, parts of this whole.

Each philosophical reasoning is based on

the individual knowledge of the sciences
in order to unite them in the idea of the
whole world.
Draw a tree of knowledge composed of these
◦ Physics
◦ Pathopsychology
◦ Zoology
◦ Ergonomics
◦ Optics
◦ Mechanics
◦ Philosophy
◦ Botany
◦ Biology
◦ Psychology
Philosophy is defined as a science that
studies beings in their ultimate causes,
reasons, and principles through the aid
of human reason alone.
being / beings - all things that exist,
material or immaterial.

the notions of

Basic questions in philosophy
What is the origin of the world, of everything that
Why do these things exist, rather than not exist at
Is there God? If so, how can we justify the
goodness of God in the face of evil?
What is the meaning and purpose of life? Why do
we have to suffer?
If one is suffering from an unbearable pain, such as
cancer, is it morally right to resort to euthanasia or
assisted suicide?
In short, philosophy attempts to
understand things in a critical and logical
There isn't a single definition of
Karl Jaspers – famous German existential philosopher

discipline in which questions

are more important than
answers because answers
themselves will, in turn, become
General definition
Philosophy is a theoretical science that
examines the most general laws and
regularities of the world, asks questions of
the essence of the world, examines the world
in its entirety and in universal reciprocity
and conditionality (everything is related to
The great philosophers of history – trying to
understand themselves, their times and their
place in the world.

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