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Flowchart of the methodology

For the present study,LANDSAT satellite images of Mysuru city were acquired for 3 years namely, 2000, 2011
and 2020. All the imageries belong to the month of JUNE.

All the LANDSAT images have been taken from USGS Earth explorer. Images has resolution of 30 meters.

All the satellite images were brought to Universal Transverse Marcator (UTM) projection in zone 43N.

Mysore city map from the source K-Gis, KSRSAC


1 Arc GIS – Used for classification by visual interpretation and to create the land cover/ land use pattern.

2. ERDAS 8.4 – Used for displaying images and mosaicking and geo-referencing the images.


The city map and all the satellite imagines are

geo referenced using Arc GIS software.
With ArcGIS, the multivariate toolset provides tools for both supervised and unsupervised

The image classification toolbar provides a user-friendly environment for creating training samples and
signature file used in supervised classification.

For supervised classification, the signature file is created using training samples through the image
classification toolbar.

For unsupervised classification the signature file is created by running a clustering tool

Spatial analyst also provides tool for post classification processing, such as filtering and boundary
Flowchart of image classification
 Data exploration
The classification analysis is based on the assumption that the band data and the training sample
data follow normal distribution.
The classification analysis is based on the assumption that the band data and the training sample
data follow a normal distribution.
To check the distribution of the data in a band, use the interactive histogram tool on the spatial
analyst toolbar.
To check the distribution of individual training samples, use the histograms tool on the training
sample manager
 Collecting training samples
To create a training sample, select one of the training simple drawing tools (for example, the
polygon tool) on the Image Classification toolbar and draw on the input image layer.
The number of pixels in each training sample should not be too small nor too large.
If the training sample is too small, it may not provide enough information to adequately create the
class signature.
If the training sample is too large, you might include pixels that are not part of that class. If the
number of bands in the image is n, the optimal number of pixels for each training sample would be
between 10n and 100n.
 Evaluating training samples
When training samples are drawn in the display, new classes are automatically created in the training
sample manager.
The manager provides you with three tools to evaluate the training samples the histograms tool ,the
scatterplots tool , and the statistics tool .
You can use these tools to explore the spectral characteristics of different areas.
You can also use these tools to evaluate training samples to see if there is enough separation between
the classes.
 Editing classes
Depending on the outcome of the training sample evaluation, you may need to merge the classes that
are overlapping each other into one class.
This can be done using the Merge tool in the manager window.
In addition, you can rename or renumber a class, change the display color, split a class, delete
classes, save and load training samples, and so forth. The following image shows how to merge two
 Creating the signature file
Once you determine the training samples are representative of the desired classes and are
distinguishable from one another, a signature file can be created using the create signature file tool
in the manager window.

 Applying classification
1. On the image classification toolbar, click classification>maximum likelihood classification to
open the maximum likelihood classification tool.
2. In the tool dialog box, specify values for the three required parameters-Input raster bands, Input
signature file, and Output classified raster. Accept the default values for other parameters.
3. Click OK to run the tool.
 Post-classification processing
The classified image created by the Maximum Likelihood Classification tool may misclassify certain
cells (random noise) and create small invalid regions. To improve classification, you may want to
reclassify these misclassified cells to a class or cluster that is immediately surrounding them. The
most commonly used techniques to clean up the classified image include filtering, smoothing class
boundaries, and removing small isolated regions.


The classification scheme which gives a broad classification of the land use land cover of the study
area is shown in Table 3.6.

SI. No. Class

1 Built Up Area
2 Forest Area
3 Agricultural Area
4 Water Body
5 Barren land
 Built-up land
These are the land surfaces of man-made constructions due to non-agricultural use including
buildings, transportation network, communication, industrial, commercial complexes, utilities and
services in association with water, vegetation and vacant lands. Collectively, cities, towns and
habitations are included under this category. The total aerial extent of built-up land is 35.9406
 Forest
It is an area (within the notified forest boundary) bearing an association predominantly of trees,
other vegetation types capable of producing timer and other forest products. Forest cover with
40% or move vegetation density (crown cover) is called dense or closed forest, while between 10-
40% of vegetation density is called as scrub whereas. The total aerial extent of forest land is
36.0684 Km2.
 Wastelands/ Barren Land
These are degraded lands which can be brought under vegetative cover with reasonable effort.
These are currently under-utilized and deteriorating due to lack of appropriate water & soil
management or on account of natural causes. Thirteen types of wastelands are identified and
digitized. The total aerial extent of wasteland covers about 36.0684 km2 (4.46%).
 Water bodies
This class comprises areas of surface water, either impounded in the form of ponds, lakes and
reservoirs or flowing as streams, rivers, canal, etc. The area occupied by this category is 28.34 Km 2
 Agricultural land
These are the land primarily used for farming, production of food, fiber, other commercial and
horticultural crops. It includes land under crops (irrigated and unirrigated), fallow, plantations, etc.
The area under this category is 516.34 Km2 (63.85%).
• The results are shown in Table.
Year 2000 2011 2020
Percentage Percentage
Land use type km 2
Percentage (%) km 2
km 2
(%) (%)
Barren Land 36.0684 4.45 24.1397 2.98 85 10.49
(Forest) Trees,
193.697 23.91 231.194 28.54 66 8.15
Water Body 28.341 3.50 28.0061 3.46 27 3.33
516.174 63.71 448.644 55.38 525 64.81
Built Up area 35.9406 4.44 78.0823 9.64 107 13.21
The area
data presented810
in Table 100 810of each 100
represents the area 810 category
land use land cover 100 of the
three different years.
• In the year 2000, Agricultural land is maximum percentage and the built-up
area only 4.44%. over more than 50% of total area has Agricultural land.

Land use land cover map of Mysuru in 2000

• In 2010 the agricultural land slightly decreased and urban population and building
is increased

Land use land cover map of Mysuru in 2010

• In year 2020 the forest area rapidly decreased rapidly from 24% (2000) to 8%

Land use land cover map of Mysuru in 2020

 The result of the work showed that there was a rapid change of Built up area over 20 years.
The built up area increased from 4% (2000) to 13% (2020). It is mainly due to rapid
urbanization and also people moving by nearby cities ( Bengaluru and Chennai) because of
less density of population and good weather condition it leads to increase of traffic and
decrease of agriculture and forest land.

 In water bodies there is not much changes found. This is may not be correct because in this
study we taken June month data of three decades. That time there was a rainfall during
classifying the land use and land cover map chances of covering maximum water bodies. If we
classify in the month of April or May we may not get some of dried lakes.

 There is increase of Barren land (4.4% TO 10.4%) due to lack of agricultural work and
horizontal growth of Mysuru city.
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