Capstone Presentation Activity

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Test Launch

Customer Survey Results


This survey was performed once we hit the milestone of running a tablet test launch. The survey was used to
gather data on how the tablets affected customer satisfaction as well as items being ordered on the tablets. We
got to this point after great efforts getting the tablets installed, programed, and getting everyone trained on how
to use them.

The primary objective of the survey was to evaluate the level of customer satisfaction for customers using the
tablets. We tried to measure this but gathering data on the things we believed most affected customer
satisfaction. Some examples of what we thought would do this are: table turn times, ticket times, wait times,
order accuracy, etc.
Findings - Overall Experience Using the Tablet
Next Steps

The first recommendation I would make is that we need to add questions to determine if the 82% of customers
who ordered appetizers did so due to the advertisements and coupons, or if they chose them on their own. This
will help us determine the effectiveness of the coupon offerings.
Next Steps

The second recommendation i would make is to determine if the incorrect orders were entered into the tablets
correctly or if they were mistakes made my the kitchen. This will tell us if we need to do more training in BOH or
if the FOH employees need to do a better job teaching customers how to use the tablets, despite the majority
of customers reporting that the were well instructed on how to use them.

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