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Culture and Business

An introduction and some frameworks

• Knowledge gives you humility
• Humility makes you worthy of partnership
• Worthiness gives you wealth
• Wealth gives you dharma
• Dharma gives you sukha
5 questions…

• Who am I?
• Where am I?
• Why am I here?
• In doing what I am doing, what am I really doing?
• In doing what I am doing am I part of the problem or the solution?
who am I? Pancha Rna
• Bhuta rna – Fire (deha. Jataara, dhyana), water, air, earth and space
• Deva rna
• Rishi(ka) rna
• Pitru rna
• Manushya rna

• Through Yagna – Dana - Tapas

Where am I?
• Kala
• Kshetra
• Subject to Sristi – Sthithi – Laya

• Pancha gnaendriya and the Pancha tanmatras,

Eye rupa
Ears shabda
Nose Gandha
Mouth Rasa
Skin sparsha
Why am I here?

• Moksha/Mukti/Sukha
• Dharma – the Manushya nyaya or the matsya nyaya
• Artha - that which fullfills kama
• Kama – desires / hunger
In doing what I am doing, what am I really
• Arishad Varga
• Kama - Lust
• Krodha - Anger
• Moha – infatuation
• Lobha – Greed
• Madha – Pride
• Matsarya - Envy
In doing what I am doing am I part of the
problem or the solution?
• Yagna – the 5 Archetypes

• Asura
• Rakshasa
• Yaksha
• Devata
• Yajamana

• Bhagwan
What is the greatest thing in the world?

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