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Diabetes History

and Background
May 16, 2022 | Diabetes Awareness Cam
DiabetesMellituscomesfrom the Greekword "diabetes"(pass-
through)andthe Latin word"Mellitus"(sweet.)Thisdiseasewasdiscoveredby
ancientphysicians from Egyptwho beganto notice that ants tend to
gatheraroundthe urine of a personhavingdiabetes. Thetwo
personwhodiscoveredthe natureof Diabetesis
JosephVonMeringandOskarMinkowskwi heretheystudythe roleof
ourpancreas in our bodyby takingout the pancreasof a certainanima.l
Thisdiscoverygavea greatcontributionto
Thetwo personwhodiscoveredthe natureof Diabetesis
JosephVonMeringandOskar Minkowskiwho were able to study the variousroles
of our pancreasby conducting experimentssuchas the removalof the
pancreasfrom a certainanima.l Thisdiscovery gavea great contributionto all the
scientistsaroundthe world to comeup with the treatmentto fight off diabetes.

Joseph Von Oskar

Mering May 16, 2022 | Diabetes Awareness Cam
Diabetesis a diseasewherea
personsuffersfrompancreaticfailure. It is alsoclassifiedasa
chronicdisease. Thepancreasis anessential and importantpart
of the bodyknowingthat it is responsiblefor
producinginsulinthat can store anduse glucoseas energyfor
the body. Somecausesof diabetesare the weightof the
person,family history,andhighbloodpressure.

May 16, 2022 | Diabetes Awareness Cam


May 16, 2022 | Diabetes Awareness Cam

Types of Type 1 Diabetes

This type of Diabetes occurs when your
autoimmune system reacts and attacks itself,
making your body stop from making insulin.
Type 2 Diabetes
This type of Diabetes occurs when your
body is not using your insuling right and
cannot keep the blood sugar levels at

normal lGeveelss.tational Diabetes

This type of Diabetes only occurs in
pregnant women. This usually develops
when a woman gets pregnant but usually
goes away when the baby is born.

May 16, 2022 | Diabetes

May 16, 2022 | Diabetes Awareness Cam
Prediabetesis a conditionin whichthe bloodsugarlevelis higherthan norma.l It's not high enoughto
be classifiedas type-2 diabetes. But,it puts youat significantrisk of developingit.
Whatcausesprediabetesis unknownhoweverf,amilyhistoryandgeneticsplaya significantrole.

People with prediabetes are unable to digest sugar appropriately. This can happen if the
pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin or if the cells become insulin-resistant, causing
Symptoms Risk Factors
less sugar to enter.
There are usually no signs of • 45 years old or older
• Overweight
howeverthose who have it may exhibit
• Family history of diabetes
the following:
• Had gestational diabetes (diabetes
• Blurryvission
during pregnancy)
• Excessivethirst
• Not physically active
• Slowto healcutsandbruises
May 16, 2022 | Diabetes Awareness Cam

May 16, 2022 | Diabetes Awareness Cam

Your body does not produce enough insulin to keep
your blood sugar in balance if you have diabetes. This
indicates that your blood sugar levels are too high,
which can lead to major health issues such as heart,
nerve, kidney, and eye damage over time. After a
meal, it's called postprandial.

The Postprandial glucose test (PPBS) is a blood

glucose test that determines the kind of sugar, often
M a y 1 6, 2 0 2 2 |

May 16, 2022 | Diabetes Awareness Cam

Meat Polyunsaturated
It may serve as another fat foods
source of energy and other They do not raise the

sources of "bad"LDL cholesterol and may

Milk iron, zinc, and vitamin B- actually help raise the

complex "good"HDL cholesterol in the
It is an excellent source of
Fruits body.
protein and calcium. It is also a
good source of Phosphorus, These are important for Vegetables
some of the B-complex their vitamin minerals and
Green leafy vegetabls such
vitamins, fiber contents. as

Vitamin Aand Vitamin D. Kangkong, Malunggay and

Milk also contains some Saluyot contain calcium and

Magnesium iron. others may also be a rich
May 16, 2022 | Diabetes Awareness Cam
Aerobic Exercise
Slow progress
• Slowly create an increasing pace of exercise.

• Helps insulin to work better
• Creates more muscle.
60 minutes daily
• Aerobic exercises for atleast 60 minutes a day,
and 5 days a week.
May 16, 2022 | Diabetes

May 16, 2022 | Diabetes Awareness Cam


Taking Insulin Shot- It is being injected into a patient's

subcutaneous fat that helps regulate the body's sugar level.
May 16, 2022 | Diabetes
Taking Medicine- These drugs help the regulation of the body's
sugar level.
May 16, 2022 | Diabetes
Drink More Water- Dehydration is common in diabetic patients.
Drinking plenty of water will avoid these circumstances.
May 16, 2022 | Diabetes
Exercise More At least 60 Minutes Every Day- This practice
will help to lower the blood sugar in the body and avoid insulin
sensitivity. May 16, 2022 | Diabetes Awareness Cam
Have A Proper AndBalanced Diet- Wating healthy foods in
appropriate portions.
May 16, 2022 | Diabetes Awareness Cam
Monitor SugarLevel- Investin a monitoring device for the
home monitoring of the disease.
May 16, 2022 | Diabetes
Have A Check-up Every Six Months- this will explain how the disease
progresses and gives the patient the alternative medication to reduce it.
May 16, 2022 | Diabetes
Prevention and
Because type 1 diabetes is caused by an immune system malfunction, it
is not preventable. Some factors that contribute to diabetes, such as
genetics or age, are also beyond our control.

However, many other diabetes risk factors are controllable. The majority
of diabetes prevention strategies involve making minor changes to our
diet and exercise routine.

May 16, 2022 | Diabetes

Prevention and Control
Here are some things you can do to prevent and control diabetes:
• Aminimumof 150 minutes of aerobic exerpciesreweek, such as walking or
cycling, is recommended.
• Eliminate saturated and trans fats from your diet, as well as refined
• Consume more fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains.
• Eat smaller portions.
• If you are overweight or obese, try to lose 7% of your body weight.
• Quit smoking because it can lead to type 2 diabetes by increasing insulin

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