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Isosceles, and
Spherical Triangles
Group 2
Leader: #15. Esquilarga, Dave Clarence C.
Members: #11. Coronel, King Reylan Gabas
#12. Delos Santos, Emmanuel Niko Apid
#13. Delos Santos, Ryan Caesar Lagrada
#14. Ebojo, Kim Jan Camarines
#16. Faceronda, Reygenil Predonio
#17. Gatuslao, Tom Cedric Gallos
#18. Glendro, Jose Lucky Villarena
#19. Guycoa, John Aaron Reguera
#20. Ilig, Leoh Mark Naigan

The Learners should be able to:

• Know the definition of Quadrantal, Isosceles, and

Equilateral Spherical Triangles.
• Identify the formula of Quadrantal, Isosceles, and
Equilateral Spherical Triangles.
• Solve for Quadrantal, Isosceles, and Equilateral
Spherical Triangles.
A quadrantal triangle is a spherical triangle
whose angle is one that is in the standard
position and has a measure that is a
multiple of 90° (or π/2 radians). A
quadrantal angle will have its terminal lying
along an x or y axis.
The polar triangle of a quadrantal triangle is a right
triangle which can be solve using the solution of a
right spherical triangle.
Aquadrantal spherical triangle together with
Napier's circle for use in his mnemonics.
A quadrantal spherical triangle is defined to be
a spherical triangle in which one of the sides
subtends an angle of π/2 radians at the centre
of the sphere: on the unit sphere the side has
length π/2. In the case that the side c has
length π/2 on the unit sphere the equations
governing the remaining sides and angles may
be obtained by applying the rules for the right
spherical triangle of the previous section to the
polar triangle A'B'C' with sides a',b',c' such
that A' = π−a,  a' = π−A etc.

In a spherical triangle ABC, side c = 90°, side b

= 115° 30, side A = 98° 45’. Find the
remaining parts of the triangle.

Side c = 90° 
Side b = 115° 30
side A = 98° 45’.
The polar triangle of a quadrantal triangle is computed

A’ = 180° - a a’ = 180° - A
B’ = 180° - b b’ = 180° - B
C’ = 180° - c c’ = 180° - C

Solve for C’ Solve for B’ Solve for a’

C’ = 180° - c B’ = 180° - b a’ = 180° - A
C’ = 180 ° - 90° B’ = 180° - 115° 30 a’ = 180° - 98° 45’
C’ = 90° B’ = 64° 30’ a’ = 81° 15’

Therefore the known parts of the right triangle (polar

triangle) are:

C’ = 90° B’ = 64° 30’ a’ = 81° 15’

The remaining parts of the polar triangle are c’, b’, and
A’. Solve for the remaining parts of the polar triangle
using the solution of a right spherical tringle, the find
the remaining parts of the quadrantal triangle using the
above formula.

c’ = ? b’ = ? A’ = ?

c’ = 180° - C b’ = 180° - B A’ = 180° - a

c’ = 180° - b’ = 180° - 64° 30’ A’ = 180° - 81° 15’
90° b’ = 115° 30’ A’ = 98° 45’
c’ = 90

 Isosceles spherical triangle is a spherical triangle with

two sides are equal or two angles are equal. If two side
of the triangle are equal, then the angles opposite
these two equal sides are also equal. If the spherical
triangle has two equal angles, the sides opposite these
two equal angles are also equal.
 Equilateral spherical triangle is a spherical triangle
whose three sides are all equal. Equilateral triangle is
an equiangular triangle, which means all angles are
equal with each other.

 The solution of an isosceles and equilateral triangle can

be reduced with that of the solution of a right spherical
triangle by drawing an arc of a great circle that passes
through the vertex of the isosceles or equilateral
triangle and the midpoint of the base. This arc divides
the triangle into two equal right triangles.

Example: A B

Find the remaining parts of an isosceles

spherical triangle given the following parts:
side a = side b, b = 70, angle C = 80.

Solve for: angle A = angle B, and side c.


When an arc is drawn from angle C perpendicular to side c, then

two equal right triangles are formed. Then solve for the
remaining parts of the right spherical triangle using Napier’s Rule.
For the formed right spherical triangle, X = 90, a = 70, C/2 = 40
Using Napier’s rule and Napier’s Circle, solve for

Angle B = less than 90 - since side a is less than 90 (Theorem 1)

Angle A - is equal to angle B since side a is equal to side b, then

angle A

side c = less than 90 (Theorem 1)

Solve for angle B less than 90

To solve for angle B, side a and angle C/2 are

known, referring to the Napier’s circle, take Co - a
as the middle part. If side Co - a is the middle
part, adjacent parts to side Co - a are Co – B and
angle Co -C/2. Use rule Napier’s rule 1.
(tan - adj).
Sin Co - a = tan Co - C/2 tan (Co – B)
Cos a =
Tan B =
Tan B =

Tan B = 3.48445

B = tan –1

B = 73 59’

Since side b is equal to side a, then

A = 73 59’
Solve for side c

To solve for side c of the isosceles triangle, solve

for side c/2 first. Since the isosceles triangle was
divided into two equal right triangles. Side c of
the isosceles triangle is twice of side c/2.

Solve for side c/2 less than 90

Since side c/2 is opposite to the known parts
angle Co - C/2 and side Co - a, use Napier’s Rule
2 (Cos – opp)
Sin c/2 = cos Co -C/2 (Cos Co – a)
Sin c/2 = sin C/2 ( sin a)


Sin c/2 = sin 40 (sin 70)

Sin c/2 = (0.64279)(0.93969)
Sin c/2 = 0.60402
c/2 = sin –1 (60402)
c/2 = 3710’

Therefore, side c = 2 (3710’)

c = 74 20’

Solve the Isosceles Spherical Triangle given the following:

a = 60 and b = 40 and a = c.

a = 60 c = 60


A b = 40 A b/2 = 20

Find: A, B C, c

The figure on the left shows the isosceles spherical triangle ABC. An arc BD is drawn
from B and perpendicular to side b. This arc bisects both angle B and side b, and divides
the isosceles spherical triangle into two symmetric right triangles.

Consider the right spherical triangle A-B/2-D show on the right.

co-B/2 d

co-c b/2


co-B/2 d

co-c b/2


A, co-A, R1,Q1

Sin(co-A) = tan(b/2) tan (co-c)

cosA = tan(b/2)cot c
cosA = tan (b/2) / tan c
= tan 20°/tan 60°
cosA = cos -¹ 0.21014
A = 77°52’
co-B/2 d

co-c b/2

B/2, b/2, R2, Q1

sin(b/2)= cos(co-B/2)cos(co-c)
sin(b/2)= sin(B/2)sinc
sin(b/2)= sin (b/2)/sinc
= sin20°/sin60°

sin(B/2)= 0.39 493

B/2= sin'0.39493
B/2= 23°16’
B = 46°32’

Since a = c, then A = C. Therefore, C = 77°52’

Since a = c, then c = 60°

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