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Leave for
Solo Parents
Republic act 8972 /
solo parent welfare act of
le a ve b e ne fi ts g ra nted to a
all mean
“Parental Leave” sh e r to p er fo rm parental duties
le h im /h
solo parents to enab h y sic a l p re se n c e is required.
where p
and responsibilities

li v in g w it h a n d dependent
“Child” refers to a p o rt . H e/ s h e is unmarried,
r su p
on a solo parent fo h te e n (1 8 ) y e ars of age, or
below e ig
unemployed, and a n d a b o v e b u t is incapable
years old
even eighteen (18) h e /s h e is m e n tally and/or
a use
of self-support bec ged.
1. Giving birth as a result of rape
2. Death of spouse;
3. Spouse is detained or is serving a sentence for a criminal conviction for at
least one(1) year
4. Physical and/or mental incapacity of spouse as certified by a public
medical practitioner;
5. Legal separation or de facto separation from spouse for at least one (1)
year; Provided he/she is entrusted with the custody of the children;
6. Declaration of nullity or annulment of marriage as decreed by a court or
by a church: Provided, that he/she is entrusted with the custody of the
7. Abandonment of spouse for at least one(1) year;
8. Unmarried father/mother
9. A foster parent
10. Any family member who assumes the responsibility of the head of the
family as a result of the death, abandonment, disappearance, or prolonged
absence of the parents or solo parent: Provided, that such abandonment,
disappearance, or prolonged absence lasts for at least one (1) year.
A solo parent employee shall be entitled
to parental leave, provided that:
1. Has rendered at least one (1) year of
service, whether continuous or broken;
2. Has notified their employer they will
avail the said benefit within a reasonable
period of time.
3. Has presented to their employer a Solo
Parent Identification Card, which may
For entitlement
be obtained from the DSWD office.
1. Comprehensive Package of Social Development and Welfare

2. Parental Leave
3. Flexible Work Schedule
4. No Work Discrimination
5. Education Benefits
6. Additional Support and Assistance

A change in the status or circumstances of the parent
claiming this benefit under the law, such that they are
no longer left alone with the responsibility of
parenthood, shall terminate their eligibility for this

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