Introduction To Geology

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Course Name : Engineering Geology and Rock
Course Code: Geol 3071

The Man of Science appears to be the

only man who has something to say
just now – and the only man who doesSir James Barrie 2
1.1 Introduction
What is Geology?
 is the science that deals with the study of earth as a whole (crust, mantle and core).
 the age , origin, and structure of the earth.
 the evolution, modification, and extinction of surface and subsurface features.
 natural dynamic and physiochemical processes operating on and in the earth, and
the agents, forces involved and evolved in such processes.
 Stratigraphy: method to give a relative age Stratigraphy
to geological layers,
 Paleontology: methods to give an
absolute age limits to geological rocks,
 Radiometric methods: give an absolute
age, based on nuclear decay(14C)

1/28/23 Stratigraphy
• How did Earth evolve from molten material to a rocky mass and
living planet with continents, oceans and an atmosphere? Earth
(1) Differentiation of molten matter by gravity, followed by slow
Formation of concentric layers with different chemical
Denser elements(Fe, Ni) → sink to center = CORE
Lighter elements(Si, O)→ rise to the surface = CRUST
Remaining elements(Mg, Al, Na, Fe) → MANTLE

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(2) Volatile elements(water vapor, CO2, CO, N2, H2, etc.)
released from interior during differentiation and early
 Form the atmosphere
 Drop of Earth temperature
 Condensation of water vapour
 Oceans
Today, only outer core and mantle are still liquid enough
to allow differentiation

Chemical composition (% by weight)

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What is Engineering Geology?
deals with the study of construction sites, and construction material.
It has great importance in safe, economic, and stable designs of
engineering projects.
Why Engineering geology?
Study suitability of foundation for any civil/hydraulic structures= any
construction is on the ground so the area that the structure rests should
be investigated for its soundness for foundation
Mechanical properties of rocks along the proposed site, especially
their bearing strength, shear strength, modulus of elasticity,
permeability and resistance to decay and disintegration.
Presence of structurally weak.
It enables- to appreciate the limiting factors imposed upon planning
by topography, geomorphology, and ground water conditions of the
availability of different types of construction materials.
Disaster risk management

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