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I can introduce the topic by Clearly identifying The characters,
setting, plot, narrator, sensory details, and sequence Of events in
my writing.
Purpose of narrative writing:
to tell a story based on real
or imaginary events.
Writing steps:
Do remember elements of
the story?

Brainstorming is the first step in writing process.

Big topic Small moment
Going to the beach.

Playing at recess.

My first day at school.

Family trip to a theme park.

Stretching my small moment:

We saw the fire and everyone was safe. The end.

Add more details:

My mother and I were coming home from buying new shoes. I had new
sandals. She had new pumps. We were walking to our house from the
bus. We were looking at everyone’s tulips. She was saying she liked the
red tulips and I was saying I liked yellow ones.
Then we came to our block. Right outside our house stood two big fire
engines. I could see lots of smoke. Tall orange flames came out of the
“Can you picture it?!”

All the neighbors stood in a bunch across the street. Mama

grabbed my hand and we ran. My uncle Sandy saw us and
ran to us. Mama yelled, ‘Where’s my grandma?’
“She really stretched out that moment didn’t she?”
Plan your story.

Who? When? Where?

Now it’s your turn to plan your story
Day 2:

I can describe experiences and events through character
dialogue helping my reader to better Understand.
Story 1: I was walking through the grocery store one day with my mom. She
saw a cart coming straight toward me, but I didn't see it. I ran right into the
cart and landed in a heap on the floor. It was such a disaster.

Story 2: I was walking through the grocery store one day with my mom. All of a
sudden, she yelled out, "Watch out for that cart!" I was starting to turn around
to see what she was talking about, but the cart was coming too quickly. I yelled
out, "Oh no! Stop!" as the car came crashing into me. As I landed in a heap on
the floor I screamed, "Ouch, watch out next time!" It was such a disaster.

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