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Chronic renal

Raghad Nahar 442500236
Nursing diagnosis Planning/expected intervention Rational Evaluation
1- Disturbed thought Client will regain or 1 Assess extent of 1 Uremic syndrome’s effect can begin Client has maintained optimal level of
processes related to maintain optimal level of impairment in thinking with minor confusion or mentation, identified ways for
physiological changes, mentation, identify ways ability, memory, and irritability and progress to altered compensate for cognitive impairment
accumulation of toxins, to compensate for orientation. Note personality, inability to assimilate and memory deficits.
such as urea, ammonia; cognitive impairment and attention span. information or participate in care.
metabolic acidosis; memory deficits. Awareness of changes provides
hypoxia; electrolyte opportunity for evaluation and
imbalances; calcification in intervention.
the brain as evidenced by 2 Ascertain from 2 Provides comparison to evaluate
disorientation to person, significant other (SO) progression or resolution of
place, time. client’s usual level of impairment.
3Provide SO with 3 Some improvement in mentation
information about client’s may be expected with restoration of
status. more normal levels of BUN,
electrolytes, and serum pH.
4Provide quiet, calm 4 Minimizes environmental stimuli to
environment and reduce sensory overload and
judicious use of TV, radio, confusion while preventing sensory
and visitation. deprivation.
5Promote adequate rest 5 Sleep deprivation may further
and undisturbed periods impair cognitive abilities.
for sleep.
Nursing diagnosis Planning/expected Intervention Rational Evaluation
Risk for impaired skin Client will maintain intact 1Inspect skin for changes in 1Indicates areas of poor Client has maintained intact skin,
integrity related to Altered skin, demonstrate behaviors color, turgor, and vascularity. circulation and early breakdown demonstrated behaviors and
metabolic state, circulation and techniques to prevent Note redness and excoriation. that may lead to decubitus techniques to prevent skin
(anemia with tissue skin breakdown or injury. Observe for ecchymosis and formation and infection. breakdown or injury.
ischemia), and sensation purpura.
(peripheral neuropathy) 2Monitor fluid intake and 2Detects presence of dehydration
Changes in fluid status; hydration of skin and mucous or overhydration that affects
alterations in skin turgor— membranes. circulation and tissue integrity at
edema Reduced activity, the cellular level.
immobility Accumulation of 3Inspect dependent areas 3Edematous tissues are more
toxins in the skin. for edema. Elevate legs, as prone to breakdown. Elevation
indicated. promotes venous return, limiting
venous stasis and edema
4Change position frequently, 4Decreases pressure on
move client carefully, pad edematous, poorly perfused
bony prominences with tissues to reduce ischemia.
sheepskin, and use elbow and
heel protectors.
5Provide soothing skin care, 5Baking soda and cornstarch
restrict use of soaps, and baths decrease itching and are
apply ointments or creams less drying than soaps. Lotions
such as lanolin or Aquaphor. and ointments may be
desired to relieve dry, cracked
Deep vein thrombosis
Raghad Nahar 442500236
Nursing diagnosis Planning/expected Intervention Rational Evaluation

Ineffective peripheral tissue Client will demonstrate 1Promote early 1- Short, frequent walks are Client has improved perfusion
perfusion related to decreased improved perfusion as better for extremities and as evidenced by peripheral
blood flow and venous states evidenced by peripheral pulses ambulation. prevention of pulmonary pulses present, equal skin
as evidenced by tissue edema, present, equal skin color, and complications than one long color and temperature normal
pain, diminished peripheral temperature normal and walk. If client is confined to and absence of edema.
pulses, slow or diminished absence of edema bed, ensure range-of-motion.
capillary refill, skin color 2- Physical restriction of
changes 2Caution client to avoid circulation impairs blood flow
crossing legs or hyperflex at and increases venous stasis in
knee, such as seated pelvic, popliteal, and leg
position with legs dangling vessels, thus increasing
or lying in jackknife swelling and discomfort.
position. 3This activity potentiates risk
3Instruct client to avoid of fragmenting and dislodging
rubbing or massaging the thrombus, causing
affected extremity. embolization, and increasing
risk of complications.
4Increases negative pressure in
4Encourage deep-breathing thorax, which assists in
exercises. emptying large veins.
5Dehydration increases blood
viscosity and venous stasis,
5Increase fluid intake to at pre- disposing to thrombus
least 1,500 to 2,000 mL/day, formation.
within cardiac tolerance.
Nursing diagnosis Planning\ expected Intervention Rational Evaluation

Acute pain\impaired comfort Client will report that pain or 1Maintain bedrest during 1- Reduces discomfort Client has reported that pain
related to diminished arterial discomfort is alleviated or acute phase. associated with muscle or discomfort is alleviated or
circulation and oxygenation of controlled Verbalize methods contraction and movement. controlled with verbalize
tissues with production and that provide relief. Display 2 Elevate affected 2- Encourages venous return methods that provide relief
accumulation of lactic acid in relaxed manner; be able to extremity. to facilitate circulation,
tissue inflammatory process as sleep or rest and engage in reducing stasis and edema
evidenced by report of pain, desired activity. formation.
tenderness, aching or burning 3Cradle keeps pressure of
guarding of affected limb, bedclothes off the affected leg,
restlessness, distraction 3 Provide foot cradle. thereby reducing pressure
behavior discomfort.
4Reduces muscle fatigue, helps
minimize muscle spasm, and
4Encourage client to change maximizes circulation to
position frequently. tissues.
5Elevations in heart rate may
indicate increased discomfort
5Monitor vital signs, noting or may occur in response to
elevated temperature. fever and inflammatory
process. Fever can also
increase client’s discomfort.

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