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Sandra Acencio Barrientos Docente USS

Lg teaching has been described in terms of what teachers do. The teacher is typically confronted with different kinds of tasks. In trying to understand how teachers deal with these dimensions of teaching, it is necessary to examine the beliefs and thinking processes which underlie teachers classroom actions. What teachers do is a reflection of what they know and believe.

The source of teachers beliefs

Teachers belief systems are founded on: 1. the goals, values, and beliefs they hold in relation to the content and process of teaching, 2. their understanding of the systems in which they work and their roles within it. The study of teacher-thinking addresses questions such as what are the sources of teachers beliefs? or what do teachers believe about teaching and learning?

Sources of teachers beliefs

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Their own experience as lg learners Experience of what works best Established practice Personality factors Educationally based or research-based principles Principles derived from approach or method

Beliefs about English

Peoples views of English are influenced by contacts they have had with the lg and its speakers. The underlying beliefs teachers hold about English will influence attitudes toward teaching it. These beliefs can be clarified by considering questions like: Why do you think English ia an important lg? Do you think English is more difficult to learn than other lgs?

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Beliefs about learning

Both teachers and learners bring experience to the classroom that influences their perceptions in subtle ways. Teachers beliefs about learning may be based on their training, their teaching experience, or may go back to their own experience as lg learners. These beliefs represent answers to questions like: How do you define learning? What are the best ways to learn a lg?

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Learners hold assumptions about learning such as Learning consists of acquiring a body of knowledge The differences between teachers and learners beliefs reinforce the importance of clarifying the assumptions underlying teachers classroom practices to match the students expectations,

Beliefs about teaching

Teaching is a personal activity. Individual teachers bring to teaching very different beliefs and assumptions about what constitutes effective teaching. Interviews with teachers about their teaching produced different answers to a series of questions: How do you see your role in the classroom? How would you define effective teaching?



Beliefs about the program and the curriculum

Teachers have specific beliefs about the programs they work in. Within a program or school, teachers views on such things as lesson planning, the use of objectives, and assessment may lead to quite different classroom practices. Teachers also have specific beliefs about problems with the programs they work in, which they may pass on to new teachers who enter the program.

Beliefs about lg teaching as a profession

The degree to which individual teachers have a sense of professionalism about their work depends upon their own working conditions, their personal goals and attitudes, and the career prospects available to lg teachers in their community. Some teachers do not think of teaching as a profession at all.






Teachers beliefs about professionalism can be explored through questions such as: How would you characterize English teaching as a profession? What kind of training do you think lg teachers need? What is the most rewarding aspects of teaching? What changes do you think are necessary in the lg teaching profession? What kind of training do you think lg teachers need?

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