Psyche Intro

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NCM 117 – Maladaptive Patterns of

Level III

It is the simultaneous success at

working, loving & creating with
the capacity for mature &
flexible resolution of conflicts
between instincts, conscience,
other people & reality.

(American Psychiatric Association).


• Mental health implies mastery in the

areas of life involving love, work & play.

• Mental Health is the successful

adaptation to stressors from the internal
or external environment, evidenced by
thoughts, feelings, & behaviors that are
age-appropriate & congruent with local
& cultural norms.
It is the successful performance of
mental function, resulting in productive
activities, fulfilling relationships, & the
ability to adapt to change & cope with
adversity. It provides people with the
capacity for rational thinking,
communication skills, learning,
emotional growth, resilience & self-

It is the best adjustment an

individual can make at a given
time, based on his internal
(feelings, values, skills, talents)
& external resources
(supportive family members,
friends, educational
background, financial
Mentally Healthy Person
Accepts his
Has a realistic
strengths, Has genuine concern
knowledge of
himself. weaknesses & for others.

Can take care of Can tolerate stress

More directed by
himself without & frustration
inner rather than
hurting others in the
outer values. without personality
process. disorganization.

Engages in Achieves a unifying,

Perceives reality
independent integrated outlook in
thinking & action. life.

focuses on the care

& rehabilitation of
people with
identifiable mental
illnesses or
• the inability of the person to effectively
adjust to life as demonstrated by the use
of multiple coping mechanisms, which
do not buffer the individual from
profound psychic insults.
• In mental illness, the person is unaware
of himself (real self). The person utilizes
many layers of protective behavior
(defense mechanisms) that he remains
unaware of his uncomfortable feelings
without achieving release from psychic
pain or anxiety.
…mental illness

If a person is unsuccessful An illness with psychologic

in dealing with or behavioral manifestations
environmental stresses &/or impairment in
because of faulty inherited functioning due to a social,
characteristics, poor psychologic, genetic,
nurturing during childhood, physical/chemical, or
or negative life biologic disturbance
circumstances, mental (American Psychiatric
illness may develop. Association).
•is a process whereby the nurse
assists the person as individuals or
in groups, to develop a more
positive self-concept, a more
satisfying pattern of interpersonal
relationships, & a more satisfying
role in society.
…Psychiatric Nursing

• is an interpersonal process
whereby the professional
nurse practitioner assists an
individual, family or
community to promote
mental health, to prevent or
cope with the experience of
mental illness and suffering
and if necessary, to find
meaning in these
…Psychiatric Nursing

• is a specialized area of nursing

practice employing theories of human
behavior as its science & purposeful
use of self as its art. It is directed
toward both preventive & corrective
impacts upon mental disorders &
their sequelae, & is concerned with
the promotion of optimal mental
health for society, the community &
those individuals who live within it
…psychiatric nursing
• is the provision of nursing care
to patients where the major
therapeutic goal is the
prevention, detection,
treatment & rehabilitation of
psychiatric disorders.

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