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Di f f er e nt T y p es o f

Le a d er s

• Mute your microphone

• Turn off your camera
• Listen attentively
• Discuss the different types of leader
• Give distinctive features of the different types of
A leader is someone who leads. A person who has a commanding authority
and influence. (Merriam Webster Dictionary)
According to Jacob Morgan (2020), a leader is someone
who does more than just lead people. They have to be
driven by the right motivation and make a positive impact
on the people around them.
Let’s Take a Quiz
1. When you need to make a decision, you
A. Make it on your own
B. Use it as an opportunity to train a subordinate
C. Delegate it to an appropriate team member
D. Consult your subordinates for their expertise
E. Try to help everyone get behind your idea for moving forward
F. First question how the decision will affect tasks at hand
2. When a subordinate takes an action that is
less than satisfactory, you:
A. Seek to understand the circumstances that led to the action
B. Help your employee understand how they could improve next time
C. Let them know their action has a negative consequence
D. Calmly explain to your subordinate what the best course of action
E. Investigate how the action will impact larger projects
F. Tend to ignore it—it will work itself out
3. Which of these statements rings the most
true for you?
A. You believe in a “let it lie” policy and know a hands-off approach is best
B. You pride yourself on being a great listener and communicator
C. You’re personally invested in the success of your individual employees
D. You like to have a hand in everything and need to have the final say
E. You only hire all-stars. You’re pretty sure they’re all smarter than you
and that’s a-okay
F. You’re all about goals, deadlines, and doing what it takes to get the job
4. When someone does something that pleases you,
A. Listen to what they thought went well and congratulate them
B. Are ready to move on to the next job
C. Hold off on congratulating them and let your incentive
structure speak for itself
D. Reinforce the behavior through acknowledgment and
E. Let them know that their contribution is important to the team
F. Tend to not acknowledge behavior, good or bad
5. When it comes to your employees, you
feel that:
A. As long as they’re getting the job done, you’re happy
B. They must be held to the highest standard
C. They know what’s best for the organization
D. Each has an opportunity to grow personally and professionally
within their role
E. Their input is extremely important to the organization’s success
F. They can be persuaded to see your side, if needed
6. Your perfect day is a day:
A. You get to help someone realize their professional goals
B. You get to work as part of the team and collect input from
C. Everyone does their job correctly
D. You get to spend conversing with others
E. You don’t have to intervene with anyone’s work
F. A big project crosses the finish line
7. If you had to choose one phrase to summarize
your organizational culture, you’d say:
A. Open and communal
b. Warm and inviting
c. Unrestrained and empowered
d. Connected and family-oriented
e. Results-driven and process-oriented
f. Orderly and efficient
8. If you had to choose one role model from
those below, it would be:
A. Howard Schult, CEO of Starbucks
B. Indra Nooyi, CEO of Pepsico
C. Ridley Scott, Film Director
D. Bill Gates, Co-founder of Microsoft and the Bill And Melinda
Gates Foundation
E. Ronald Reagan, Former President of the United States
F. Warren Buffet, Business Mogul and Philanthropist


smiley face



Have a tie between symbols?

That just means that you tend to use multiple leadership

approaches. Let’s read all applicable descriptions to get your full
Different Types of Leaders
If you scored mostly gavels,


Autocratic leaders often make decisions on their own and feel they
need to be involved in every step of a project. While they tend to get a
bad rap, or might be considered a bit cold or harsh, this style also
famously gets stuff done. Because you’re not taking time to consult
with others along the way, decisions are made quickly and your
organization often reaps the rewards from this.
What you’re typically What you need to be careful
awesome at: with:

• Moving everything along • Overlooking the creative

solutions and ideas of others
• Keeping a clear mind in
stressful situations • Negatively impacting company
• Getting control of a group
If you scored mostly scales ,


Democratic leaders often rely on their subordinates to help them make
decisions. You invite the opinions of experts, the collective thoughts of
the leadership team, and often, input from the greater organization.
This style tends to unearth new ideas from others and helps employees
feel like valued members of a team.
What you’re typically What you need to be careful
awesome at: with:

• Bringing the group together to • Taking too long to make a

discuss and making everyone decision because you feel the
feel heard need to reach a consensus

• Weighing input and multiple • Appearing like you’re holding

perspectives before making a back your own thoughts and
decision opinions
If you scored mostly hands ,


French for “allow to do,” laissez-faire is a government policy that
involves allowing the free market to run its own course without the
government’s interference.
A laissez-faire leader often delegates tasks to others and grants them
the authority to make their own decisions. Laissez-faire leaders,
typically remaining uninvolved, equip subordinates with what they
need and then hand over the reins. They are, however, still ultimately
responsible for the collective actions of the team.
What you’re typically What you need to be careful
awesome at: with:

• Building a topnotch team of • Failing to assemble the right team—

for example, this style is less effective
when members can’t self-manage
• Giving subordinates a sense of their time
autonomy • Misdirected team members who end
• Getting involved only when up focusing on the wrong areas due
to a lack of guidance
• Using your detached style as a
scapegoat to avoid responsibility for
the group’s actions
If you scored mostly coffee cups,


Employee-centered leaders are committed to the success of each and
every one of their team members. They often feel comfortable
delegating tasks and are concerned with the personal and professional
growth of their subordinates. They work hard to make sure employees
feel they have a path to advance and achieve their individual goals.
This type of leader tends to thrive at the executive level as their focus
on relationship-building and morale propels the team forward.
"The employee-centered leader, on the other hand, believes in
delegating decision-making and in helping followers satisfy
their needs by providing a supportive work environment
(Likert, 1967)."
What you’re typically What you need to be careful
awesome at: with:

• Helping people realize their • Focusing on your grand vision

fullest potential so much that you miss
opportunities to contribute at a
• Facilitating relationships across
teams granular level

• Making employees feel • Keeping key tasks and projects

respected, trusted, and valued on your radar

• Sugarcoating difficult news or

If you scored mostly pens,


Task-centered leaders will make sure things get done.
They’ve got their eye on the prize and are great at facilitating
subordinates to complete a larger task. While a task-centered
leader is detail-oriented and precise, they can also tend to
keep tabs on their subordinates’ work and progress, and be
pretty vocal about specifics and deadlines.
What you’re typically What you need to be careful
awesome at: with:

• Making lists, plans, and • Causing employees to feel

schedules micromanaged or not trusted

• Helping the team understand • Focusing on the nitty-gritty so

their responsibility much that you lose sight of the
larger picture
• Keeping everyone on track and
ensuring quality work • Becoming autocratic
If you scored mostly smiley


Charismatic leaders are captivating. They have no trouble
gathering a room’s attention. They’re confident and have the
ability to communicate in a way that can transform their
subordinates’ values and beliefs. They tend to gain their
organization’s trust easily and inspire others to get on board
with whatever decision is on the table.
What you’re typically What you need to be careful
awesome at: with:

• Getting everyone to • Your followers possibly losing

understand your vision steam and questioning your
• Making people feel special and
inspired to succeed • Taking advantage of your
“powers” to persuade someone
• Taking initiative and confidently
moving forward with decisions to make a bad decision
Transformational Leader
• Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their workforce
without micromanaging — they trust trained employees to take
authority over decisions in their assigned jobs. It’s a management
style that’s designed to give employees more room to be creative,
look to the future and find new solutions to old problems. Employees
on the leadership track will also be prepared to become
transformational leaders themselves through mentorship and training.
Transformational Leadership Characteristics
According to Bass, these are the hallmarks of a transformational leader that sets them apart
from other leadership styles. A transformational leader is someone who:
• Encourages the motivation and positive development of followers
• Exemplifies moral standards within the organization and encourages the same of others
• Fosters an ethical work environment with clear values, priorities and standards.
• Builds company culture by encouraging employees to move from an attitude of self-interest to a
mindset where they are working for the common good
• Holds an emphasis on authenticity, cooperation and open communication
• Provides coaching and mentoring but allowing employees to make decisions and take ownership of
When it comes to what’s going on in the organization,
leaders are either making it happen (good or bad),
allowing it to happen (good or bad), or preventing it
from happening (good or bad). Ultimately, the top
leader is responsible, whether they accept
responsibility or not.
Great leaders often share much in common, but the ways they lead
can run the gamut. When you understand your own leadership styles
and methods, you can be more self-aware of any associated pros and
cons and identify ways you can manage your people more effectively.
“ If we desire to grow and reach our
potential, we must pay more
attention to our character than our
success. ”
• Jacob Morgan (2020). What is leadership, and who is a leader?. Retrieved from

• What kind of leader are you? Retrieved from https://www.Classy.Org/blog/quiz-what-kind-leader-are-you/

• Employee-Leadership Style. Retrieved from https://

• What is Charismatic Leadership?. Retrieved from,ar

• What is transformational leadership? A model for motivating innovation. Retrieved from

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