Civil Aeronautics Act 1938

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Civil Aeronautics Act 1938

Duggimpudi Sagar Bala Chinnapa Reddy

• Abstract
• Formation of CAA.
• History of Civil Aeronautics Act 1938.
• Roles and responsibilities.
• Economical impact of CAA 1938
• Future enhancements.
• References
The mission of Civil Aeronautics Act 1938 was to enhance the
development of air transportation, defense systems, airport operations,
domestic and international commerce and trade. New air carrier routes
and regulating current routes was also handled by CAA 1938.
Meanwhile, under this act there are two different agencies CAA, CAB to
operate work efficiently.
Both organizations are same, However CAB involved in investigating
accidents and faced deregulation effect and renamed as FAA.
Formation of CAA
• When the Air commerce act 1926 was formed by the congress man to
develop civil aviation, it was failed to handle ramifications created by
some invisible problems.
• While time passes, creating numerous barriers to the growth of civil
aviation was increased eventually.
• At the last session of congress, the new bill had been passed, to
introduce the new era towards the enhancement of civil aviation.
President, Roosevelt signed the bill and it’s the birth of CAA 1938.
History of Civil Aeronautics Act 1938.
• Senator pat Mccarran from Nevada was the person behind CAA 1938
on April 14,1938 he passed the bill to ensure commerce and safety in
the sector of air transportation.
• On June 23, 1938, President Roosevelt approved Civil Aeronautics Act
• Responsibilities of federal civil aviation, department of commerce
was transferred to civil aviation authority by CAA.
• CAA 1938 has the authority to regulate aviation, air transportation,
and administrative works.
• Whereas CAA was reorganized as Civil Aeronautics Board.
• CAB renamed as Civil Aeronautics Administration and this CAA was
recoined as FAA Federal Aviation Agency. Finally, today in this 21 st
century it is called Federal Aviation Administration.
• CAA Act 1938 lead us to form strong organization like FAA to regulate
air transportation with all safety measures.
• Inauguration of civilian pilot training program was launched in the
time of WW – II.
• ATC towers were also control by Civil Aeronautics authority and later it
became permanent.
• Key accomplishment by CAA was to improve air safety in between
1938 to 1939 and board investigated 2,668 accidents and offered
recommendations to avoid future crashes.
Roles and responsibilities.

There are six major responsibilities to be performed by civil aeronautics

• Improving the system of national defense, developing air
transportation system, acquiring sufficient knowledge to grow in
present and future trade & commerce all over the world.
• Introducing the highest factor of safety, and preserve the inherent
advantages from air transportation, improving co ordination between
air carriers and companies.
• Encouraging adequate economical support, establishing new
companies and offering cheaper prices at better customer satisfaction.
• Prohibiting discrimination irrespective of field, avoiding criminal
activities, confronting undue advantages, unfair competitive practices.
• Holding the major competition between national defense, commerce
and trade, mail services to develop air transportation system.
• Mainly, promoting air transportation and it is available to everyone
with utmost safety.
• Meanwhile, encouraging civil aeronautic authority.
• CAA has an impeccable record of approving 435 colleges and
certifying almost 8,313 civilian pilots and approved 528 flight schools.
• CAB was terminated due to the effect of Airline deregulation act of
• This act also implemented organization of authority which creates the
administrator to handle the works.
• Economic regulation of air carriers, issuing permits, and safety
certifications, labelling the nationality and ownership of an aircraft.
• It also regulates penalties for air carriers granting rebates.
Economical impact of CAA 1938
• By introducing this act federal government had experienced a lot of
taxes and growth in countries GDP.
• During 1939 domestic carriers increased passenger traffic almost
45.9% and 12.5% of air mail traffic during same year.
• By looking all this improvements from the side of air transportation
federal government had taken an initiative to release the fund to
improve the aviation field.
• Funded 4 crores towards the aviation industry to to increase safety.
• In the mean-time CAA should file an annual report at the end of each
fiscal year.
This figure depicts the raise of revenue in 3 years by domestic air carriers by transporting passengers.
Air safety Board
• Air safety board is also included in CAA 1938 act which has the
general duties to be managed on daily basis.
• Main aim of safety board is to make rules that should be followed by
the authorized air carriers to maintain safe and security of an
• Investigating accident reports and make a conclusion to pretend
future accidents.
• It also has the authority to make their own duties and responsibilities
and no intervention in other departments.
Future Enhancements.
• What ever the improvements will take place in FAA comes under Act
of CAA 1938.
• Nextgen billion-dollar project will be the major enhancement in the
history of air transportation.
• Enroute automation modernization (ERAM) will be developed to
assist navigation and scheduling flights.

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