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E-learning and Use of Technology in Training

Technologies Influence on Training and Learning

New technologies have made it possible to:
 Reduce the costs associated with delivering training  Increase the effectiveness of the learning environment  Help training contribute to business goals

New technologies include:

 Multimedia  Distance learning  Expert systems  Electronic support systems  Training software applications

Technology has made several benefits possible: Employees can gain control over when and where they receive training. Employees can access knowledge and expert systems on an as-needed basis. Employees can choose the type of media (print, sound, video) they want to use in a training program.

Technology has made several benefits possible: (continued) Course enrollment, testing, and training records can be handled electronically, reducing the paperwork and time needed for administrative activities. Employees accomplishments in training in progress can be monitored.

Technology allows digital collaboration to occur:

Digital collaboration refers to the use of technology to enhance and extend employees abilities to work together regardless of their geographic proximity. Digital collaboration includes:
 Electronic messaging systems  Electronic meeting systems  Online communities of learning

Impact of new technology on the learning environment:

Prior to the introduction of new technology:
 Learning was a very linear process.  Instructors presented information to the learners.  Practice and applications occurred after instruction.  Instructor/trainer and learner were only ones involved.  Communication was one way from instructor to trainee.  Trainee played passive role in learning.

Impact of new technology on the learning environment: (continued)

Technology has allowed learning to become a more dynamic process.
 The learning environment has expanded to include greater interaction between learners and the training content.  There is greater interaction between learners and the instructor.  Instruction is primarily delivered to the learners online using the internet.  Instructor is more of a coach and resource person.

Impact of new technology on the learning environment: (continued)

 Learning occurs through: communicating with other learners working on virtual team projects exchanging ideas interacting with experts discovering ideas and applications using hyperlinks  Experts and resource materials are part of the learning environment.

Multimedia Training
Multimedia training combines audiovisual training methods with computer-based training. These programs integrate text, graphics, animation, audio, and video. Because this training is computer-based, the trainee can interact with the content. Can be delivered using the Internet or intranets.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Multimedia Training:

Disadvantages Advantages
Self-paced Interactive Consistency of content Consistency of delivery Unlimited geographic accessibility Immediate feedback Built-in guidance system Appeals to multiple senses Can test and certify mastery Expensive to develop Ineffective for certain training content Trainee anxiety with using technology Difficult to quickly update Lack of agreement on effectiveness

Computer-Based Training
Computer-based training (CBT) is Computeran interactive training experience in which:
The computer provides the learning stimulus, The trainee must respond, and The computer analyzes the responses and provides feedback to the trainee

Computer-Based Training: CD-ROM, DVD, Laser Disc

A personal computer enables animation, video clips, and graphics to be integrated into a training session. The user can interact with the training material through using a joystick or touch-screen monitor.

Computer-Based Training: Interactive Video

Interactive video combines the advantages of video and computer-based instruction. Instruction is provided one-on-one to trainees via a monitor connected to a keyboard. Trainees use the keyboard or touch the monitor to interact with the program. It is used to teach technical procedures and interpersonal skills.

Computer-Based Training:
The Internet or Web-Based Training and Elearning

InternetInternet-based training refers to training that is delivered on public or private computer networks and is displayed by a Web browser. IntranetIntranet-based training refers to training delivered using the companys own computer network.
 The training programs are accessible only to the companys employees, not to the general public.

The Internet or Web-Based Training and Elearning


E-learning or online learning refers to instruction and delivery of training by computer online through the Internet or the Web. E-learning can include:
 Task-based support  Simulation-based training  Distance learning  Learning portals

The Internet or Web-Based Training and Elearning


Characteristics of e-learning learning:

Involves electronic networks that enable information and instruction to be delivered, shared, and updated instantly. Delivered to the trainee using computers with Internet technology. Focuses on learning solutions that go beyond traditional training.

Advantages of E-learning
It supports companys business strategy and objectives. It is accessible at any time and any place. The audience can include employees and managers as well as vendors, customers, and clients. Training can be delivered to geographically dispersed employees. Training can be delivered faster and to more employees in a shorter period of time.

Advantages of E-learning


Updating is easy. Practice, feedback, objectives, assessment, and other positive features of a learning environment can be built into the program. Learning is enhanced through use of multiple media and trainee interaction. Paperwork related to training management can be eliminated. It can link learners to other content, experts, and peers.

Tips for Developing Effective Online Learning

Consult with information technology experts before buying or developing a program. Online programs should incorporate learning practices. To teach interpersonal skills on the Web, get the learner actively involved. Give employees time for Web-based training. Keep Web-based learning events short.

Tips for Developing Effective Online Learning (continued)

Design courses for available bandwidth or increase bandwidth. Avoid using plug-ins. Make sure that trainees know the basics. Allow trainees the opportunity to collaborate. Consider a combination of Web-based and face-to-face instruction. Make trainees accountable for completing courses.

The Internet or Web-Based Training and Elearning


Virtual reality is a computer-based technology that provides trainees with a three-dimensional learning experience. Trainees move through the simulated environment and interact with its components. Technology is used to stimulate multiple senses of the trainee. Devices relay information from the environment to the senses.

Distance Learning
Distance learning is used by geographically dispersed companies to provide information about new products, policies, procedures, and skills training and expert lectures to field locations. Features two-way communications between people. Involves two types of technology:
 Teleconferencing  Individualized, personal-computer-based training

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