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• You
• have+P. participle+complement

• We

• They
• She

• He has + P.Participle+complement

• It
Subject Have / has P. Participle Complement

My father Has Traveled To Lima

I have Gone To the movies.

She Has Studied English in London

We Have Seen a Good movie

My cousin Has Bought a new car.

Subject Have/has Not Past participle Complement

You Have Not Visited Your grandaprents lately.

She Has Not Eaten Rice.

We Have Made A Delicious cake.

The car Has Not Worked Very well.

Have /has Subject Past complement Yes/no Subject Have/ has
Have You Made A cake? Yes, I Have.

Has Your sister Studied English? No, She Hasn’t.

Have They Worked In a factory? No, They Haven’t.

Has He Learned To play the piano? Yes, he Has.

Has Your tbrother Fixed The car? No, He Hasn’t.

• Rules
• We use present perfect to emphasis the action more than when it happens.
• I have read a book.
• She has made dinner.
• He has seen a movie.
• They have been to cuzco.
• You haven’t completed the test. When ????
• She hasn’t played soccer.
• They haven’t arrived to the party.
• My mother hasn’t traveled by plane.
• When the action started in the past and continue until now.(for - since)

• I have lived in Piura since 1994.

• I have lived here for 26 years.
• She has studied english for 4 years.
• She has studies english since 2016.
• We have worked here since 2015.
• I have worked here for 5 years.
• We have helped here since yesterday.
• She has spoken english since she was a child.
• She has spoken english for 6 years.
• For repeated actions in the past and present.

• I have seen Titanic many times.

• She has visited cuzco twice.
• We have gone to the movies many times.
• They have traveled to Lima 3 times.
• The dog has broken the glass.
• You have taken many pictures.
• She has taken 3 pictures so far.
• He has visited 5 museums until now.
• I have seen Titanic many times. • I saw Titanic yesterday.
• She has live in Lima for 20 years. • She lived in Lima for 20 years.
• We have studied english since • We studied english in March
• They have travelled to cuzco twice. • They travelled to cuzco in 2012.
• She has done her homework. • She did her homework last night.
• My mother has worked here since • She worked here.
• We have made a Delicious cake.
• We made a Delicious cake last night.


I Have Been Working All night

He Has Been Studying All weekend

They Have Been Eating Pizza

We Have Been Playing Soccer

Subject Have/ has Not Been Verb+ing Complement

He Has Not Been Waiting For you

They Have Not Been Studying French

She Has Not Been Listening to Music

We Have Not Been Watching Tv all night

I Have Not Been Eating Pizza


Have / has Subject Been Verb+ing complement

Have You Been Working All night? Yes, I have

Has She Been Studying Spanish ? No, She Has Not

Have They Been Looking For her? Yes, They have

Has It Been Raining All night? Yes, It has

Have We Been Cooking All morning? No, We Have not

• We use present perfect continuous to emphasis in the action that was in
progress in the past and continues until now, we have some evidence about
that or unfinished actions.

• They have been eating the pizza (there are some remains on the plate)
• It has been raining all night (we can see the wet streets)
• I have been searching the internet for more information (still continue
searching the information)
• He has been working in the garden all morning (he is dirty with mud)
• She has been studying spanish. (I still continue studying Spanish)
• I have been living in Lima for 5 years now (temporary situation)
• We can use for or since to give more information about the amount of
• For : for a period of time
• Since : something started
• It is very useful when we answer question with how long?
• I have been waiting for an hour
• She has been studying for a long time
• We have been working since last night
• They have been playing video games since 2 o’clock
• He has been traveling since last year
• I have been living in Piura since last April
• Since and for are very useful when we answer question about how
• How long have you been watching TV?
• I have been watching TV for hours
• How long has he been working in the garden?
• He has been working in the garden since 2 o’clock
• How long have they been studying english?
• They have been studying english since march
• How long has she been traveling ?
• She has been traveling for days

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