Bio Metrics and Its Impact On Present Day Security

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Presented by K.Jayagopal T.


y What is biometrics ? y What is the need for it ? y Requirements of a good biometric system y My opinion of this technology y Questions ???

Biometrics is an advanced technology for high grade protection and authentication. The term Bio relates it to the biological studies and metrics relates it to the measuring something.

Basically the main need for the use of biometrics is to enhance security and Security


1) IDENTFICATION -figure out Who is X? -accomplished by system performing a one-tomany search 2) VERIFICATION -answer the question Is this X? -accomplished by the system performing a one-to-one search

Methods of Verification:
1) Physiological verification:

Psychological Verification involves in the verification of the organs of the human being, which will have unique identification and does not match with others. 2) Behavioral Verification: This involves in behavioral factors done by the individual.

Physiological Verification:
y There are five types of verifications. These are: y 1. y 2. y 3. y 4. y 5.

Fingerprint. Handprint. Face measurement. Retinal scans. DNA analysis

Finger print detection:

It involves the user placing his finger over a glass-plate, which resides over a high-resolution camera, which uses optical or electromagnetic means to take its snapshot

Advantages :
y Advantages: y This technology is neither too expensive nor does it

require extensive user training. y It also simple to implement. y Finger print system has high efficiency and reliability. y It is oldest known technique that is still used in criminal records and forensic.

Hand print detection :

In this method instead of scanning the finger prints, entire hand is scanned and it is matched with the templates to get a match and the procedure it follows is same as in previous case. It also sometimes compares a 3D image of the users hand to that present in the system database. Anyhow it is somewhat similar to finger print verification

Face measurement:
This is as simple as taking a picture and analyzing the image from a security video capture. This technique enables the computer to use our faces as a password and matching these to an existing database. This feature is being used nowadays in many fields including the forensic departments for the identification of criminals and also used in high security areas.

Retinal scans :
y It involves imaging of the blood vessels in the retina of

the eye when infrared light of a certain frequency and wavelength is incident upon it. This energy is absorbed by the blood vessels is different in different individuals. y The retinal iris patterns are unique to individuals than any biometric yet devised.

Advantages of retinal scan systems :

y Biggest advantage is its reliability& the process gets

over in just a fraction of two seconds. y Iris being well protected inside the eye & doesn t get damaged easily. But if a person is up to some manual labor, the finger prints get ruptured & it becomes difficult to take them. So, iris can be best used. y Verification of finger prints is very difficult & time taking because they are too complex. But in case of iris recognition more than 5000 templates can be verified just in a minute

DNA analysis
y It involves in checking the DNA pattern of a human used

when physical characteristics are unrecognizable. It is used to identify people, who are died, to find out the relationship like identifying Childs natural parents. y No human have identified DNA patterns except in twins. In other cases the DNA strands doesn t have same set of sequence of molecules in any individual providing us a high grade factor of consideration for biometric security purposes.

Behavioral verification:
y This involves in behavioral factors done by the individual.

There are 3 types of behavioral verifications, y 1. Typing y 2. Signature y 3. Voice

Some systems measure things you do in addition to the things you are, it is a fact that the typing has a certain pattern for every individual and various from one person to another and this can also be used for purpose of knowing a person s identity. Some letters follow others in quick succession, while others take longer.

Signature :
y The way in which people write their signature is recorded

along with the precision and speed of the writing and this data is used for the verification purpose y This one is the most earliest methods of biometric methods.

Voice recognition:
y It involves in the recognition of the voice of the

individual. y The obtained voice of the individual is checked for the best match available in its storage to identify the person and his extent of accessibility to the resources

Future of biometrics:
y With the development of advanced sciences and its

following streams including electronics, nano technology and biomedical fields the field of biometrics has a great range of scope in the near future. Even nowadays the biometric devices are brought to existence as a major day to day used device and with the development of it in the future it will be of great importance in the security sectors. y One such evidence for it is the use of biometric devices in public areas and in the usage of devices and networks

My idea of biometric technology:

According to my view ,biometric technology is one of the most promising technologies for the security of the numerous databases and resources , as it provides better security against the unauthorised access of resources by people and it helps to keep the data encapsulated from the access of wrong people simultaneously meeting benefit of low cost and best security.

Security is not just about putting big locks on the front door, it also involves making sure all the windows are shut. Each one can be individually fooled, but the comparison makes the system more secure as a whole. Biometrics has its own advantages and disadvantages. It high expensive but it provides good security. Money is not important than security. It is more useful for confidential maters.

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