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Fire Safety

 Know location of fire alarm pull stations.

 Know at least two evacuation routes.

 Familiarize yourself with location of fire extinguishers

and the type.

 Remind people to close fire doors during evacuation

Fire Protection
 Fire extinguishers have current year inspection
and are fully charged.

 Fire extinguishers must be unobstructed.

 Fire doors must close automatically and remain closed

(often left propped open).
Building Evacuation Procedures
Recognize the sound of evacuation alarm.
If alarm does not sound; yell and pound on doors to
alert others.
Everyone should know at least 2 ways out of the
Remain calm, leave quickly, do not use elevators.
Building Evacuation Procedures
Knock on restroom doors, open partially and announce
Check area to make sure that others are evacuating.
If people do not leave, report their location to first
Persons with Disabilities
Help anyone that needs assistance evacuate or reach a
designated Area of Refuge away from danger.
Notify Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals through
visual communications.
Assure Blind or Low Vision individuals are escorted.
Notify responders of whereabouts if unable to get them
Building Evacuation Procedures
Close doors and windows as you go.
Move away from building at least 100 feet.
Do not block access for emergency responders.
Do not re-enter the building until cleared by fire or
Blocked Exits

If exit is blocked use alternate exit.

If you suspect fire outside your door feel door knob, do not
open if hot.
Open window a few inches for fresh air if necessary.
Notify emergency personnel of your location by phone or
hang something out window.
Seal cracks around door with tape or rags.
Stay low to ground, place a wet rag if possible over mouth.
Fire Triangle
3 Elements are needed for fire to occur:
Fuel – such as combustibles, grease,
Heat – ignition source
Oxygen – fire will not start or will starve if not

- Remove any of the three and the fire will be put out.
- Removing fuel is very difficult to accomplish.
Types of Fires
Types of Fire Extinguishers
Type A Air Pressurized Water (APW) for
Type B Carbon Dioxide for flammables.
Type C Chemical for electrical.
Type D Not used in most schools
When to use a fire extinguisher
If you have been trained and can do so safely.
When fire is Small, contained and not spreading
If you have a clear evacuation route
Using a fire extinguisher
For more info
Don Ebert, Risk Manager
(509) 789-3517

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