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Drill stem testing is a temporary well completion test undertaken

before or after casing is run. It enables us to look "deeper" into the
reservoir than the other wellbore measurement methods.
Drill Stem Testing – DST is a procedure to determine the potential
productivity, pressure, permeability or extent of an oil or gas
reservoir before the permanent completion equipment is installed.
Drill stem testing is essentially a flow test, which is performed on
isolated formations of interest to determine the present and the
rate at which they can be produced.

When a well is ready to produce for the first time, the production staff has an
estimate of what will come out Oil, Gas, or a combination. Still, they want to
know how much and under what pressure, to better understand the
reservoir’s mechanics and to design the facilities needed to process the
In order to evaluate a well’s productivity there are number of direct and
indirect tests but DST or Drill Stem Test is the most authentic test of them all.

 The measurement and analysis of drillstem test, DST, pressure behavior affords
the engineer a practical and economical means for estimating important formation
parameters prior to well completion.

 Essentially, a DST is a temporary well completion effected for the purpose of

sampling the formation fluid and establishing the probability of commercial

 In general, they are run in exploratory wells only; but in some cases -highly
heterogeneous reservoirs- they are run in development wells.

 To run a DST a special recording tool is lowered to a given zone . The tool
isolates the testing zone from the drilling fluid and allows formation fluid to flow
into the drillpipe while the pressure is recorded.
 The data obtained from a successful DST generally include:
(a) Physical description of reservoir fluids,
(b) Volume of recovery,
(c) Flow times,
(d) Shut-in times, and
(e) A bottom hole pressure-time chart showing the wellbore pressure measurements
during the various tool manipulations.
(a) Average effective permeability of the formation to the actual fluid produced,
(b) Wellbore damage,
(c) Reservoir pressure,
(d) Depletion,
If a given reservoir is small enough that its total area extent is effected by the normal DST,
pressure depletion will be detected by a properly conducted DST. If the relatively small volume of
fluid removed during a normal formation test causes pressure depletion, then an extremely small
reservoir exists and experience has shown that it will not be commercial,
(e) Radius of investigation
  This characteristic may be used in determining spacing requirements and other volumetric
(f) Barrier indications:
  If a barrier or any other anomaly such as a fluid contact exists within the radius of
investigation of the test, it may be reflected in the pressure analysis.
The main parts of a DST tool (see Fig.), along with their main functions, are given as follows:
 To support the packer at the desired place in the borehole.
 To aid in screening out cuttings or junk that might plug the choke.
 To provide a complete record of all events that may occur during a particular test. This
record is presented in the form of a graph of pressure vs. time.
 To bridge the hole at a point immediately above (and also below on straddle tests) the zone
to be tested.
To permit mud to flow downward into the hole through the packer, at the end of the test. This
action equalizes the pressure above and below the packer, making it easier to pull loose.
To prevent entry of drilling fluids into the empty drill pipe while the pipe is being run into the
To refrain a sample of the formation fluids recovered, while pulling out of the hole.


It is also referred as a single shut-in DST.

The following is the meaning of the pressure behavior in the different numbers given in Fig..
(a) Putting Water Cushion in drill pipe.
A certain length (or head) of liquid is placed inside the drill pipe, rather than running dry. This is commonly done for two reasons:
To reduce the collapse (external) pressure on the drill pipe in deep holes; and/or
To reduce the pressure drop on the formation and across the packers when the tool is first open.
(b) Running in hole.
The curve is caused by the increase in weight of the mud column with depth.
(c) Hydrostatic pressure.
The plateau indicates the maximum hydrostatic pressure (or weight of mud column).
(d) Squeeze created by setting packer.
(e) Opened tester valve, releasing pressure below packer.
(f) Flow period: The test zone is producing into the drill pipe.
(g) Pressure Buildup: Tester valve closed immediately above packer.
(h) Equalizing hydrostatic pressure below packer.
(i) Released Packer.
(j) Pulling out of hole.
In its simplest form, the DST assembly is a set of measurement, control,
and sample tools placed on the drill stem .It consists of one or more
packers which isolate the test zone, a flow control valve, a continuous
pressure recording device, a fluid sample chamber, and a perforated
anchor for the fluids entering the tool string.
The test tools are run into the hole with empty drill pipe or tubing
(in some cases a carefully cushion is used).

When the test tools reach the depth of the test formation, the packer is
set against the walls of the hole or casing, thereby isolating the
pressure of the mud column from the pressure in the test zone.
Pressure is measured at the very bottom of the tool string and within
the tool string itself. The gauge records the pressure imposed by
the hydrostatic head and any "squeeze" pressure developed when
setting the packer.
The hydraulic valve is then opened and the formation fluids are free
to flow into the low-pressure drill pipe This initial flow, or pre-flow
period is usually short in duration, say 5 to 10 minutes. Its
purpose is to relieve any buildup in pressure that may have
occurred due to setting the packer(s),

The control valve is then closed and, because fluids may no longer
flow into the drill pipe, the recorded pressure normally approaches
the original formation pressure ( Figure  ). This shut-in period typically
lasts for 30 to 60 minutes.

The control valve is then opened once again for the second, more
important flow period. Typically, an open hole test will last for 60 to
180 minutes and a cased hole test will last for 8 to 10 hours
( Figure).

At the end of this flow period, a fluid sample is collected and isolated
in the sample chamber. Additional samples are collected at the surface
for wells that flow to surface.
The final flow period is followed by a final shut-in period (figure),
which lasts approximately twice as long as the final flow period.
This provides a final shut-in pressure value. Any produced
hydrocarbons are then reversed out of the test string, the packer is
carefully released, and the tool string is pulled to the surface.
Note that as soon as the packer is released, the hydrostatic pressure
imposed by the mud column at the bottom of the drillstem is reduced
as the tool string is pulled out of the hole ( Figure  ).

At the surface, the pressure recording device is retrieved from the

tool string, and the dynamic response of the test interval to the
alternate pressure drawdown and buildup periods is analyzed.
If the test tools did not operate properly, the test must be repeated.
To avoid this potentially costly remedy, it is now possible to display
and record bottom hole pressures at the surface while the test is
being run.  

This provides immediate information on the quality of the test, the

opportunity to analyze the data before the tool string is retrieved,
and the ability to terminate the test when sufficient data has been
Information/data Obtained from DST
The DST is the only immediate post-drilling formation evaluation method
which allows us to evaluate the reservoir environment quite some
distance into the formation from the wellbore
The following is a summary of the information about a reservoir that
may be gained from a drill stem test.
Information Directly Obtained Or Graphically Extrapolated:

1. Static reservoir pressure (if the shut-in time is sufficiently long);

2. Flow rate (STB/D or m3/d for liquid; Mscf/D or m3/d for gas);
3. Depletion (If the final stabilized shut-in pressure is less than the
initial stabilized shut-in pressure, the produced fluid volume causes
measurable depletion of the test zone and therefore, its effective
communicating volume is small.);
3. Fluid sample.
Information Mathematically Derived:

The following information may be estimated by comparing the

pressure and fluid data obtained in the test with available
mathematical solutions to the appropriate flow equations:
1. Effective permeability
3. Skin factor
4. Radius of investigation.
5. Reservoir anomalies (barriers,, permeability changes)
6. Wellbore storage effects
DST Design & filed procedures.
Factors Required to Obtain a Good DST .
It seems clear that these main conditions must exist in order to
obtain a good DST:
1. Proper functioning of the test tool
2. Good hole conditions
3. Proper DST design
Proper functioning of the tool
The following problems cause test tool malfunctions:
1. Drill pipe leaks
2. human error, such as picking the wrong interval or measuring the
pipe incorrectly
3. packer seat failures
4. valve operation failures
Good hole condition
Hole condition problems may result from the following conditions:
1. Excessive fill on bottom, which may result in damage to conventional packers and
sticking of the bottom anchor;
2. out-of-gauge hole, which will not allow the packer to seat;
3. Tight or bridged hole, which will not allow the test tools to reach the test zone;
4. Too , packer seating
5. Plugging of the tools by fill or material in the mud system
Improper test design will also lead to a faulty DST. There are a number of
ways in which a DST may be designed improperly:

1. The drill pipe (or tubing) may not have the proper collapse pressure
internal yield or tensile strength necessary for the imposed test
2. Too severe a pressure shock imposed on the formation when the
formation pressure is exposed to the empty drillpipe may damage the
packer to the point where it will not seal
As a "rule of thumb," if the difference between the hydrostatic
pressure of the mud column (which will be somewhat greater than
the formation pressure) and the drillpipe exceeds 4000 psi, then a
water cushion (nitrogen or diesel fuel in some cases)
DST down hole Assembly tools
Depending on the type of test and well bore
conditions there are number of different tools
that are staked over one another to get the
desired results. But generally a common study
purpose considered tools are illustrated
Reverse Circulation Valve:
Just below the drill pipes there is a mechanically activated valve that
provides communication between Drill Pipe and Annulus.
Its purpose is to circulate out any produced hydrocarbons after the
test is complete by pumping drilling mud down the annulus and then
up to the drill pipe.
Multi-flow evaluator:
It contains a sample chamber and a valve that can be opened and
closed multiple times during the test to allow flow when required and
stop it as well whenever needed.
Master Valve:
Below the sampler there is a master valve that is designed to open
and close just once during the test. It activates with a delay of 5
minutes after the command is send to it working as a master control
valve for the test.
Bypass Valve:
This valve allows the drilling mud already present in the well bore to
pass out the annulus from the inside of DST assembly blow it while
tripping in to avoid swabbing. The same application is used to avoid
surging while tripping the DST assembly
Perforated anchor:
It provides a base support on the bottom of the hole for the packer
to be activated by weight as well as perforations to allow the flow. It
is also mounted by outside pressure recorders.
Hydraulic Jar:
This is an optional component of DST stem. Basically it is a hydraulic
jack that gives an upward shock to free a stuck pipe (if any).
Jars to release stuck BHA components if necessary

Safety Joint for emergency release of lower BHA if necessary

Packer to isolate formation to be tested

Tail pipe and wire line re-entry guide for flow entry into the test string

Sampler - to take wellbore fluid samples

Data Telemetry System -  to send down hole data to the surface-real time
Test Separator
 To accurately measure flow rate and take samples, the produced fluid must
be separated into oil, gas and water. Test separators are capable of handling
all types of output; gas, gas condensate, light oil, heavy oil, foaming oil,
water and spent stimulation fluids such as acid.

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