Relation and Function 2020

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Prepared by:
Leonila R. Villanueva
Mathematics Teacher
Identify the following.

1. Any set of ordered pairs (Relation).

R 2. All first elements of the relation (Domain)

e 3. All second elements of the relation (Range)

v 4. is a relation that corresponds between

two elements such that each element in X
I corresponds to exactly one element in Y

e 5. A relation where one element in X

is being paired with one element in y
(One to one)

w 6. A relation where many element in X (Many to one)

is being paired with one element in y
What is the difference between…?

Equation: y=3x+2 Function: y = 3x+2

Input Output
-3 -7
-2 -4
-1 -1
0 2
If x = 2 , y=3x+2 Check: 2 8
Y = 3(2) + 2 8 = 3(2) + 2
Y = 8 8 = 8 MACHINE

Both sides are equal Process

Evaluate the following
f ( x ) = 2x-3, x 0 4 5 -2 -3
find f(x) -3 5 7 -7 -9
•f (0)
Domain : 0,4,5,-2,-3
•f ( 4)
Range : -3 ,5,7,-7,-9
•f ( 5)
•f(-2) Set of ordered Pairs :
•f(-3) ((0,-3),(4,5),(5,7),(-2,-7)(-3,-9))
How will you know if
the graph of a relation
is a function or not?

Domain is determined in the value of X from left to

right value of X in the number line.
Range is determine in the value of Y from the
bottom going upward in the number line.

Domain and range can be determined through a

symbol of solid Circle (●) or open circle (○) to denote
the inclusion and boundary or the excluded area of
the domain and range in a graph
• A graph is a function if a
How will you
know if the graph vertical line test
of a relation is a intersects at only one
function or not? point in a graph

Function Not Function

How will you • Domain and range can
determine the
be determined through
domain and the
range of a a symbol of solid Circle
graph? (●) or open circle (○) to
denote the inclusion
and boundary or the
excluded area of the
domain and range in a
A D:[-5, 6] R: [-4, 3] (-5, 6) R: [-4, 3)
D: [-5, 6) R: [-4, 3)
D:(-5, 6] R: [-4, 3]

D:(-∞, +∞) R:(-∞, +∞) D:(-∞, 6] R:(-∞, +3]

How will you
know if the set of
ordered pairs in a
relation is a function
or not

In the set of ordered pairs, relation is a

function if there is no two or more ordered
pairs that have the same first element or
Determine whether the relation is a
function or not function. Find the
domain and the range in the following
set of ordered pairs.

Function: _____________________________
5, 4, 1, -2
Range: 1, -1, -2,

Not Function
Function: _________________________
1, 3, 10
Range: 3, 6, 9, 15, 30
How will you
know if a relation
is a function in a
tabular form?

•In the tabular form, a relation is a
function if the value of X is being paired with
one value of y, or many values of X is being
paired with one value of y.
•Domain refers to all values of X.
•Range refers to all values of Y
Tell whether each of the following
table represents a function or not
function. Identify the domain and
the range in each table.

X -3 0 2 5 X 5 5 5 5
Y -9 0 6 15 Y 8 12 24 -16

Function: _______________ Not Function
Function: ___________________
-3, 0, 2, 5
Domain:_______________ 5
-9, 0, 6, 15
Range: ________________ 8, 12, 24, -16
Range: ___________________
How will you
know if a relation
is a function using
arrow diagram?
• In mapping diagram, a relation is a function if the
relation is one to one relation, or many to one
• Relation is Not a Function if the relation is one to
many relation.
• One to one relation dealt with pairing one value
of X to only one value of Y.
• Many to one relation dealt with pairing many
values of X to only one value of Y.
• One to many relation dealt with pairing one value
of X to many values of Y.
Identify the type of relation
indicated in each figure and tell
whether the relation depicts a
function or not.

Many to one
Type of Relation:______________ One to many
Type of Relation:____________
Function: ____________________ Not Function
What is Piecewise

• Piecewise Function – A function defined by two

or more equations and by a sequence of

How will you draw the graph of the
Piecewise Function?
Can you identify the domain and
the range of a piecewise function

• Step 1. Evaluate each function using the values

in the given table

x  -7  -6 -5 -4 -3 x  3 4  5 6 7
-19 -15 -11   -7 -3  -3 1 5  9  13 
Graph of the Piecewise Function

Domain: (- ∞, -3] u (3, ∞)

Range: (- ∞, ∞)
 Keep and take care of your Learning module. It will be collected and
submitted at the end of the quarter.
 Learning modules can be your self-learning guide in studying the lesson.
 Only the supplementary activities and learning assessments will be
submitted every week.
 Make sure that all your activity sheet has signed by your parent or
 Make it a habit of visiting the google classroom for consistent follow up of
the lesson
 Always join and participate in the online class. Your attendance has been a
part of your performance.
 Late submission of your supplementary activities and assessments will
surely affect your performance. 
God Bless and Keep Safe!

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