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1st grade

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 1425 is Rizal Law
Jose P. Laurel is the father of Rizal Law.
Former Vice President Salvador Laurel, son of Jose
Laurel facilitated the proper placement of Rizal Law in
the academe.
Rizal died in 1896, and 60 years had pass before Rizal
Law was promulgated in June 12,1956 signed by Pres.
Ramon Magsaysay.
Carlos P. Romulo, in 1969 ordered the course Rizal to be
offered as a 3-unit course and as a pre-requisite for
Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda is the full name of
the Philippine national hero. Suggestive of his time, Rizal has 6 names:

 He was simply Pepe to his family and friends;

 Pepe Rizal to the family’s friar-friends;
 as a medical practitioner, he was Dr. Jose Rizal;
 in the academe he was Dr. Jose Rizal, Jose Rizal or Rizal.
 He was Lolo Jose for his great grandchildren; and
 he was Joe for his live-in partner, Josephine Bracken.
 Rizal was born on June 19, 1861,
 The 7th child of Don Francisco Mercado and Doña Teodora Alonso.
 He was christened Jose Protacio, in honor of two saints. His mother
was a devotee of Saint Joseph while Saint Protacio is the patron saint
for June 19.
 P.P means PATER PUTATIVUS . In spanish, the letter P pronounced
as “peh”.
 Jose Rizal’s mother almost died during the delivery because of his big
head. Fr. Rufino Collantes, who baptized Rizal, : “Take care of this
child, for someday he will become a great man.”
 DOMINGO LAMCO (grandfather)
 ALCALDE MAYOR (to distinguish who are not related to them)
Accordingly, the family name Rizal could be traced from the word ricial which
means green fields. This is a Spanish term which means “a field where wheat
stalks are cut still green, to sprout again.
 Jose was the 7th among the 11 children of Don Francisco and Dona Teodora.
 Rizal was afraid of ghosts-like Pepe, many children grew up fearing mysterious
creatures .
 At age three, he learned the alphabet from his mother.
 At age 8, he wrote his first poem entitled “Sa Aking Mga Kababata”
childhood days
Calamba, “Cradle of a Genius.” In 1876, when he was 15 years old
 due to its impressive natural and was a student in Ateneo, he
beauty. The land is said to have remembered his beloved town.
01 02 Accordingly, he wrote a poem Un
inspired poets and artists and
became known in 1961. Recuerdo A Mi Pueblo (In Memory
of My Town).


Concha died of sickness in 1865 when  Hereditary Influence
04  Environmental Influence
03 she was only three years old. “I lost my
little sister Concha, and then for the first  Aid of Divine Providence
time I wept tears of love and grief….”
 GREGORIO- Was a lover of books. He instilled into the mind of his
precocious nephew*Jose) a great love for books.
 JOSE-He encouraged his nephew to paint, sketch, and sculpture
 MANUEL- Was a big, strong, and husky man. He looked after the physical
training of his sickly and weak nephew.
 Fascism: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a
dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed
to disagree with the government.
 Martial law is law administered by the military rather than a civilian
government, typically to restore order.
School days in Biñan
In 1869, Don Francisco decided In the classroom Jose was Old Juancho was so
to send Jose to Biñan, to continue impressed by the extra
without peer. He
his studies. Accompanied by his
brother, Paciano. surpassed all his interest of the Calamba
ATENEO MUNICIPAL DE classmates. lad, and gave him lessons
MANILA in drawing and painting.

Pedro must have been older than I, and he had the advantage of me in height, but when
we started to wrestle, I kicked him, and twisted him back-I don’t know by what lucky
chance over some benches in the classroom. I let him go, leaving him considerably
mortified. I have made a name among my classmates by this feat, perhaps because of my
small size, and so, after class a youngster Andres Salandanan challenged me for arm
wrestling match. He put up an arm; so, did I; I lost and nearly cracked my head against the
pavement of the house.”
Ateneo Municipal- a college under the supervision of the Spanish
· Escuela Pia (Charity School)- formerly name of Ateneo, a school for
poor boys in Manila which was established by the city government in
· Escuela Pia----> Ateneo Municipal---> Ateneo de Manila
· June 10, 1872- Rizal accompanied by Paciano went to Manila
· Father Magin Ferrando- was the college registrar, refused to admit
Rizal in Ateneo for two reasons: (1)he was late for registration (2) he
was sickly and undersized for his age
Manuel Xerez Burgos-because of his intercession, nephew of Father
Burgos, Rizal was reluctantly admitted at the Ateneo

· Jose was the first of his family to adopt the surname “Rizal”. He
registered under this name at Ateneo because their family name

“Mercado” had come under the suspicion of the Spanish authorities

· Rizal was first boarded in a house outside Intramuros, on Caraballo
Street. This was owned by a spinster named Titay who owed the Rizal
family the amount of 300 pesos
-it trained the character of the student by rigid discipline and religious instructions
-Students were divided into two groups:
· Roman Empire- consisting of internos (boarders); red banner
· Carthaginian Empire- composed of the externos (non-boarders); blue banner
· Emperor- the best student in each “empire”
· Tribune- the second best
· Decurion- the third best
· Centurion-the fourth best
· Stand-bearer- the fifth best
· The Ateneo students in Rizal’s time wore a uniform which consisted of “hemp-
fabric trousers” and “striped cotton coat” The coat material was called rayadillo
1872- 1873
- Rizal's First Year in Ateneo

1873- 1874
- Rizal's Second Year in
- He again became an emperor
and got gold medal.

1874- 1875
- Third Year in Ateneo.
- He got 1 medal to latin subject.
1875- 1876 1876- 1877

√ Rizal's Forth Year in √ Rizal's Last Year in

Ateneo Ateneo, wher in he won
5 medals
√ He became an
internees of Ateneo √ Topped in all subjects
√ Became a pride of Jesuits
- 16 yrs old, Rizal experienced his first

- Segunda Katigbak, a pretty 14 years old


- Olimpia, where his sister was boarding

student, Olimpia and Segunda was a close
Rizal visit Segunda’s place—La Concordia College and came
to know her more intimately. But this love story didn’t last long
as Segunda was already engaged to be married to her townmate
Manuel Luz. The last time they talked to each other was before
the Christmas vacation on 1877 before they both live and return
to their hometown. “Well, good-bye. Anyway— I’ll see when
you pass Calamba on your way to Lipa”, the last word Rizal
said to Segunda before they will apart forever
- His first tragic first romance was with "Segunda Katigbak"
- He takes Philosophy and Letters at University of Santo Tomas at the age
of 16 in April,1877
- He decided to take the course because of the two reason:
1. His father liked it
2. Uncertain as to what career to follow
- Rizal wrote a letter to "Father Pablo Ramon" to ask
for advice on the choice of his career
- In 1877-1879, He studied Cosmology, Metaphysics,
Theodicy, and History of Philophy at Ust - 1878-1879
when Rizal took up medicine.
- The reason why he studied medicine were:
1. He wanted to be a physician so that he might cure
his mother's failing eyesight and
2. father Pablo Ramon, Rector of Ateneo, whom he
consulted for a choice of career, finally answer his
letter, recommending medicine.
 Segunda Solis Katigbak
- the charming Lipeña who captivated Rizal’s young heart
 Jacinta Ibarda Laza
- Rizal paid court to a young woman in Calamba, who was "fair with seductive
and attractive eyes.“
- He simply called her "Miss L"
 Leonor "Orang" Valenzuela
- Rizal met her in his sophomore year at the University of Santo Tomas.
- He sent her over love notes written in invisible ink.
 Leonor Rivera
- His cousin from camiling, was a frail, beautiful "tender as a budding flower with
kindly, wistful eyes."
 Rizal was only a freshman at the University of Santo Thomas
 Summer vacation of 1880
- He didn't give attentiveness to the lieutenant of the Guardia
Civil that's why he got slashed a sword on his back.
 He reported the incident but the captain ignored his complain
because he's an Indio
 He sent a letter to Blumentritt at March 21,1887 saying, " I
went to the Captain General but I could not obtain any justice; my
wound lasted two weeks".
 Rizal was the champion of the Filipino students in their frequent fights
owing to his skills in fencing and wrestling.

 In 1880, he founded a secret society of Filipino students in the

University of Santo Tomas called Companerismo (Comradeship),
whose members were called "Companions of Jehu“

 Rizal was the chief of the secret society and his cousin from Batangas,
Galicano Apacible was the secretary.
Rizal was unhappy in the Dominican institution because:

 The Dominican professors were hostile to him.

 The Filipino students were racially discriminated against by the
 The method of instruction was obsolete and repressive.
 He failed to win high scholastic honors due to the attitude of his

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