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Question 1 $1,000,000

Generally, these are electronic $50,000
Is this
or digital your or
pictures $10,000
photographs Answer?
have saved $5000
in any local storage device. $500
Yes No $200

Pictures Smart Art

Clip Art
Question 2 $1,000,000
Generally, these are $500,000
predefined sets of different $50,000
Is this your
shapes grouped together to $10,000
form Answer?
ideas that are $5000
organizational or structural in $500
nature. No $200

Clip Art Screenshot

Smart Art
Question 3 $1,000,000
This is generally a .GIF type; $500,000
line art drawings or images $50,000
usedIs as
this your
generic $10,000
Final Answer?
representation for ideas and $5000
objects that you might want to $500
integrateYes No
in your document. $200

Pictures Clip Art

Shapes Smart Art
Question 4 $1,000,000
Sometimes, creating reports $50,000
or manuals for training or $50,000
Is this
procedure your the
will require $10,000
integration of aAnswer?
more realistic $5000
image of what you are $500
discussing No or
on your report $200
manual. $100

Clip Art Pictures

Smart Art Screenshot
Question 5 $1,000,000
These are printable objects or $500,000
materials that you can integrate $100,000
Is thisto
in your document your
enhance its $10,000
Finalor Answer?
to allow you to $5000
have some tools to use for $1000
composing and representing $500
Yes No $200
ideas or messages.

Clip Art Shapes

Smart Art Pictures

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