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Thermal Energy

Waste Heat Recovery
Industrial waste heat refers to the heat energy that is generated but
not fully utilized in the industrial processes and leaves the boundaries
of a plant or building into the surrounding environment.
Waste heat recovery (WHR) equipment is defined as any mechanical
apparatus which usefully recovers thermal energy from process
waste streams that are above ambient temperatures.
The recovered heat is used to produce heat, generate power and in
some cases for cooling applications.
Benefits of WHR
1. Direct Benefits
2. Indirect Benefits
Reduction in equipment size
Reduction in auxiliary Energy Consumption
Reduction in Pollution
Factors affecting waste heat recovery
Source of the waste heat stream
Amount of waste heat available
Characteristics of the waste heat stream
Temperature of waste heat, flow rate of the fluid, chemical
composition of waste heat, Properties of waste fluid, allowable
pressure drop, corrosive elements in the exhaust.
Waste Heat Use
Waste heat can be used in various ways, but the major uses include
the following:
1) preheating combustion air
2) generating electrical and mechanical power
3) generating process steam
4) preheating boiler water
5) heating general process liquids and solids
6) heating viscous, corrosive, and difficult liquids
7) heating, ventilation and refrigeration applications.
Adequate space availability to install heat recovery system
Primary energy saving possibility
Economic viability or cost effectiveness of WHR technology
WHR technologies are similar to heat exchangers. The heat
exchangers considered unviable are now being considered for heat
recovery for the following reasons:
Heat exchange equipment costs came down making them
Fuel costs increased making an economic case for waste heat
Regulatory requirements might have made it mandatory to
install the same.
Overview of Waste Heat Recovery Methods and
The common methods by which waste heat is utilized are as follows:

1.Direct utilization ( eg: for drying or process heating)

2.Energy Cascading (Using energy for high temperature application
first followed by using the rejected heat for low temperature
applications. For example after using high temperature and pressure
steam for power generation low temperature and pressure steam can
be used for other processes or space heating).
3.Cogeneration (Producing electrical power and process heat
4.Recuperators ( Shell and tube, plate, coil, spiral heat exchangers)
5.Regenerators ( stationary or rotating type)
6.Waste heat boilers
WHR can be classified based on the maximum outlet temperature of
recovered waste heat. Accordingly based on waste heat stream
temperatures WHR equipment is classified as follows:
1) Gas-to-gas heat exchanger (Graphite heat exchangers, stack-type
recuperators, direct contact recuperator, plate fin (ceramic and metal)
heat exchangers and ceramic tubes)
2) Gas-to-liquid heat exchanger (waste heat boilers, economizers and
power generators)
3) Liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger (shell-and-tube, spiral, coil, finned-
tube, plate-and-frame (plate), and run-around heat exchangers)
4) Other low-temperature WHR equipment (heat pumps, and heat
pipes )
1. Gas to Gas Heat Exchanger
a.Graphite Heat Exchanger
i)Stack-type Recuperators
ii)Direct Contact Recuperators
iii)Metallic Recuperators
iv)Ceramic recuperators
v)Flat Plate recuperators
c.Plate fin heat exchanger
d.Ceramic Tubes
2. Gas to liquid heat exchanger
a. Waste heat Boiler
b. Economizer
c. Power generators
Organic rankine Cycle
3. Liquid to liquid heat exchanger
a. Shell and tube heat exchanger
b. Plate heat changer
c. Spiral Heat exchanger
d. Coil heat Exchanger
e. Finned tube heat exchanger
Case -1
A rotary heat regenerator was installed on a two colour printing press
to recover some of the heat, which had been previously dissipated to
the atmosphere, and used for drying stage of the process. The outlet
exhaust temperature before heat recovery was often in excess of
100°C. After heat recovery the temperature was 35°C. Percentage
heat recovery was 55% and pay back on the investment was estimated
to be about 18 months.
Heat Pump:
Heat Pipe:
Heat pipe is basically a metal and metal alloy tube that is sealed on
both ends and with an internal wick or mesh along the interior of the
pipe. The Heat Pipe comprises of three elements – a sealed container,
a capillary wick structure and a working fluid. The capillary wick
structure is integrally fabricated into the interior surface of the
container tube and sealed under vacuum. Thermal energy applied to
the external surface of the heat pipe is in equilibrium with its own
vapour as the container tube is sealed under vacuum and causes the
working fluid near the surface to evaporate instantaneously. Vapour
thus formed absorbs the latent heat of vaporization and this part of the
heat pipe becomes an evaporator region. The vapour then travels to
the other end the pipe where the thermal energy is removed causing
the vapour to condense into liquid again, thereby giving up the latent
heat of the condensation. This part of the heat pipe works as the
condenser region. Thecondensed liquid then flows back to the
evaporated region.
The heat pipes are used in following industrial applications:
Process to Space Heating
Process to Process
HVAC Application
Cooling: Heat pipe heat exchangers pre-cools the building
make up air in summer and thus reduces the total tons of
refrigeration, apart from the operational saving of the cooling
system. Thermal energy is supply recovered from the cool
exhaust and transferred to the hot supply make up air.
Advantages of heat pipe system
Heat pipes operates independently so are not vulnerable to a single
pipe failure.
No cross contamination occurs as hot and cold sides are separated by
a splitter plate.
No wear and tear occurs as there are no moving parts inside the heat
No additional power is required to run the system
Thermal Insulation
Purpose of Insulation
Insulation is used to prevent heat loss or heat gain to enable less
energy consumption while meeting the demands of heating and
A thermal insulator is a poor conductor of heat and has a low thermal
conductivity and hence is used in buildings and in manufacturing
processes to prevent heat loss or heat gain.
Thermal insulation delivers the following benefits:
1.Reduces over-all energy consumption
2.Offers better process control by maintaining process temperature.
3.Prevents corrosion by keeping the exposed surface of a refrigerated
system above dew point
4.Provides fire protection to equipment
5.Absorbs vibration
Types and Application
The Insulation can be classified into three groups according to the
temperature ranges for which they are used. They are
1.Low Temperature Insulations (up to 90°C)
2.Medium Temperature Insulations (90 - 325°C)
3.High Temperature Insulations (325° C - above)
Classification of insulating materials based on their forms
Powdered: It is mixed with water used to cover odd shapes such as
pipe unions, elbows, valves etc.
Sheet: applied to flat areas such as ceilings, ducts, etc.
Block and brick: used to cover outside surfaces of boilers.
Blanket: used to cover ducts, pipes.
Tube: used to insulate steam and hot water pipes.
Roll: used to cover cold and warm-air ducts for furnace castings in
hot-air heating systems.
Custom Moulded Insulation: Lagging materials can be obtained in
bulk, in the form of moulded sections; semi - cylindrical for pipes,
slabs for vessels, flanges, valves etc. The main advantage of the
moulded sections is the ease of application and replacement when
undertaking repairs for damaged lagging.
Thermal Resistance (R)
The effectiveness of insulation is measured in terms of thermal
resistance, called R-value, which indicates the resistance of heat
flow. The higher the R-value, the greater the insulating power. The
actual R-value of thermal insulation depends on the type of
material, its thickness and density. In calculating the R-value of
insulation, the R-value of the individual layers are added.
The amount of insulation depends on:
2.Type of fuel used
3.The section the requires insulation

Once the type of insulation material that is required is finalized

based on temperature of process and the average ambient
temperature, the thickness of insulating material required
needs to be evaluated.
Economic Thickness of Insulation (ETI)
The point where the amount of insulation gives the greatest return on
investment is called as “economic thickness of insulation (ETI)”.
The determination of economic thickness requires the attention to the
following factors.
Cost of fuel
Annual hours of operation
Heat content of fuel
Boiler efficiency
Operating surface temperature
Pipe diameter/thickness of surface
Estimated cost of insulation.
Average exposure ambient still air temperature
Heat Savings and Application Criteria
Cold Insulation
Cold Insulation Features
The most important characteristics of a suitable Cold insulation
material have following features:
1.Low thermal conductivity
2.High water resistance, and
3.Durability at low temperature
Other properties like easy workability, negligible capillary
absorption should also be taken into consideration while making a
selection. The insulation system is only as good as its vapour barrier
and the care with which it is installed.
Material Selection for Cold Insulation
Selection of insulation materials should be carefully considered
where the possibility of steam purging of the equipment is required
or for other reasons which may cause the temperature to be increased
to a level that exceeds the maximum limiting temperature of the
insulation materials, i.e., material then deteriorate. Examples of cold
insulation include Urethane Foam, Expanded Polystyrene, Resin
bonded glass wool, Resin Bonded Glass wool, and Phenolic Foam.
Economics of Cold Insulation:

Unlike hot insulation system, the concern area in Cold Insulation is

the heat gain into the refrigerated space, which leads to increase in
the refrigeration load (TR) & energy consumption as a consequence.
The cost of heat gain can thus be assessed & evaluated against cost
of additional cold insulation thickness, to optimize overall energy
consumption & cost in refrigeration system.
Energy Conservation in
EE&C Potential in Residential Sector
If all the existing home appliances in residences are to be replaced by
higher efficiency products (as of today), huge energy reduction can be
achieved. It is estimated that EE&C potential is 28.8% of the total energy
consumption in the residential sector. Considering the fact that about
30% of national primary energy is consumed in the residential sector, the
potential economic impact of EE&C measures is massive: almost
8.6% of the total energy consumption in the country can be reduced.

EE&C Potential in Commercial Sector (Buildings)

Electricity is the main mode of energy in commercial buildings. In detail,
nearly 50% of the total energy is consumed by ACs and 10-30% by
lighting systems. It is expected that a simple replacement of ACs and
lighting systems with high energy efficiency ones can save about 50% of
total electricity consumptions in the commercial sector. However it is not
easy to introduce EE&C measures for all the buildings. Thus as a
realistic value, EE&C potential for buildings was estimated about 10%.
Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC):
The updated BNBC has 10 parts with a total of 49 chapters. In Part 3,
"General Building Requirements, Control and Regulation" a new
Chapter titled, "Energy Efficiency and Sustainability" has been
included giving minimum code requirements for achieving the
The updated version of BNBC is proposed with addition of energy
efficiency requirement of buildings in near future BNBC will be the
core program for promoting EE&C in Buildings and contain the
following requirement on building energy efficiency:

a. Heat insulation and/or ventilation performance of building envelope

b. Energy efficiency of building equipment (HVAC, lighting, fans, hot
water supply, lift, escalator, renewable energy options)
c. Water efficiency and management and Sanitation
d. Roof gardening and vegetation
Building Energy & Environment Rating (BEER)
To ensure the energy efficiency in buildings, SREDA has developed
the rating system for buildings and act as the implementation and
execution body for the Building Energy & Environment Rating
Energy Efficiency Measures in Buildings:
Air-Conditioning System:
Weather stripping of Windows and Doors
Temperature and Humidity Setting
Chilled Water Leaving Temperature
Chilled Water Pipes and Air Ducts
Chiller Condenser Tubes
Cooling Towers
Air-handling Unit Fan Speed
Air Filter Condition
Lighting System:
Day lighting
Switch off Lights When Not in Use
Provision of Separate Switches for Peripheral Lighting
Install High Efficiency Lighting System
Fluorescent Tube Ballasts
Lamp Fixtures or Luminaries
Integration of Lighting System with Air-Conditioning System
Cleaning of Lights and Fixtures
Use Light Colors for Walls, Floors and Ceilings
Task Lighting
Building Water Pumping Systems
Installation of high efficiency pumps
Operation of pumps in parallel
Auto pump operation with low level/high level flow control systems.
Installation of variable frequency drive for chiller water and cooling
water pumps
Energy performance Index: (EPI)
Energy Performance Index (EPI) in kWh /sq m/ year will be
considered for rating the building. Bandwidths for Energy
Performance Index for different climatic zones have been developed
based on percentage air-conditioned space. For example a building
in a composite climatic zone like Dhaka and having air conditioned
area greater than 50% of their built up area, the bandwidths of EPI
range between 190-90 kWh/sq m/year.
Thus a building would get a 5-Star rating if its EPI falls below 90
kWh/sq m/year and 1 Star if it is between 165-190 kWh/ sq m/year.
Green Building
The process of determining which attributes of a structure can
be considered green or not green can be viewed as inconclusive and
A green design solution appropriate for one locale may be
inappropriate for others, due to variations in climate or geography.
Grumman (2003:4) describes a green building by saying that “…a
green building is one that achieves high performance over the full
life cycle.”
Performance can be defined in various ways. “High performance”
can be interpreted widely, and often in “highly” subjective ways.
In an attempt to clarify, Grumman further identifies a number of
attributes of green buildings:
• Minimal consumption—due to reduction of need and more
efficient utilization—of nonrenewable natural resources,
depletable energy resources, land, water, and other materials as
• Minimal atmospheric emissions having negative environmental
impacts, especially those related to greenhouse gases, global
warming, particulates, or acid rain.
• Minimal discharge of harmful liquid effluents and solid wastes,
including those resulting from the ultimate demolition of the
building itself at the end of its useful life.
• Minimal negative impacts on site ecosystems.
• Maximum quality of indoor environment, including air quality,
thermal regime, illumination, acoustics, noise and visual aspects.
Adding green building features is likely to increase construction
costs by 1% to 5%, while lowering operating expenses and life-cycle
Green construction practices have several categorical commonalities:
• Green buildings are designed to reduce energy usage while
optimizing the quality of indoor air. These buildings achieve energy
reductions by using more insulation and improved fenestration, by
optimizing the energy usage of mechanical and electrical building
subsystems, and by the use of alternative energy.
• There is an emphasis on reducing the costs of energy used to
transport material to the construction sites. One means of achieving
reductions in transportation costs is to use materials that have been
locally manufactured. This provides the added benefit of supporting
local employment and industries.
• There is a focus on using recycled construction materials (such as
reusing lumber from demolished structures) or materials made
from recycled products (such as decking materials that use recycled
plastics). The idea is to reduce the amount of virgin material
required in the construction.
• There is a preference for materials that are non-synthetic, meaning
that they are produced from natural components such as stone or
wood, etc. This often reduces the number of steps required for
product manufacture and may also reduce the use of non-
renewable resources employed: for example, reducing the use of
oil required in the production of plastics. Extracted metals such as
aluminum and copper may also be preferred as they can be more
easily reused once the building’s life cycle is completed.
• There is a mandate of green construction to avoid the use of
materials that either in their process, manufacture or application,
are known to have environmentally deleterious effects or
adversely impact heath. Examples include lead in paint or piping,
mercury thermostats, and solvents or coatings that may outgas
fumes and carcinogens.
• In an effort to reduce water from municipal sources and sewage
treatment requirements, green buildings are often designed to
harvest rainwater by using collection systems. Rainwater may be
used for irrigation, toilets or other non-potable requirements. In
addition, green buildings use technologies, such as flow restriction
devices, to reduce the water requirements of the building’s
• The quantities of construction wastes are reduced. This occurs by
strategically reducing wastes generated during construction and
by reusing scrap materials whenever possible. The goal is to
reduce the amount of material required for construction and to
reduce the quantities of scrap material that must be trucked to a
Energy Conservation in
Thermal System
A boiler is an enclosed vessel that provide same anchor combustion
heat to be transferred into water until it becomes heated water or a
Bangladeshi Boiler Regulation
The following points are important regarding the definition of boiler
as per the Boilers Act,1923.
It must be a ‘Closed vessel’
It must generate steam for ‘external use’
Volume of vessel must be over ‘22.76 Litres’
Working pressure more than 1.0 kg/cm
Boiler Systems
1. Feed water system
2. Steam system
3. Fuel system

Performance Evaluation of Boilers

Boiler Efficiency
Boiler Blow down

The impurities found in boiler water depend on the untreated feed water
quality, the treatment process used and the boiler operating procedures. As a
general rule, the higher is the boiler operating pressure, the greater will be the
sensitivity to impurities. As the feed water materials evaporate in to steam,
dissolved solids concentrate in the boiler either in a dissolved or suspended
state. Above a certain level of concentration, these solids
encourage foaming and cause carryover of water in to the steam. This leads to
scale formation inside the boiler, resulting in localized overheating and ending
finally in tube failure.

It is therefore necessary to control the level of concentration of the solid sand

this is achieved by the process of' blowing down', where a certain volume of
water is blown off and is automatically replaced by feed water - thus
maintaining the optimum level of total dissolved solids (TDS) in the water.
Blow down is necessary to protect the surfaces of the heat exchanger in the
boiler. However, blow down can be a significant source of heat loss, if
improperly carried out
In de-aeration, dissolved gases, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide,
are expelled by preheating the feed water before it enters the boiler.
All natural waters contain dissolved gases in solution. Certain gases,
such as carbon dioxide and oxygen, greatly increase corrosion.
When heated in boiler systems, carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen
(O2) are released as gases and combine with water (H2O) to
form carbonic acid, (H2CO3).
Removal of oxygen, carbon dioxide and other non-condensable
gases from boiler feed water is vital to boiler equipment longevity as
well as safety of operation. Carbonic acid corrodes metal reducing
the life of equipment and piping. It also dissolves iron (Fe) which
when returned to the boiler precipitates and causes scaling on the
boiler and tubes. This scale not only contributes to reducing the life
of the equipment but also increases the amount of energy needed to
achieve heat transfer.
Energy Conservation Opportunities
1. Feed water preheating using economizer.
2. Combustion air pre-heat.
3. Incomplete combustion.
4. Excess air control.
5. Radiation and Convection heat loss
6. Automatic blow down control
7. Reduction of scaling and soot loss
8. Reduction of boiler steam pressure
9. Variable speed control for fans, blowers and pumps.
10. Effect of boiler loading on efficiency.
11. Proper boiler scheduling
12. Boiler Replacement.

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