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● to highlight the importance of concision in (English) academic writing

● to identify techniques for writing concisely

● to practice writing with concision

Concision = Clarity!

● Concision employs effective and precise words, avoids wordiness

and weak, vague, or unnecessary wording.

● It means eliminating all superfluous words while preserving the ideas

of the writer.
Concision Techniques

1. Limit sentences where the subject is not the ‘doer’ of the action.
2. Limit prepositions and prepositional phrases.
3. Remove unnecessary modifiers such as adjectives and adverbs.
4. Avoid unnecessary introductory phrases.
5. Remove unnecessary repetition.
6. Replace vague words with more specific words.
7. Combine sentences.
8. Exchange multi-word verb phrases with active single-word verbs.
9. Make nouns possessive.
1. Limit sentences where the subject is not the
‘doer’ of the action.

For example, sentences beginning with It/They ‘to be’ or There ‘to

There are several factors that a potential student needs to consider

before choosing a program of study.

A potential student needs to consider several factors before

choosing a program of study.
2. Limit prepositions and prepositional phrases.

Along with the features of each college department, it is important

to think about what we need before choosing a program of study.

Considering the features of each college department, as well as

our requirements, enables us to better choose a program of
3. Remove unnecessary modifiers such as
adjectives and adverbs.

Innovative educators are eagerly adopting new and modern

technologies to better engage today’s post-modern students in
their learning. This is of crucial importance for these educators to
effectively reach their students in our increasingly
technologically-saturated lives.

Educators are adopting innovative technologies to engage and

better instruct today’s students.
4. Avoid unnecessary introductory phrases.

For example: There was; In today’s society; I think; I believe; The

point I want to make is; I want to talk about; I want to discuss.

I want to talk about the reasons why technology can be a huge

benefit in the ESL classroom, and its reliance on being accepted by
ESL instructors.

Technology can be a huge benefit in the ESL classroom for various

reasons.This relies on its being accepted by instructors.
5. Remove unnecessary repetition.

The main reason why admissions keeps it unclassified when it

comes to why certain candidates are chosen for their graduate
programs is to keep the process of candidate recruitment

Admissions upholds transparency when it comes to candidates

recruitment for graduate programs
6. Replace vague words with more specific words.
Working as an assistant under someone who researches
academic topics was an experience that really helped me learn a


Working as an academic research assistant was an educational

The teacher demonstrated some of the various ways and methods for

cutting words from my essay that I had written for class.

The teacher demonstrated methods for cutting words from my essay.

7. Combine sentences.
The Department of Education is committed to preparing in-service
teachers and educational administrators to enter the workforce as
professionals in this field. It also promotes the professional
development of educators and administrators in the areas of
pedagogy, curriculum, literacy education, educational policy and
educational leadership.

The Department of Education provides instruction to future teachers

and educational administrators, promoting their professional
development in pedagogy, curriculum, literacy education, educational
policy and educational leadership.
8. Exchange multi-word verb phrases with active
single-word verbs.

When I am considering the program of study I should apply to, I

should choose one that fits my future career plans.

When I consider the program of study to apply to, I should choose

one that fits my goals.
9. Make nouns possessive.

When I consider the language of the destination for conducting

my studies abroad, I should choose a country whose official
language is English or Russian.

When I consider my studies abroad, the destination’s official

language should be either English or Russian.
Practice Task

Look at the letter on the next slide.

The writing is too wordy and could be clarified using concision


In small groups, rewrite the letter using any of the techniques


When you have finished, post your work on the Forum discussion for
your group.

Dear Parent,

We have established a special phone communication system to provide essential

and additional opportunities for parent or guardian input. During the coming year we
will give added emphasis to the goal of good communication and good feelings and
utilize a variety of means to accomplish this very necessary goal. Your input, from
the unique position as a parent, will help us to plan and implement an educational
plan that meets the needs of your child or children. An open dialogue, with feedback
and sharing of information between parents and teachers, will enable us to work
with your child or children in the most effective and beneficial manner.

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