Recommendations For Parents On How To Prepare A Child For School.

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Advice for parents

how to prepare child for school

Entering school is a
very important
moment for a child
and his parents.

During this period, parents are most concerned about whether their child will
be able to study, whether this stage will be joyful for the family, whether they
will be able to overcome difficulties
In order for a child to
go to school with
pleasure and absorb
new information like
a sponge, it is
important not only to
prepare it correctly,
but also to adjust it.
So how can parents prepare their child for school?
1. Learning is like a game.
Start the first classes in a playful
way. You do not need to immediately
put the child behind a notebook or a
book. Start counting while walking
or playing: “let's count the cubes”,
“let's find out how many crows are
sitting on the tree”, and so on. It is
also advisable to start learning letters
in familiar everyday situations, for
example, while going to the store.
The task of parents is to interest the
child in the learning process.
2.The gingerbread method. 
You need to praise the child not only
for the correct answers, but also for
the desire to learn. Encourage and
motivate the craving for knowledge
with pleasant bonuses: "Let's read
now and then watch a cartoon."
Never scold or punish your child if
he refuses to read or if something
does not work out for him.
3.Change of activity.

It is important to remember that children have an extremely mobile psyche. It is

difficult for them to sit still for 15-20 minutes, not to mention that it is not useful
either. Alternate reading or writing with active games, physical activity, math
with drawing, etc.
4. Talk about What to

 Spend some time together

talking about what a day
in primary school will be
like. Encourage your child
to share any concerns that
they might have and
address them together.
5.Talk about Making New Friends

Talk to your child about what they

can do to make new friends. Re-
assure them that they will still be able
to see their pre-school friends. Set up
some playdates with their pre-school
classmates within the first 2 months
of primary school so that your child
can continue to maintain these
Go through all the different situations which your child might encounter at
school which are a threat to safety. Discuss what to do in the event that an adult
or another child makes them feel uncomfortable, talk about fire safety
procedures, the dangers of leaving the school grounds unattended and road
safety issues as well. 
Set up the routine which you will be
keeping to during the school week. Get
your child used to going to bed early and
waking up earlier. Talk about when they
should be doing their homework and if
there will be any restrictions on TV time
in the evenings. Try to start following
this routine about 1 month before school

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