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What is an Instrument Transformer?

•  An instrument transformer is a device  used to

reduce the current or voltage values into values can
be handled by other equipments.
• It is a device to transform the power system current
and voltage to lower magnitudes, and provide an
isolation between the power network and the relay
and other instruments connected to the transformer
secondary winding.
Instrument Transformers Why is it Needed?

• Reduce the voltage or current into values that

other equipment can handle it.
• -Isolate the equipments from the power
network(i.e. we need more insulation)
• -To provide possibilities of a standardization of
Accuracy of Instrument Transformers

• To be a useful part of a measurement system,

instrument transformers must change the
magnitude of the quantity being measured without
introducing any excessive unknown errors.
• The accuracy must be sufficiently high that errors
introduced by the instrument transformer may be
Factors Affecting Accuracy of Instrument Transformers

• Design of the instrument transformer

• Circuit conditions such as voltage, current and

• Burden connected to the secondary circuit of the
Burden of Instrument Transformers

• The totality of the impedances of the loads

connected to current or voltage transformers are
referred to as burden.
• The burden consists of the impedances of the
Secondary winding of the instrument transformer
Interconnecting leads
Relay and/or other connected devices
Instrument Transformers Network Connection
 Types Of Instrument Transformers

• 1-Current transformers

• 2-Voltage transformers

A current transformer is used to transform a

primary current quantity in terms of its
magnitude and phase to a secondary value
such that in normal conditions the secondary
value is substantially proportional to the
primary value.
Current Transformer
Construction of Current Transformer

A current transformer is a transformer that has its

primary winding  connected in series with the power
circuit with thick windings and few turns , usually
one turn. and the secondary with thin windings with
many turns.
• Equation of current transformer:
Ip/Is = Ns/Np
When current flows through primary
winding, the following actions occur:

 The iron core inside the CT is magnetized.

 The magnetic field in the iron core induces

voltage in the secondary coils.

 If the secondary circuit is closed, a current
flows through the secondary circuit in
proportion to the CT ratio.
• The current transformation requires a small
amount of energy to magnetize the iron core that
creates small energy losses such as eddy currents
& heat caused by current flowing through the
• Hence Is is not a perfect representation of Ip.
Types of CTs
Four typical types
• Window type,
• Bushing
• Bar type
• Wound CTs.
Wound type CTs –
• The wound primary is used for the smaller currents, but
it can only be applied on low fault level installations due
to thermal limitations as well as structural requirements
due to high magnetic forces.
• This type of current transformer is designed so that the
primary winding consists of one or more turns of heavy
wire connected in series in the circuit .
• The secondary winding consists of a larger number of
turns of relatively smaller wires.
Pictures of Wound type CT
Bushing CTs

• These CTs are specially constructed to fit around a

bushing. They are mounted in a transformer or circuit


• For currents greater than 100 A,

This consists of a cylindrical ring core built up of thin

iron laminations. Around the core is wound copper wire

which forms the secondary winding. The primary winding

is formed by the bushing conductor

Bushing Type of CT
Window current transformer

• In this type of CT, through the core and

secondary winding, there is an insulated hole
through which the one can place a conductor.
Term & Definitions in a CT.

Rated Primary Current:
The value of primary current which specified by manufacturer
(shall be based on customer/purchaser requirements). E.g.
3000A, 1600A, 450A, etc.

Secondary Current:
The value of secondary current which specified by manufacturer
(has been standardized). E.g. 1A or 5A.

Current Ratio:
The ratio of Rated Primary Current to Rated Secondary Current.
E.g. 3000/1A, 1600/5A. etc.
• Rated Burden:

The burden assigned by manufacturer at which the

current transformer performs with specified accuracy

expressed in VA. Connected burden shall be less than

specified rated burden.

• Burden:

Total load connected across the secondary of current

transformer expressed in VA or  at rated secondary

Rated Short Time Thermal Current (Ith)
This is the rms value of the primary current, which the C.T. will
withstand for one second without suffering any internal damage or other
harmful effects with the secondary being short-circuited.

This rating is for a very short time and it is usually assumed that the
entire heat generated is stored in the primary winding itself.
Ith​³​Isc x √[t + 0.05 x 50] KA rms.
Where​Ith - Rated short time thermal current for 1 sec.
Isc - Short circuit current at C.T. location in KA rms
t - short circuit duration in sec.
f - Rated system frequency.
For system frequency of 50 Hertz
Ith​³​Isc √[t + 0.05] KA rms.
Rated Dynamic Current (I dyn)
It is the peak value of the primary current, which the
transformer will withstand without being damaged
electrically or mechanically by the resulting
electromagnetic forces, the secondary winding being short-
The maximum value of this current can be 2.5 times the
rated short time thermal current (Ith)

I dyn​=​2.5 Ith

• Accuracy Class:

The class assigned to the current transformer with

the specified limits of ratio error and phase angle

error. Accuracy class specifies by BS & IEC

standard. E.g. X, 5P, 10P, 0.2, 0.5, 1,etc.

Class X, 5P, 10P for protection. Class 0.2, 0.5 for

Instrument Security Factor (ISF)
Common definition
The rated instrument security factor is the smallest
primary current at which an instrumentation core
exhibits a current error of 10%.
The Instrument Security Factor ISF is the ratio of the
rated instrument safety current to rated primary current.

• The instrument security factor defines the behavior of

a metering C.T. core under over-current conditions.
Accuracy Limit Factor definition
• The accuracy limit current is the highest primary
current at which a current transformer still meets the
specified requirements as regards total error. The
accuracy limit factor is the ratio of the accuracy
limit current to the rated primary current.
• The standardized accuracy limit factors are 5, 10,
15, 20 and 30.
Rated Primary and Secondary Current
 These are the values of the primary and secondary
current on which the performance of the current
transformer is based.
• Standard values of primary currents are:

5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 75, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400,
600, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000 and above.
•  Standard values of secondary currents as per BS
3938 are 5A, 2A and 1A and as per IEC, 5A or 1A.
Secondary current
100 amps (20 x 5)

Terminal Volts = 100

Burden of
Devices ()
Primary current Total Ext
24,000 amps Burden
(20 x 1200) CT 1.0 
Burden of
1200:5 Leads ()
C or T100
Terminal Volts = (20 times rated) (Total external burden)

100 Volts = (100 amps) (1.0  )

IEEE CT Relay Accuracy
Standard IEEE CT Burdens (5 Amp)
(Per IEEE Std. C57.13-1993)
Application Burden Impedance VA @ Power
Designation (Ohms) 5 amps Factor

Relaying B1 1 25 0.5
B2 2 50 0.5
B4 4 100 0.5
B8 8 200 0.5
CT Burden Calculation

ZT = RCT + RL + ZB
ZT = Total burden in ohms (vector summation of
resistance and inductance components)
RCT = CT secondary resistance in ohms @75 deg C (DCR)
RL = Resistance of leads in ohms (Total loop distance)
ZB = Device impedance in ohms

Assumption: 3 phase CTs are “Y” connected

100:5 C.T. Secondary Winding Resistance (DCR) = .062 ohm
Resistance of Cable from C.T. to Relay and back = .1 ohms
Resistance of Relay Coil = .02 ohms
Total Resistance = .182 ohms

.062 .02


If we have a fault of 2,000 amps and the C.T. ratio is 100:5 then the C.T.
secondary current is 100 amps. Therefore we will produce a voltage of 100
amps x .182 ohms = 18.2 Volts. To prevent CT saturation, select a CT with a
knee point above 18.2 Volts.
780-102 is a 1000 to 5 CT, Class C100
1000:5 C.T. Secondary Winding Resistance (DCR) = .32 ohm
Resistance of Cable from C.T. to Relay and back = .1 ohms
Resistance of Relay Coil = .008 ohms
Total Resistance = .428 ohms

.32 .008


If we have a fault of 20,000 amps and the C.T. ratio is 1000:5 then the C.T.
secondary current is 100 amps. Therefore we will produce a voltage of 100
amps x .428 ohms = 42.8 Volts. To prevent CT saturation, select a CT with a
knee point above 42.8 Volts.
What happens if the fault current is 40,000 amps?
CT Characteristics Curve

• CT errors results from the excitation current, so in

order to check the ct function its essential to
measure the excitation curve.
• This curve is the best method of determining a
CT’s performance. It is a graph of the amount of
magnetizing current required to generate an open-
circuit voltage at the terminals of the unit.
Current Transformer Knee-point
•The curve above describe a characteristic, indicating
three regions namely:
(i) Ankle point
(ii) Linear or straight line region
(iii) Knee point
• The knee point voltage indicates the voltage above
which the C.T. enters into saturation and exciting
current increases rapidly with a very little increase
in voltage.
• The point at which C.T is saturate where 10%
increase in voltage causes a 50% increase in
magnetizing current.
• The working range of a metering C.T., is from the
Ankle point to the Knee point and slightly beyond it.
• Thus the metering C.T., operates between 10% and
120% of the rated current and saturates beyond this in
order to protect the metering instruments.

A case study of Estimation of Burden, Knee Point

Voltage, Accuracy Class etc of a Protective Current
Requirement of a C.T. to protect a 15 MVA,
132/33 KV Delta/Star connected transformer.

Data available
% Impedance of Transformer = 10
Fault level at 132KV side = 1400 MVA
Transformer full load current per phase
= 15 x 106_____
3 x 132 x 103
= 65.61 A
Hence select primary current = 100 A
i.e. Ip = 100 A

Select secondary current Is as 5A. A 5A C.T secondary has a

winding resistant of less than 1.0 ohm. A typical value may be
chosen as 0.601 ohms.

(a)Distance from C.T to Relay control panel as 100
metres and C.T. secondary leads of 10 sq mm. (RL =
0.1627 ohms for 100 metres).

(b)Connected relays are GEC CDG 11 over-current

and earth fault relays with VA burden of 1.8 and 4
Relay burden =IS2RS + 2IS2RL + VA of (OCR + EFR)

=(5) 2 0.601 + 2(5) 2 0.1627 + (1.8 + 4)

= 15.0 + 8.135 + 5.8
= 28.935 VA
Hence select relay burden or output as 30 VA
Select Accuracy class 5 P 20
Knee point voltage

Vk = VA x ALF__
Sec. current

= 30 x 20
= 600
= 120 V
Fault current at C.T. installation = 1400 x 106 ___
3 x 132 x 103
= 6123.6 A
or 6.124 KA= Isc

Ith  Isc [t + 0.05] KA rms for 1 sec

Assume operating time of breakers, relays etc = 1

Ith  6.124 [1.05]
 6.275 KA rms
Select Ith as 10 KA rms for 1 sec
Ith short time rating = 10 KA rms for 1 sec.

Idyn = 2.5 Ith =2.5 x 10 = 25 KA for 1 sec.

Hence complete specifications for this protection C T will

Voltage class:132 KV
Primary current: 100 A
Highest System Voltage: 145 KV
Secondary current: 5 A
Accuracy class: 5 P 20
Vk: 120 V.
Ith:10 KA rms for 1 sec.
Idyn: 25 KA for 1 sec.
CT Nameplate
Schematic Diagram
Types of CT Test
1. Polarity test
2. Excitation test

3. Insulation Test
4. continuity Test
5. Ratio Test
Voltage Transformer (VT)

• An instrument transformer used to reflect a primary voltage

into a secondary voltage through a magnetic medium.
Always connected in parallel with primary conductor across
a circuit load.
Equation of VT:

• Secondary (measuring) voltage is usually 115 or 120
volts nominally. The secondary voltage level is selected
for ease of measurement and safety.
Voltage Transformer
Voltage Transformer Errors
• Primary source of errors is overloading
the transformer.
• Ratio error:

   Represents the difference between the primary

voltage multiplied by the transformation ratio
and the secondary voltage.
• Phase Error:
  Represents the phase difference between the
primary side and the secondary side.

Delta= θ(Vp)-θ(Vs)
Secondary earthing of voltage transformers

• To prevent secondary circuits from reaching

dangerous potential, the circuits should be earthed.
Earthing should be made at only one point of a VT
secondary circuit .
VT Accuracy Class

Voltage Transformer Accuracy:

Accuracy Grade : represents the ratio and phase error in the transformer.
Voltage Factor: represents the transformer withstand voltage for 30 sec
or for some VT's continuous. 
maximum primary voltage can the VT withstand depends on earthling
system and VT primary connection.
IEC specifies
the voltage factors:
1.9 for systems not being solidly earthed.
1.5 for solidly earthed systems.
• Accuracy power: or the burden is the rated load
that the VT can supply at the rated voltage.
• The standardized values are:

10 - 15 - 25 - 30 - 50 - 75 - 100 - 150 - 200 - 300 -

400 – 500 – VA.
• Note: VT must never be short-circuited on the
secondary, because the power supplied increases and
the transformer can be damaged by the resulting heat
Voltage Transformer Nameplate

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