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1. Teleperformance 2. Strategy 3. The selection of moderators


3. The process
First site
In 1996 Teleperformance Footprint

80 Nearshore Mexico
sites Aguascalientes Mexico City
Chihuahua Monterrey
Durango Pachuca
Guadalajara Puebla Dominican Republic
Hermosillo Santo Domingo
50 Nearshore
countries Honduras

Market leader in
Nearshore / Guatemala
LATAM El Salvador Costa Rica
San Salvador San Jose

6000+ Nearshore Georgetown

workstations Colombia
1000+ Employees Lima

Value Added Offerings Digital CX Consulting Approach
Sales Sales Consulting / Value
Industry Focus Advance Analytics
Tech Support Offer
Process Mapping & AI
BackOffice TAP/ Discovery
Transformation Trust & Safety Intelligent Assessmets
Collections Automation Solution Design
Tech solutions &

Development Business Drivers

Teamwork Business /Market Strategy
- Growth
Skills Digital Strategy - Profitability
Growth New Business Models - Potential

One Team, One Dream- Working together, building together

The selection of moderators
• Content moderation is a specially • From the psycological perspective, three key
demnding LOB, therefore TP has elements are tested, to undesrstand emotiona
developed a hiring process that takes into intelligence and stability
accounts many more selection factors to • Emotional attentivenes: can I tend to my
ensure the people hired as moderators are feelings in an adequate manner
the right persons for the job. Besides the • Emotional clarity: can I clearly identify mey
typical selection factors. The following had eamotional state
been added to the matrix: • Emotional capacity to restore my self and form
• Social network usage and typo of use those and the tracking of moderators we have
• What kind of content consumes on
internet • Moderators should have a very strong dupport
network in family and friends
• Content creatiion iniciatives • Great amotional conciusness and capacity to
• Attitude towardss different types of express emotions
content • Be resilient.
The process
• The moderation process srtarts with the AI
tool filtering all content according to
community guidelines to extract all content
that does not meet the community
gudeliness. The AI intervention is broad
and requires human intervention
• TP Content moderator provide the
appropriate context in things like language
use, slang, cultural differences, behavioral
differences, movement differences,
amongst others
• To ensure the moderation process takes
into account all of these differences que
have developed a proces of

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