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Personal Recount Text

Biographical Recount Text
Personal Recount Text

A personal recount usually retells an experience in which the writer was

personally involved. It describes past experiences by retelling events. It presents
the events chronologically (in order in which they happened).
Generic structure of personal recount text consists of:
 Title (Optional)
 Orientation (it provides the background information. It answers the questions:
Who? When? Where? Why? What experience?)
 List of events (it presents events. It tells the event chronologically. It uses
conjunctions such as : first, next, then, finally, etc. to show the sequence of
 Reorientation (It presents the concluding comments. It express the writer’s
personal opinion regarding the events described)
• Orientation

(it provides the background information. It answers the questions:

Who? When? Where? Why? What experience?)
(berisi pemaparan tentang tokoh, pristiwa, tempat dan waktu peristiwa
tersebut terjadi).
• List of events

(it presents events. It tells the event chronologically. It uses

conjunctions such as : first, next, then, finally, etc. to show the
sequence of events)
(rangkaian peristiwa/kejadian dari pengalaman tersebut, biasanya
terdiri atas beberapa peristiwa./events)
• Reorientation

(It presents the concluding comments. It express the writer’s personal

opinion regarding the events described)
(rangkuman atau penutup cerita)
The Action Verbs
The Regular and Irregular Verbs
Present Past Present Past
look looked go went
open opened say said
live lived drink drank
laugh laughed eat ate
play played write wrote

such as : first, next, then, after that, finally, etc.

to show the sequence of events)
These are some adverb of time to show past events:
yesterday, on Monday, last holiday, last week, two weeks ago, last
year, that Sunday, yesterday morning, etc.
• I went to SLG last Sunday.
• We played football yesterday.

• We were tired but we wanted to go there again someday.

• I was happy at that time.
Let’s look at the example below
.................. School Holiday
Last school holiday, my family and I spent one night at the
countryside. We stayed in small house. It has one big garden
……………….. with lots of colorful flowers and a swimming pool.
First, we made a fire in front of the house. Then, we sat
……………….. around the fire and sang lot of songs together. After that, we
came into the house and had dinner. Next, we sat in the
living room and watched a movie. Finally everybody fell
asleep there.
We woke up very late in the morning and had breakfast. In
the afternoon we went home. We were all very happy.
Read the example of personal recount text above. Then, follow these
1. Underline the past verbs in the text
2. Circle the connectors in the text
3. Highlight the action verbs
...Title School Holiday
Last school holiday, my family and I spent one night at the
countryside. We stayed in small house. It had one big garden
..Orientation.. with lots of colorful flowers and a swimming pool.
First, we made a fire in front of the house. Then, we sat
…Events.. around the fire and sang lot of songs together. After that, we
came into the house and had dinner. Next, we sat in the
living room and watched a movie. Finally everybody fell a
sleep there.
…Reorienta- We woke up very late in the morning and had breakfast. In
the afternoon we went home. We were all very happy.
Check your comprehension
Answer the questions below. Write your answer in the space provided.
1. What is the topic of the text?
2. The orientation
a. Who spent the holiday?
b. When did they spend the holiday?
c. Where did they spend the holiday?
3. Events
a. What did the writer do first?
b. What did the writer do then?
c. What did the writer do after that?
d. What did the writer do next?
e. What did the writer finally do?
4. How did the writer close the story?
5. Write the verbs used in the text.
Let’s construct texts


Last……, I (and my…)…………………………………..............................................

First, I/We …………………………………………………………………………………………….
After that, I/We…………………………………………………………………………………….
Then, I/We ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Next, I/We ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Finally, I/We …………………………………………………………………………………………
It was a (nice, bad, tiring, interesting) holiday. I/We felt……………………….
Last holiday, I went fishing with my dad. We went to the river near
our house. It’s not that far so we just rode our bicycles.
First, we looked for a good place to sit. Then, we started fishing. We
sat there for more than three hours, but it wasn’t our lucky day. Finally,
we couldn’t get any fish.
We were very tired, so we rode back home.

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