Explanation Text: Dibuat Oleh

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Dibuat oleh

Fathir Putra
Imam Buchori
Definition And Purpose Of
Explanation Text

Explanation is a text which tells processes

relating to forming of natural, social,
scientific and cultural phenomena.
Explanation text is to say ‘why’ and ‘how’ of
the forming of the phenomena. It is often
found in science, geography and history text
Language -Featuring generic participant; sun,

Feature Of rain, etc

-Using chronological connection; to
begin with, next, etc
Explanation -Using passive voice pattern
-Using simple present tense
Generic Structure Of
Explanation Text
- General statement; stating the
phenomenon issues which are to be
- Sequenced explanation; stating a
series of steps which explain the
Example of explanation text

How Plane Can Fly?

Now, almost everyday we see planes are flying above. Inside, there are hundreds of
people sitting, walking, even running. Have you ever wondered why such a heavy
metal object can float so freely in the air? How can the airplanes fly like birds?

Do you know that airplanes can generate energy? That is why this object can fly,
because of the force. Such a force, scientifically called as Lift, can move an
airplane upward. How come?
There are mainly four forces which contribute to fly an airplane. They are Weight, Thrust,
Drag and Lift. How do those work? First, to move an airplane forward, the Thrust created
by the engines must be greater than the force produced by the air resistance called as Drag.

Second, to move the airplane upward, it needs enough forward motion. The airplane can
only fly if the force of Lift is much greater than in Weight. This process can push an
airplane to fly.

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