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2022 challenges and plans for


Martyn Robbins
Orange Group Fraud and RA
December 2022

2022 Challenges and 2023 Plans
Evolution of Fraud Risk Environment in 2022

 Current affairs and world events continue to affect our fraud risk environment in Africa
– Some events across the globe are affecting us

 In recent years – Covid 19

– We adapted and managed the effects of the pandemic
– Continued adapting in 2022

 War in Ukraine
– Suffered Wangiri/AIT specifically related to Ukraine
– Russia - More sanctions monitoring required on partnerships
– Food supplies locally affected
– Energy concerns – Cost and supply

 Cost of Living Crisis

– Pushing more people towards criminal activity
– Increased impact on victims

Orange Restricted
2022 Challenges and 2023 Plans
Hot Topics in 2022 – Mobile Money Fraud

 Customer accounts are the most common target for fraudsters in 2022
– Fraudsters attempting to hijack customer accounts

 Scams
– Phishing, Impersonation – Trying to trick customers

 SIM Swapping
– Getting customer care to activate SIM in fraudsters possession
– Many reports and cases in recent months – Seems to be growing

 We are also seeing an increasing number of technical attacks against our mobile money systems
– Greatest impact in terms of financial losses
– Fraudsters capability and understanding is increasing

Orange Restricted
2022 Challenges and 2023 Plans
Hot Topics in 2022 - Impersonation Fraud

 Fraudsters impersonate executives, vendors etc. to trick employees into making a payment
– Fraudsters target companies using social engineering techniques
– Aim is usually to convince finance to perform a bank transfer
– Impersonation Fraud continues to be a threat to business across the globe

 Several examples of high-profile businesses losing huge amounts!

– Victims include big names, such as Michelin, KPMG and Nestle - French company Green Giant were defrauded of €17m!
– German cable company Leoni lost €40m
– It is likely that the real figures are much higher as businesses are reluctant to report being defrauded in this way

 Impersonation Fraud continues to be a threat

– We have seen many attempts across the Orange group and in Africa in 2022
– Attempted attacks range from basic to sophisticated

 Fraudsters methods are evolving

– Impersonating a wider range of people, wider use of CLI spoofing, using voice cloning technology and video calls

Orange Restricted
2022 Challenges and 2023 Pla ns
Hot Topics in 2022 -Evolution of International Revenue Share Fraud

 IRSF is not a new threat but continues to be a challenge

– IRSF affects all our African entities
– Attempted attacks are increasing

 The usual IRSF scenarios still exist

– Wangiri
– SMS Phishing
– PBX Hacking
– Fraudulent subscriptions

 IRSF evolution - we are seeing different platforms targeted

– Our Voice Over IP (VoIP) services are being attacked
– Remote attacks, often out of hours

Orange Restricted
2022 Challenges and 2023 Plans
Continued development in 2023

 Continue to monitor, understand and respond to world events

– This is part of our ongoing fraud cycle and intelligence process
– Highlights the importance of crisis planning

 Collaboration is important – Internally and externally

– Enhances our ability to anticipate and tackle problems
– Keep communicating

 Monitor and understand new and evolving products and services

– Example – ESIM is a new threat vector
– New SIM replacement processes potentially create new vulnerabilities/threat scenarios
– Additional devices may pose a new threat (such as smart watch etc)

 Fraud awareness is important!

– Raising the level of fraud awareness will help us identify potential risky situations and fraudulent behaviour
– Internally and externally

Orange Restricted

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