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Lesson 2

The Steady Beat of


 performs echo clapping

maintains a steady beat when
chanting, walking, tapping, clapping,
and playing musical instrument
Differentiate sound
from silence.
Watch the video clip
about “The beat is the
heart of music.” Then
answer the following
1. According to the song, what
is “the heart of music”?
2. What can you say about the
beat of the song?
3. Give other things that create
a steady beat or sound.
Music has beat. The beat is a pulse that can be felt or
heard repeatedly in a steady manner. You can feel and hear
it all around you. It is like the heartbeat you feel in your
body. You can feel the beat by counting silently. Listen to
the tick-tock of the clock. You can hear the beat.
Stomp your right foot. Move your hands and arms in a
waving position. You can feel the beat in your body. You
move your body to the beat of music. You feel the steady
beats of a song.
The beat of music can be
shown by each action as
clapping, stomping one’s
feet, and other body
Clap your hands 1,2, and 3. That is the steady beat. It can be
represented by a line ( | ).
Say ta for each steady beat. Look at the example.
Below is a regular pace called steady beat.

There is a beat when you clap, tap, stomp your feet,

or chant.
Core Value
Music has beat and so us. Our steady beat in
life is when we are focused on our goal from the
beginning until the end. What we need to do is to
have a discipline especially in oneself so that we
will not be out of tuned with our self and with our
values. The goal that will be pleasing in the eyes
of our Lord and that will glorify him.

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