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Department of Environment and Natural Resources


Name of Presenter
Name of Event
FIPA was conceptualized to address:
• Long tedious documentary requirements processing
• Overlapping plans and non-accordance with national and
local priority plans
• Non-compliant investment plans to government rules and
• Formulation of forestry-science based and area-specific plans
Why Forestry Investment Portfolio Approach?
Development of forest Forestry projects in
investment portfolio package accordance with National
for investors and Local priority plans

Provision of
necessary technical

Establishment and
Facilitation of tenure instruments Strengthening of Linkage
and documentary requirements with various stakeholders
Existing Approach vs. Forestry Investment
Approach (FIPA)
Parameter Existing FIPA
DENR’s role is limited DENR with concerned agencies and
Survey, Mapping, Assessment
particularly in site identification stakeholders shall undertake all the
and Planning
and mapping preparatory activities

DENR in coordination with

Private investor shall secure all
Securing of Requirements concerned agencies shall secure
needed requirements
needed requirements

DENR to prepare development

Formulation of Development Private investor to prepare
plans and develop investment
Plans development plans
Definition of Terms

• Forestry Investment Portfolio Approach (FIPA) –

refers to the strategy in the development of investment
portfolio packages (plans) on potential forestry
business to facilitate and encourage development
capital in forestry in the form of investment by women
and men from the private sector.
Definition of Terms

• Forestry Investment Portfolio Package – refers to a

package consists of investment development plan with
necessary documentary requirements in the issuance of
tenure instrument and draft appropriate tenure
Definition of Terms
• Forestry Investment Development Plan – is an
individual plan of forestry investment project for best
potential use of an area such as forest plantation, cattle
grazing, eco-tourism outside NIPAS areas, other
ecosystem services, and among others. It is a written
document describing the nature of the business, the
sales and marketing strategy, schedule of return of
investment, internal rate of return, initial investment
requirement, and the financial background, including
the projected profit and loss statement.
Scope and Coverage

This Order shall cover untenured production forest

lands with Forest Land Use Plan (FLUP). This shall
offer an investment Forestry Investment Portfolio
Package which shall include the forestry investment
development plan, all documentary requirements, (e.g.
CNO, CNC, LGU endorsement, and others) and draft
(appropriate) forest tenure instrument.
Potential Forestry Investment Projects
Potential investment areas that can be explored and implemented
include but not limited to the following:

Forest Plantation Ecotourism

(Timber, Non-timber,
Fuelwood/Biomass, High
Outside NIPAS
Value Crops,)

Projects dependent
Cattle Grazing on/providing other forest
ecosystem services

FIPA Process
Bidding and Awarding
Creation of FIRC and Review and Approval
of the Approved
FIPA TWG for FIPP of Forestry Investment
Forestry Investment
Preparation Portfolio Package
Portfolio Package

Approval of Forest
Assessment Phase Packaging Phase Tenure Instrument

Securing of
Documentary Formulation Phase Implementation Phase
Requirements Phase
Creation of Forestry Investment Review Committee
(FIRC) and Technical Working Group (TWG) for the
Forestry Investment Portfolio Package Preparation
FIRC Functions FIRC Composition • Chief/Rep, SMD
• Chairperson: • Chief/Rep, CDD
1. Oversee Forestry Investment
ARD for TS • Concerned
Portfolio Package preparation.
• Vice PENR Officer;
2. Review and recommend its Chairperson : • Concerned
approval to the RED. ARD for MS CENR Officer;
Members : • Rep, MGB
• Chief/Rep, LPDD • Rep, EMB
• Chief/Rep PMD
• Chief/Rep, Fin.
Creation of Forestry Investment Review Committee
(FIRC) and Technical Working Group (TWG) for the
Forestry Investment Portfolio Package Preparation
FIRC • Chief/Rep, Fin. FIRC Functions
Composition Div. 1. Oversee Forestry Investment
• Chairperson: • Chief/Rep, SMD Portfolio Package preparation
ARD for TS • Chief/Rep, CDD
2. Review and recommend its
• Vice • Concerned PENR
approval to the RED.
Chairperson : Officer
ARD for MS • Concerned CENR
Members : Officer
• Chief/Rep, LPDD • Rep, MGB
• Chief/Rep PMD • Rep, EMB
Creation of Forestry Investment Review Committee
(FIRC) and Technical Working Group (TWG) for the
Forestry Investment Portfolio Package Preparation
FIPATWG Composition FIPATWG Functions
• Chairperson: PENRO Chief, TS 1. Identify and assess potential investment areas;
2. Prepare Forestry Investment Development Plan
Division (where the project is located) of potential areas;
• PENRO Chief, MS Division; 3. Endorse the Forestry Investment Development
• Rep, PENRO Planning Section; Plan to the FIRC for vetting;
4. Secure necessary clearances and endorsement;
• Rep, PENRO/CENRO, CDS 5. Prepare Forestry Investment Portfolio Package;
• Rep, PENRO/CENRO RPS; 6. Endorse the Forestry Investment Portfolio
• Rep, PENRO/CENRO MES; Package to the FIRC for review and approval;
7. Regular monitoring of project implementation;
• Rep, CENRO Planning and Support and
Unit 8. All other tasks necessary to carry out its primary
Assessment Phase
Identification of Area
within Production
Forest with PIAs

Conduct of SMAP

Identification of
Potential Projects and
Appropriate Forest
Tenure Instrument
Conduct of Feasibility
Comparison and
Selection of
Securing of Documentary Requirements Phase
The FIPATWG shall secure necessary clearances, and other requirements in the
Forestry Investment Portfolio Package from the concerned government agencies/offices:
• Endorsement from the LGU concerned;
• Certificate of Non-Overlap (CNO) from the National Commission on Indigenous
Peoples (NCIP).
• Certificate of Non-Coverage (CNC) from the Environmental Management Bureau
• Strategic Environmental Plan (SEP) Clearance from the Palawan Council for
Sustainable Development (PCSD), in case the area is in Palawan.
For investment areas needing Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) and/or
Free and Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) or Certification Pre-condition (CP). The
proponent shall secure the ECC, FPIC, or CP. The DENR shall provide technical
assistance, as necessary.
Formulation Phase
Formulate the Forestry Investment Development Plan based on
the data gathered and recommendations from the assessment
phase. The Plan should be consistent with existing national and
local development and management plans.
Packaging Phase
Package the Forestry Investment Portfolio which shall include the
forestry investment development plan, all documentary requirements,
(e.g. CNO, CNC, , LGU endorsement and others) and draft
(appropriate) forest tenure instrument.

If project activity needs Certificate Precondition from the NCIP, and

Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) from the EMB, the
proponent shall secure such requirements once the tenure instrument is
approved and awarded to the proponent.
Review and Approval of Forest Investment
Portfolio Package
Upon completion, the Forest Investment Portfolio Package
shall be forwarded to the FIRC for review and endorsement to
the Regional Executive Director for approval. The RED shall
provide clearance/approval before bidding of the investment
package by the Regional Office.
Bidding and Awarding of the Approved
Forestry Investment Portfolio Package
The FIPA Package shall be offered to interested and
qualified parties through public bidding. A bid/floor price shall
be based on the actual costs incurred in the development of the
package. The package shall be awarded to the winning bidder.
In this case, the winning bidder shall be the one who offers the
highest bid.
Registry of Investment Areas
A registry of areas shall be established by DENR RENRO,
PENRO and CENRO. It shall include the FIPA package
documents. The registry shall be made available through the
DENR website, public notices posted at the DENR Regional,
PENR and CENR Offices and at the Provincial, City,
Municipal and Barangay Offices concerned.
Approval of Forest Tenure Instrument
Upon acceptance by the winning bidder,
applicable forest tenure instrument shall be issued
in accordance with the existing guidelines.
Implementation Phase
The winning bidder may incorporate changes to the
Forestry Investment Development Plan. Within ninety (90)
days upon receipt of award notice, the investor shall submit the
revised investment plan to the DENR Regional Office
concerned for review and approval. Otherwise, the winning
bidder shall start implementing the activities in the investment
Monitoring and Evaluation
The Regional Office concerned shall conduct the regular
monitoring of the FIPA project based on the existing guidelines
and standards for monitoring and shall submit an annual report
to the Secretary copy furnished the Forest Management Bureau
for monitoring purposes.
Capacity Building
The DENR through the Forest Management Bureau shall
develop a continuing program on capacity building for the
Regional field offices to enhance the knowledge and skills on
FIPA planning and development.
The DENR shall allocate funds for the implementation of
the activities stipulated in this Order. The DENR Regional
Offices shall prepare and submit Work and Financial Plan to be
incorporated in the General Appropriations Act (GAA).
In summary,
To Adopt a Forest Investment Portfolio Approach
DENR to develop a Forest Investment Portfolio
Package with Forest Investment Development Plan in
open access area within forestland complete with all the
necessary requirements permits, certification,
clearances, endorsements and other documentary
requirements including appropriate tenure instrument –
for bidding to private investors.
Expected Outputs
• Survey, Mapping, Planning and Assessment (SMAP) Report
• Development plan
• Requirements needed (CNC/ECC ,CNO/CP, LGU
endorsement, etc) (reports should include the process),
• Draft tenurial instrument
• Completion report
• Financial report
Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Forest Investment Portfolio Approach
Name of Presenter
Name of Event

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