Diseases of Major Organs

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Diseases That Affect the Major

Organs of the Human Body and

Ways to Keep Them Healthy
Proper Care Toward
One’s Body
Causes and Treatment of
Diseases of the Major Organs
Brain Diseases
Common Diseases Descriptions Causes Treatments
Alzheimer’s Disease irreversible loss of attributed to aging and medicines and other
(AD) neurons and loss of stress types of supplements
intellectual abilities may help slow down

Dementia brain cell damage that depression, medical Prescribed

may lead to side effects, excessive medications, therapy,
Alzheimer’s disease alcohol intake, vitamin proper diet, physical
deficiency exercise
Brain Diseases
Common Diseases Descriptions Causes Treatments
Stroke Inability to move one Loss of blood supply in Being referred to a
or more limbs on one the brain caused by neurologist, therapy,
side of the body hemorrhage prescribed medication

Parkinson’s Disease Progressive loss of Lack of dopamine- a Prescribed

muscle control which simple organic medications, physical
results in difficulty in substance in the brain therapy, surgery
walking, talking, and
completing simple
Brain Tumor Group of similar cells High radiation Treated with surgery,
that does not follow exposure radiation therapy, and
normal growth, later on chemotherapy
developed into a large
mass of cells
Heart Diseases

Congenital Heart Disease ( Blue Congestive Heart Failure

Baby Syndrome)
Is a condition most common to older
Is an abnormality present at birth which people most common to older people. It
might have affected the fetus as it occurs when the heart can no longer
developed in the uterus of its mother’s pump blood to the rest of the body
womb. parts.
Heart Diseases

Angina or Chest Pain Congestive Heart Failure

Is a condition that often causes pain or Is a condition caused by one or more attacks
tightness in the chest area, creating a of rheumatic fever, which usually occurs in
sort of “squeezing” sensation that is childhood caused y an infection that
weakens the heart muscle and damaging the
sometimes accompanied by indigestion.
sac and the valves.
Heart Diseases
High Blood Pressure or Hypertension

Is a condition that results due to

excessive force of blood being pumped
through the blood vessels.
Lung Diseases

Asthma Tuberculosis

Is a condition wherein the airways are One of the fatal respiratory problems, is
inflamed, causing wheezing and caused by a bacterial infection that
shortness of breath. mainly affects the lungs.
Lung Diseases

Allergies Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary

Disease (COPD)
Are usually caused by infections or any
type of pollution that can trigger Is a condition characterized by the
asthma symptoms. inability to exhale normally, which
results to difficulty in breathing.
Lung Diseases

Pneumonia Chronic Bronchitis

Usually starts when you breath the Is an inflammation of the bronchial

germs into your lungs. You are mostly tubes that causes cough with mucus,
to acquire this this disease after having shortness of breath, wheezing, and
a cold or flu, especially if it is not chest tightness for a long period of time
treated properly. or sometimes chronically.
Illnesses Affecting the liver

Diseases Descriptions Causes Treatments

Cirrhosis Permanent wound of the liver, Regular and large amount of Medications, liver transplant
which is fatal alcohol intake
Hepatitis A Ingestion of contaminated food Contaminated food or water; No specific treatment; rest and
or water that usually results to direct contact to stool or blood of proper healthful diet is advised;
yellowing of the skin or the a person that has the disease vaccination
whites of the eyes known as

Hepatitis B Inflammatory illness transmitted Caused by a virus or toxin such Medications, liver transplant,
by exposure to infectious blood as alcohol vaccination
or body fluids
Liver Cancer Also known as hepatic cancer Caused by hepatitis B or Surgery that includes removal of
that migrates in the liver Hepatitis C infections, cirrhosis the affected section of the liver;
of the liver, diabetes mellitus, liver transplantation;
exposure to toxins, steroids, chemotherapy
Stomach Problems

Indigestion or Dyspepsia Gastritis

Is a common feeling of discomfort Is the inflammation of the stomach

experienced in the upper belly or lining caused by too much alcohol
abdomen during or after eating a meal. drinking, long use of anti-inflammatory
drugs, or infections of bacteria.
Stomach Problems

Stomach Bleeding Peptic Ulcer

Is a sore in the inner lining of the Is caused by bacteria that cause the
stomach usually caused by gastritis and weakening of the stomach walls which
sometimes may cause tumors or cancer release an acid that causes the pain.
of the stomach.
Intestinal Problems
Diseases Descriptions Causes Treatments
Colitis Inflammation of the large Invasion of virus, bacteria, Physical examinations,
intestine or the colon that parasite in the small or large complete blood count, and
cause abdominal pain, loss of intestines urinalysis are some of the
appetite, fatigue, diarrhea tests done; prescription of
cramping, urgency to urinate, medications depends on the
and bloating diagnosis

Constipation Refers to bowel movement Improper habit (bowel Taking of food high in fiber
that are infrequent or hard to movement), diet, overuse of such as fruits and vegetables;
pass that causes painful laxatives, hormonal disorders prescribed medications
Intestinal Problems
Diseases Descriptions Causes Treatments
Diarrhea Condition of having three or Viral, bacterial, and parasitic Intake of prescribed
more loose or liquid bowel infections; food poisoning; medications
movement per day that intake of medication
causes dehydration

Gastroenteritis Also known as or stomach flu Bacterial or viral infection; Seeking immediate relief
in an inflammation of both eating raw or uncooked food such as lying down, drinking
the stomach and the small tea or ginger, hydrating;
intestine resulting in diarrhea, eating ice chips, avoiding
vomiting, and cramping solid food intake; vaccination
Kidney Diseases

Kidney Stones Kidney Cysts

Are solid masses made up of tiny Take the place of the normal tissue
crystals that become stones, which can enlarging the kidneys and making them
be found both in the kidney and in the work poorly, that leads to kidney
ureter at the same time. failure.
Kidney Diseases

Kidney Cancer

Is a type of cancer that starts in the

kidney cells. It usually starts with the
development of a mass of tissue in the
abdomen and/ or the presence of blood
in the urine.
Gallbladder Disease


Also called as cholelithiasis, are made

up of cholesterol that builds up in the
right upper abdomen.
Illnesses Affecting the Pancreas

Pancreatitis Diabetes

Is an inflammation of the pancreas Is a chronic disease caused by the

characterized by severe abdominal inability of the pancreas to produce
burning pain radiating to the back, insulin or to use it in a proper way.
nausea, and vomiting, which is
worsened when the individual eats.
Illnesses Affecting the Pancreas

Pancreatic Cancer

Occurs when uncontrolled cell growth

begins in the pancreas. This abnormal
cell tissue divides, and forms lumps or
masses of tissue called a tumor.
Spleen Problems
A simple viral illness may affect the spleen. Infections such as hepatitis and malaria
may affect your spleen

Blood Disorder
If the spleen is not functioning well, it may become enlarged- trapping normal red
blood cells- which may worsen anemia.

Splenic Rupture
I usually cause by a trauma in a car accident, injury during contact sports, bicycle
accidents, and domestic violence, which is potentially dangerous and life threatening.
Urinary Bladder Problems

Refers to the urinary bladder inflammation also referred as Urinary Tract Infection

Bladder Rupture
Happens when the bladder is overfilled and not emptied.
Common Diseases of the Bones
Diseases Descriptions Causes Treatments
Fracture A condition in which there is Fracture due to heavy fall, Surgical or nonsurgical
a break in the continuity of road accident, and/ or fight procedure may be done
the bone

Osteoporosis A progressive bone disease Poor nutrition; lack of protein Taking of hormones such as
characterized by a decrease in and vitamins; inactivity estrogen and calcium
bone mass and the density
that may increase risk of
Common Diseases of the Bones
Diseases Descriptions Causes Treatments
Arthritis Inflammation of the joints, Infection of the joints; trauma Physical therapy, prescribed
which is characterized with to the joint; aging medications, surgery
joint pain located at the
affected joint

Bone Tumor Characterized by a growth Abnormal growths found in Chemotherapy. Radiotherapy,

tissue in the bone, which can the bones medication, medication,
either be benign or malignant surgical treatment
Common Diseases of the Bones
Diseases Descriptions Causes Treatments
Bone Cancer May begin in any bone, but Growth of the cell in an Surgery, radiation therapy,
most likely affects the long uncontrolled way and chemotherapy
bones of the arms and the
Disorders Affecting the Muscles

Sprain Strain

Is a stretched or torn ligament. Sprain Is a stretched or torn muscle or tendon.

may be caused by falling, twisting, and Strain may happen suddenly or can be
getting hit by a hard object. develop over time.
Disorders Affecting the Muscles

Muscle Cramps Strain

Are sudden involuntary contractions or Is a stretched or torn muscle or tendon.

spasms that may occur after an exercise Strain may happen suddenly or can be
or at night, which is very painful. develop over time.
Disorders Affecting the Muscles

Muscle Dystrophy Myositis

Is a condition characterized with Ian an inflammation of the muscles that

muscle weakness and muscle loss. you use to move your body.
Care for the Major Organs of the Human Body
1. Practice good nutrition habits.

2. Stay physically active.

Care for the Major Organs of the Human Body
3. Sleep well.

4. Take time to relax.

Care for the Major Organs of the Human Body
5. Fight for clean air.

6. Choose natural products.

Care for the Major Organs of the Human Body
7. Watch your medications.

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